Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 5/1/19
“The question should never be who is right, but what is right.”  (Unknown)  Stephen Decatur is famous for saying, “My country, right or wrong.”  Jingoists cheered!  Patriotism is fine; blind patriotism, not so fine.  There’s no person, including you…and me, who couldn’t stand some improvement.  You’ve heard, “Nobody’s perfect.”  I’m not being unpatriotic if I say that the same applies our country…any country.  I’ll start with…being more civil.  Others?   ;-)  Jack

FROM LBPl  Hey, I see that the "out of order until May" warning has gone away now that the calendar turned the page.  I hope that you are well and enjoying the crazy weather that comes with spring!===JACK:  Yes, I'm back from  5 weeks in Minnesota and am at my home computer.  Lots of catching up to do, but one step at a time...and the longest journey is ended.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Yes, civility is lacking these days.===JACK:  Civility?  What's that?  Values?  What are those?

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  WELCOME HOME!!  It does seem that civility in politics, and
elsewhere, has taken a big hit in the present day! It's easy to get bogged down with all  that is wrong with our country right now, and the world, for that matter, but if you look around, there is still news that brings HOPE that all is not lost !    I just attended a play, "Five Presidents" at the A.Lincoln Library & Museum, depicting Bill Clinton, Geo. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Gerry Ford & Ronald Reagan gathered at the Nixon Pres.Lilbrary to attend Nixon's funeral. Their dialogue enumerated each troubled time that particular Pres. dealt with...excellent insight into the times and challenges of the Presidency of the U.S.!  Done with humor and some non-civility!! :-)  We have to hang on to the thought of an unchanging God in Christ, and change the things (with love) that we can,in our little corner of the universe! Shalom!===JACK:  It does feel good to be back in the routine...but, it is different, because life is always changing.  "Five Presidents" does sound like a good and informative play.  I'm just trying to picture our current president sitting down for a discussion which would call for civility, a discussion about the challenges of the presidency, some self-effacing humor.  Try to imagine that, if you can?

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Glad to have you back!  Blindly following anything or anyone in any circumstance is just plain wrong.   First of all, God gave is the perfect way to live...loving others as ourselves.  He loves us All...enough to send His Son to die for us!  We could do with a little kindness to each other     Secondly, everyone has issues, sorrows and trials.  Compassion would go a long way to reach out to others     Thirdly, we are called as people to show Godly actions.  Most people have a simple smile.  Just think how a smile could affect someone’s live.  Nobody’s perfect.===JACK: 
Glen Campbell sang:
Let me be a little kinder
Let me be a little blinder
To the faults of those about me
Let me praise a little more
Let me be when I am weary
Just a little bit more cheery
Think a little more of others
And a little less of me.

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