Friday, July 03, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 7/3/20
“Freedom Is Not Free.”  (Korean War Memorial)  It is frustrating to see how our constitutional American freedoms are so misunderstood by “patriots” on both sides these days.  Weren’t they paying attention during Civics Class?  Some of my friends were in the Korean War.  Was it in vain?  36,524 deaths?  103,284 wounded?  8,177 still missing?  What a poignant memorial in DC!  What was sacrificed for freedom is more than what’s shown in a M*A*S*H episode.  ;-)  Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Biblical history has always intrigued me somewhat the same in seeing the depravity of paganism taking out its demented anger on the temple, temple artifacts and God's called out people themselves . . . the New Testament brings the same for the Christians, even though it centered more on them personally as they had not yet formed the religious structure and artifacts as seen so often today and now under attacked by some. 0;-/===JACK:  As a kid, I was amazed at the story of the people marching around the walls of Jericho until they cam "a-tumbli' down."===REV:   It just dawned on me too, many times God would say to Israel, don't leave anything standing, destroy it all and don't carry off any of the pagans’ treasure . . . if we were the ones born in the "the Promised Land" countries Israel was taking over (by God's command to them), I would think we would have to work through judgmental and prejudice thoughts like Rahab or other "righteous Gentiles" as they were called in the NT. I still don't see a great deal of mutualization, retaliation or calling for the sword with Christ's model!?!? Confusing at time, it is. 0:-/ ===JACK:  Oftentimes it's difficult to live out our beliefs in a non-believing world.  Maybe that's   why our beliefs sometimes are called, "FAITH."

FROM  FACEBOOK LIZ:   left-wing globalists have infiltrated us... every single thing we cherish as americans has been taken from us... every. single. thing.    time to take off the masks and blinders, and fight for our own freedom!    (we had no business fighting in korea, did we?)===JACK:  I thought that your dad had always seemed proud to have served his country.  He was a Marine, wasn't he?

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Words were never truer!  Freedom is not free and We are losing more and more.  Perhaps we are getting what we deserve or perhaps better things are coming.  God only knows!===JACK:  Don't expect a divergent country to promote any kind of religion, except probably a belief in God (in general) like Unitarianism, a religion of many of the Founding Fathers.  "Heaven" will come after we leave this Earth.

FROM GUSTIE:  I don’t think they even went to Civics class.===JACK:  Ask them to define: civics.  A Gustavus grad should be able to do it...easily.===G:  I would define it as government—but also American History would be a good combination===JACK:  ...and how gov't works...from the local level to the national...basic stuff.
FROM JK IN NV:  Thank you thank you   Hear so much about “rights” and too little about “duties” and “responsibilities“  Have a wonderful Independence Day ===JACK:  Thank you thank you
Hear so much about “rights” and too little about “duties” and “responsibilities“
Have a wonderful Independence Day

FROM BB IN CHGO:    Right on point.  I love your comments and the Korean war memorial in DC.  DC is just a wonderful place to explore.  Patriotism is very misunderstood in this country.===JACK:  Lots of stuff seems to ums  be misunderstood... leadership... representation... responsibility.

FROM TL IN SCS:  Thank you for the factual reminder.  My generation focuses so on The Vietnam conflict, so I appreciate the perspective and lesson.  You are still so skillfully and gently speaking from the pulpit. ===JACK:  Vietnam was misunderstood, as are most wars...even the Crusades.  As the song lyric asks: "When will  we ever learn?"

FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  What is really sad is that they do not teach comprehensive civics classes any more an real history in lost in the current educational curriculum. The system is failing the majority of our children. ===JACK: Yes, Civics is missing in too many curriculums.  Most school promote job readiness.  That's important, too.  Ethics, too...but whose ethics?  There's the rub.  Both you and I would agree that neither party is very ethical.

FROM JM IN VA:  The Korean War Memorial is one of our favorite memorials to visit on a summer evening walk.  Thanks for your post. Happy 4th!!...JACK:  Like tombstones (or plaques) in a cemetery...the DC memorials are meant to cause us to stop...and think.  What's it like to walk thru the Arlington Cemetery?

FROM TG ON MI: I pray for our country. Right or wrong our Nation’s Heritage is being destroyed in the name of what!!  How sad that we have come to this.  If we don’t learn from our history, it is destined to repeat itself.  Have a nice 4th Jack and all the best===JACK:  Like it or not, we are living in historical the time of an uprising and pandemic and a most unusual presidency...all happening at the same time.  The toppling of statues is but part of it.  Statues have been toppled before...even in Biblical times.  It's a sign of unrest.     

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