Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 8/21/19
“Regret for things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for things we did not do that is inconsolable.”  (Sydney J. Harris)  Some people in our community were asked recently on TV about their greatest regret…I should have listened more to my mother …My divorces…Getting a credit card.  Frank Sinatra once sang,: “Regrets?  I’ve had a few.”  It’s interesting to look back and dream of do-overs, but life is such that we live with choices.  Choose well today!   ;-)  Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  To the extent regrets can be useful as lessons perhaps. I'd be slow to embrace regrets though. If you could purge every regret the counter punch would be loss of the lessons learned.  Life would be much different and not likely for the better.  I'm moving this month and purging old stuff. I just read a "Dear Jon" letter I found in a box from 40 years ago. When I consider all my blessings I have now I can't regret a word of that letter. Even though (I allowed it) to cause great pain for several years. I think it's best to live intentionally with immense gratitude to the extent we can. A tear stained letter marked a beginning not an end.  Seriously entertaining regrets is like adding a tiny amount of rat poisoning to your coffee each day.  The only sane choice is to love the life we have. Pain is certain, suffering is optional.===JACK:  Ruminating over the past is like "rockin' in the old rocckin' chair."  It gives you some thing to do, but doesn't get you anywhere (as the saying goes). 

FROM KK:  I can do this this morning, or Saturday.===JACK: easy to do;so hard to spell.

FROM ESF:  We should think before we choose our actions so there is no regret===JACK:  I like it in The Blues Brothers movie when Aretha Franklin sings:  You Gotta Think!

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Choosing well is necessary each day!

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  that song by Sinatra adds this line:  regrets?  i've had a few,  but then again, too few to mention...===JACK:  Few people like to listen to a complainer (however, that's part of the pastor's's part of helping people).

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