Sunday, December 29, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/27/19
“Remember when we were young and couldn’t wait to grow up and do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted?  So, how’s that working out for you?”  (Sent by Oaks)  .Well, now we’ve grown up and are doing what we wanted…or, are we?  I wanted to be a fireman, but circumstances made me a pastor..  The experiences I’ve had, the people I’ve met and the places I’ve seen have given me a life beyond childhood dreams.  How about you?  ;-)  Jack

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I wanted to be a teacher, and had thought about being a pastor's wife before Bill committed to his call. I think it worked out [pretty well for me! Mrs. Honeywell, pastor's
wife of First Methodist in Moline, was a big influence in my life, and my positive impression of being a pastor's wife!===JACK:  I think that the pastor’s wife/husband of today is different from a generation past.    Team ordained ministers, or each serving a different congregation    Wife/husband of the pastor having a different career or occupation    vPastor’s wife/husband could be stay-at-home parent

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