Monday, August 26, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 8/26/19
“Did we dream too fast?” (Billboard)  It’s being called, “The Retail Apocalypse,” with 68 major companies, including Sears, Payless, Shopko going bankrupt.  Even True Religion is on the list.  That’s what happens when dreams get ahead of reality.  It can happen in the home, too.  Have dreams!  But, make sure that they’re realistic.  I know of a pastor who includes “family budgeting” in his pre-marital counselling sessions.  Marriages can go bankrupt, too.   ;-)  Jack   

FROM LBP:  We have a new leader who has used the term “bankrupt” for time. It offended some to use such strong language, but those same folks who were offended are frustrated that we have too many expectations and insufficient time.  Maybe a controversial word like “bankrupt” is what we need to get the point across. More people? Better planning? Prioritization? Something is needed ===JACK:  Maybe it's time to retell the tale of the Pied Piper of, or suffer the consequences.  Or, maybe the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.  (Luke 16:19-31)

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Family Budgeting was session three for us....===JACK:  Just like with sermons...some will hear, and some will sleep with eyes open.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  don't know if you were talking about me or not but, yes, i do a whole piece on the difference between saving and investing,  home buying, insurances of different kinds, credit cards, wills verses trusts,  avoiding debt, etc.   and most couples really appreciate the advice.  i also encourage Dave Ramsey's 12 week course called Financial Peace University.  we are running it again this fall at our church.===JACK:  There has to be some middle ground between idealism and realism...during the whole of pre-marriage counseling. ===SP:  on a few occasions i have told couples that i care very little about their wedding but i care a great deal about their marriage.  sometimes they are soooo fixated on the wedding (a one day event) that they almost forget about the marriage.  sadly,  our culture also plays into this nonsense.  some of the most simple weddings i have done have also been some of the most meaningful. ===JACK:  Going back to the quote:  Many couples "dream too fast" when it comes to marriage! ===SP:  and they also come with some unrealistic expectations too...   our culture has glamorized the whole process waaay too much.  have you looked at any of those bridal magazines lately?  so unrealistic unless you have a ton of money and even then, no guarantees

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