Monday, July 13, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 7/13/20
“People who have a sense of humor get through life more comfortably than those who don’t.”  (Carl Reiner)  Before his death Carl (98) and Mel Brooks (93) would meet each night to eat, laugh  and watch…Jeopardy!  Life was comfortable for them.  What is it about your friends that makes you want to be with them?  It helps that political views are similar and you each like to watch Jeopardy.  Reiner says that it helps when you like to laugh at the same jokes.  ;-)  Jack 

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  do you recall a time prior to today when you’d have said that “political views” enter into a friendship? before social media we barely knew whom our friends voted for... and we didn’t care. we were all americans, all people of equal value.  i am disappointed===JACK:  Yes, I remember times when we picked our friends according to political views.  GOPers hated FDR. Truman as much as Trumpers hate Obama.  I remember a time when best friends liked the same kind of humor.  "Birds of a feather..." as the saying goes.  But, in many ways we are now living in strange times...and they seem to get stranger every day..===LIZ:  i’ve always experienced diversity, i guess. i, like my dad, have friends of every ilk... sure would be boring otherwise. 🌷===JACK:  I don't recall any hint of racism in his being.  

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  Life without a sense of humor must be a mentally desolate place to live. There are certainly many things in life that are serious matters, but a life spent focused only upon only the dangers or sadness or anxiety in life is one that is usually shorter and much less satisfying than a life filled with humor and laughter. My wife and I often say in the midst of some calamity or setback that we’ll look back on this someday and laugh. Just saying that to each other is usually enough to lighten the moment.===JACK:  I can picture God with a sense of humor, too...laughing at some of the things that we get so uptight about..  Instead of the word, "love" in the quote, "Love your God with all your heart," substitute the word, "trust."

FROM ST PAUL:  Jeopardy is my favorite show on TV.   some days i can answer well over half the questions and some days barely 10%      a lot depends on the categories of course  ===JACK:  Who is your "Mel Brooks" when you watch it?  Is he named, Margaret? ===SP:   for sure.  and she sometimes answers the questions faster than i can! 

FROM BLAZING OAKS:   A sense of humor saves the day many a time! (But often things are funny only in retrospect)! My sis could see the humor in situations better  than I, but I got much better at it over the years~!  For instance when I tripped, & fell down a flight of stairs at church, to gasps and OH NO! from onlookers, I got up brushed myself off, and said, "That's the fastest I've moved in years!" And everyone began to laugh.... (Thank goodness I had on a heavy coat which padded the fall, and I wasn't badly hurt...) :-)  Jeopardy is also a favorite of mine; I sit in awe of their ready answers to such varied questions, but sometimes I can beat them on Bible or Literature questions! Rarely!!===JACK:  I still think that your "out of gas on the bridge" is the best.  One of mine is when I had a sneezing fit while preaching and had to use the fire escape door behind the altar until it subsided.  I came back to the pulpit and said, " I was saying..."

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We have our youngest grandchildren every other week for a week.  My youngest grand, 5, has got the wit and wisdom from Mark Twain and keeps us laughing. ===JACK:  People with good humor are fun to have are Good Humor Ice Cream bars.

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