Thursday, July 02, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 7/2/20
“Maybe I wanted to hear it so badly that my ears betrayed my mind in order to secure my heart.”  (Margaret Cho)  I’ve often wondered about Margaret and her self-deprecating humor.  She supports LGBT and calls herself, “Queer.”  Being in the “people-business,” I’ve found that there’s usually a story behind the story, as it is with Cho, with me…and maybe with you.  Just because we’re wanting to hear something nice about ourselves doesn’t necessarily make us queer.  ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL:    retty profound, Jack.  thanks.===JACK:  Margaret is a complex person.  Maybe that's why I like her...  In my growing-up years it was a perjorative for homosexuals.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  She should name her next special, "Queer-sighted"  and give us more insight and perspective on "queer" life.  I'm a fan too of Margaret. ===JACK: is an interesting word.  I'm going to research it some more   In my growing-up years it was a pejorative for homosexuals.===JON:  It originally just meant odd. I don't see it as pejorative but many do. ===JACK:  It came to be used as a pejorative in the late 19th century (maybe that's why I know it that way and you don't).  It was used similarly to the N-word.  We didn't try to be politically correct in those days.  We didn't even know what politically correct meant.===JON:  Yeah I suppose. If it still hurts people we should not use it. Some folks prefer alternative lifestyle.===JACK:  Who said, "Live and let live?"

FROM HONEST JOHN:  The heart and head are often in conflict.   Which one to follow?   I say, let them fight it out. ===JACK:  The heart usually wins out, but not always for the better. 

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  There are plenty of stories behind us.  Many bad but many good.  We could all write a book.===JACK:  Most people know who Judy is, because she's pretty open about likes and dislikes...but I'm sure that there's an untold story.
FROM TL IN SCS:   What a fun and amusing edition today!  Your name came up several times in a visit yesterday.  I hope you are well, and enjoying the summer!PS:  S inadvertently got removed from your distribution lists.  Could you please re-add her?  I’ll often ask her, “did you see Jack’s entry today?”  How many are on your route now, just curious?===JACK:  to add someone to the WW list, send the name and e-mail  address to me, and I'll take care of it.  About 500 on the list now.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I'm not familiar with Margaret Cho...Where Have I been, huh?!  Science has come a long way to explain why certain people are born with this situation. I did a lot of research on that at one time, and am convinced it is in their DNA, and they can't change it! I'm sure we all know  some very intelligent, and talented people who are "gay".  It seems Margaret does very well handling her life! ===JACK:  Margaret Cho is more than you see at first glance.  I'd suggest taking some time to hear her, to read her, to look at her...then to sit back, think...and make a judgment.  The Baptist Ladies Aid would probably not want to have her as a speaker.

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