Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/17/19
“Some of us think that holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.”  (Herman Hesse)  To hold on, or let go?  It depends on the situation.  In the mid-60s I was introduced to Situation Ethics…making moral judgments based on the entirety of a situation.  Morality?  In certain cases, right…in others, wrong.  Making judgments is not always easy.  Ask any judge.  A marriage,,,hang on or let go?  Resuscitate or DNR?  Hard choices!  Who hasn’t faced them?  ;-)  Jack

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Haven’t thought about or heard Hesse for years.  .
What a great quote; thank you.  Letting go is very difficult for some of us, at least some times!
===JACK:  Even I, the "professional," haven't completely learned that lesson.  Life is a never ending classroom.

FROM TAMPA  SHIRL:  Life is all about making decisions! Prayer helps with that!===JACK:  A man whose job required tough decisions had DFTP carved into the edge of his desk that faced him...Don't ForgetTo Ptay.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Most of us have faced those life-changing decisions.  All we can do is our best and let God do the rest.===JACK:  Having faith is not always easy.  Faith often requires faith.

FROM DS IN SOCAL:  That fits so well in so many ways.

FROM WALMART REV:  Extra pressure at times being a pastor and having been asked to answer, "What would God have me do?!?!" ===:JACK:  I'm having a "conversation sermon" on Jan 19 where parishioners ask questions of the pastor...and be in the aisle and answer back to them.


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