Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 8/28/19
“Hurt people hurt people!”  (Aubrey Fontenot)  His son was being bullied, and Fontenot decided to confront the bully.  It was a learning experience for everyone.  It turned out that the bully himself had been bullied.  He was acting out his own mistreatment.  Actually, he was a decent kid…and the bully and the bullied became friends.  It doesn’t always turn out this way, but negatives can become positives when someone tries to make it happen.  It’s worth a try!   ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  whenever i hear about some criminal and his/her crime,  i often think,  what was their childhood like?  their home life?  any church life? (not usually)  and become a bit more sympathetic because so often they grew up in a hellish situation.   sooo sad.
===JACK:  Perhaps this is a reason...(Exodus 20:5-634:6-7Numbers 14:18) portray God as "visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children."

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  Not sure if I buy this, totally. Sometimes hurt folks have more empathy. We are a thoroughly victim nation now though, looking for every evidence to explain away our choices.  In people that have experienced extreme abuse perhaps, but for the majority it's choices. ===JACK:  Yes, there are some times when hurt people don't hurt people...exceptions to the rule!

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  So how we treat people can influence how they treat others.  Hmmm....... ===JACK:  A truism....Just as we influence others, others influence us.  Make sure that it's  influence for the good!

FROM TRIHARDER:  Punctuation is so important.===JACK:  I'm glad for the English classes that I took.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  In the broader sense, people who are hurt quite often take their hurt out on others by abusived wifetrying to hurt them – they share their pain. Hurts can come in many forms – a social snub, a painful breakup of a relationship, bullying by others, the sudden loss of a loved one and many other personal tragedies that hurt. Many of those forms of hurt can be passed on to others by the one is is initially hurt. Don’t hurt, get help.  The most common reactions to a threat or hurt are fight or flight. The ones who hurt timidothers because of their hurt are exercising a form of fight - they are lashing back at the world and those around them. The alternative is often flight, which can lead to withdrawal and depression in some people.  Don’t hurt, get help.  So, what is a third alternate? Maybe the best thing is to get help. That help can come in the form of professional help – a counselor or therapist – or it may just come from a trusted friend with whom you can share the pain or from your pastor. Inbeing kind 1 any case, having someone to talk with about the hurt can immediately help. It takes away the loneliness aspect of the pain. Don’t hurt, get help.===JACK:  "Hurt" can hurt in different ways.

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