Tuesday, December 31, 2019

ack’s Winning Words 12/31/19
“Thank you God for this good life, and forgive us if we do not love it enough.”  (Garrison Keillor)  It’s New Year’s Eve!  Do you have plans?  I’m back in Michigan this year and will watch the “NYC ball” drop at midnight.  For my Hong Kong friends, it’ll already be tomorrow. Keillor reminds all of us that today and every day is a good day to thank God for the good life that’s been ours…and maybe sing: Count your many blessings, name them one by one.  ;-)  Jack 

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Always count your blessings-every day!===JACK:  When you run out of fingers, use your toes.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Always liked the song and always thankful for my many blessings. ===JACK:   Count your many blessings, see what God has done. 

FROM ROBERT:  Your words today are so inspiring!! My friend and surrogate dad, David Garrett made his transition last night around 8:30. Although my heart is heavy, the one important thing he taught me was to thank God for our good life and Praise Him for mercy and grace in the life He has prepared thereafter in heaven. Now I rejoice as the angels sing... glory to God in the Highest... Amen  ===JACK:  The end of one year, and the beginning on another.  The end of life on earth and the beginning of life in God's heaven.  What an appropriate time for "a saint" to make the the transition

FROM WALMART REV:  “... count your many blessings, and what ‘GOD’ hath done.” I am reminded this morning of my good friend, Pastor Jack Freed, had his congregation read the Bible through one year and the questions they had in regard to some of God’s judgments found in the OT. That made for some good conversation between us back then. 0;-)===JACK:  Friendship...one of God's important blessings.  New Year's Resolution:  "Visit Willmar, Minnesota, and experience what I'm told is Heaven on Earth.

FROM JFREEDSTER:  Is that fake news? Or are you really staying up until midnight.===JACK:  Maybe I'll start by celebrating with the people of  London.  Their New Year begins at 6 PM (EST).

FROM NICOLE:  It's a good day even if u have to get up at 3am to shovel yourself out of a snow storm in wisconsin to go to work!!===JACK:  We got snow, too...but not as much as "up north!"  I'm done with the shoveling and work thing.  Ahhh!

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  And Happy New Year!!!  The family is just starting to stir here.  Grandpa and I are babysitting today and going to a nearby park which has wonderful train and such to play on.  this morning i was remembering the wonderful worship in Lund, Sweden, commemorating the 500 year accomplishments between Catholics and Lutherans.  The Lutheran World Federation represented all the Lutheran folks and, just now, on amazon.com, i discovered a whole bunch of books and historical background, theological stuff--my go to reading for this upcoming year--the CEO is raking in big money but he sure is also a blessing to so many of us!!!  2020 will be another good year!!!!  Full of hope and growth!!!  Lots of love, ===JACK:  Being grandparents beats 500-year celebrations and raking in big bucks.

FROM NORM'S BLOG: I went looking for more quotes about being thankful and found these thought provoking gems - "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." -Oprah Winfrey Many people use New Year’s Eve to look ahead and hope for things that they don’t have. Better if pause to they look back a bit, not in nostalgia, in thankfulness for the life that God gave them in the past year.  "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough." -Meister Eckhart  For some it is hard to see what they should be thankful for at the end of the year. Perhaps they don’t stop to consider that they made it to the end of the year. That is especially true of people living in war zones or under duress.
Habeeb Akande expressed his gratitude for making it thorugh another year this way - "I may not be where I want to be but I'm thankful for not being where I used to be."  So this New Year’s Eve, express your gratitude to God and anyone else who is there to listen.===JACK:  Maybe today should be a 2nd Thanksgiving Day.  Pass the turkey!

FROM DS IN SOCAL:  Yes, Jack.  Sometimes we get so tied up in problems we forget to give thanks for the oh so many blessings God has given us.===JACK:  Strange...but sometimes problems can turn out to be blessings.  Have a great 2020.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/30/19
“December is a month of lights, snow and feasts; time to make amends and tie loose ends; finish off what you started and hope your wishes come true.”  (Unknown)  It’s been a good December for me in Minnesota…enough snow and below zero weather to make it feel like winter…Family dinners with lefsa for the Norwegians…Christmas Eve at church with candles …Presents under the tree.  And now the loose ends.  Amends, thank you notes and resolutions.  ;-)  Jack

FROM SF IN FL:  Wishing you and yours a blessed season...joy, good health, celebrations, and peace. Grateful for all that we have, including our special friendship.===JACK:  "The days (of 2019)  are  winding down to a precious few "  I like those words from September Song.  They're a reminder that time is a great gift.  ..or , as Jim Croce sings: "There's not enough time..."  

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  My family have returned home, tho my house still looks happy and festive with tree and decorations up...things are getting back to normal, after celebrating with 32 family members and friends. :-) Preparing a celebratory dinner for the homeless on New Year's Eve..we hope to make it elegant and fun, with table decorations, favors, good food, served at the table, instead of them lining up and going by the buffet counter! Then my friend and I will go on to First Night, in Springfield. HAPPY NEW YEAR

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  That’s so good to hear. I like that you had a wonderful time with family and friends.  We did too.  And now, a brand new year to start all over again!  That’s so good to hear. I like that you had a wonderful time with family and friends.  We did too.  And now, a brand new year to start all over again!===JACK:  A new year with unanticipated experiences...just like last year.

FROM GUSTIE:  We too had candles on Christmas Eve.  First time in many years and it was great.  ===JACK:  Our church now uses little flashlight candles.  Not quite the same atmosphere, but safer than lighted candles.  The Fire Marshal likes them.===G:  We in the choir did not get the candles because we were singing as they were lit.  When Pastor Kai asked everyone to raise their candles, we all just gasped.  What a beautiful sight.  The people in the congregation did not get the full effect.  ===JACK:  I have to agree.  Real candlelight while singing Silent Night is impressive.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/27/19
“Remember when we were young and couldn’t wait to grow up and do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted?  So, how’s that working out for you?”  (Sent by Oaks)  .Well, now we’ve grown up and are doing what we wanted…or, are we?  I wanted to be a fireman, but circumstances made me a pastor..  The experiences I’ve had, the people I’ve met and the places I’ve seen have given me a life beyond childhood dreams.  How about you?  ;-)  Jack

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I wanted to be a teacher, and had thought about being a pastor's wife before Bill committed to his call. I think it worked out [pretty well for me! Mrs. Honeywell, pastor's
wife of First Methodist in Moline, was a big influence in my life, and my positive impression of being a pastor's wife!===JACK:  I think that the pastor’s wife/husband of today is different from a generation past.    Team ordained ministers, or each serving a different congregation    Wife/husband of the pastor having a different career or occupation    vPastor’s wife/husband could be stay-at-home parent

Jack’s Winning Words 12/26/19
“Ye who now will bless the poor  Shall yourselves find blessing.”  (From the carol, Good King Wenceslas)    Good King Wenceslas is a song that tells the story of an actual Duke who went around on the day after Christmas giving gifts to the poor.  On Dec 26, the United Kingdom countries have what they call, Boxing Day.  Following King W’s example of giving, they box-up gifts for the needy.  Are there special causes that you contribute to at Christmastime?   ;-)  Jack

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  I knit scarves and ski hats through the year to hang on our Christmas tree at church; they go to schools or homeless shelters wherever the need is greatest.  Some friends and I have made quilts  to give to kids going through cancer treatment at Mayo in Rochester, but now we maybe have to find another venue as they don’t seem to want them anymore….maybe we sent too many.===JACK:  It's the thought that counts.  You can always find others who want/need warmer clothing.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Compassion International, World Vision, KIDS in Distress, Thrivent’s collection for the orphan home and foster kids.  Our grandkids shop with us for the special gifts. ===JACK:  It's never too early to teach generosity.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  We celebrated Boxing Day in Nassau Bahamas where we were living in 1959. It was definitely a different experience after celebrating Christmas!===JACK:  Today my granddaughters were punching at one another to celebrate boxing day.

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  Merry Christmas, Jack! Thanks for your encouraging words each day!!===JACK:  It's my daily gift to friends such as you. 

FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  Chris and I were married in the St Wenceslas church on the north side of Chicago, a large POLISH PARISH.===JACK:  No wonder yours was such a saintly marriage.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/24/19
“My idea of Christmas is very simple…loving others.”  (Bob Hope)  One of my favorite carols is “Love Came Down at Christmas” by Christina Rossetti.  One line says, “Love was born at Christmas.”  Yes, there was love before Jesus, but He was love incarnate (love in the flesh).  Bob Hope saw Christmas as “loving others.”  I knew a man who’d take his children each Christmas to work with him at a soup kitchen.  Perhaps you, too, have stories of love in action.   ;-)  Jack   

FROM HONEST JOHN:   I love Rosetti’s “In the Bleak Midwinter.”===JACK:  It's a favorite of mine, too.  I always liked it that I could pick the hymns for the service.  Some churches have the music people do it. 

FROM PR FM IN RACINE:  My favorite, Silent Night – which it will be tonight when a attend church at 10:30 PM===JACK:  I wonder if there's any Christian Church that doesn't sing Silent Night on Christmas Eve.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  “Love all love divine, love came down at Christmas and I know, I know that love is mine!”===JACK:  That second one...I don't know.

FROM GUSTIE:  C did that one year—but there were so many helpers there was nothing to do so they did not stay long.  Good problem I guess.===JACK:  Too many volunteers is a mixed blessing.  I always tried to find something else for those "willing souls" to do. 

FROM TRIHARDER:  Then it's Christmas 24x365===JACK:  Every day's a good day for a mitzvah!

FROM WALMART REV:  A “book of stories” still being written and added to often I would hope...a very blessed recipient of it during this Christmas season! 0;-)===JACK:  
You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day
By the things that you do and the words that you say,
Men read what you write, whether faithless or true,
Say, what is the gospel according to you'

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  your life is one of those stories, Jack.   have a blessed Christmas Eve. ===JACK:  Mine is longer, but not necessarily better. 

Monday, December 23, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/23/19
“I wanted to talk to the animals like Dr, Dolittle.”  (Jane Goodall)  Most of us have stories to tell of communicating with our pets.  I wonder if Rudolph answered, “Yes” when Santa asked if he’d guide his sleigh? I once saw a Christmas manger scene that included a dog among the sheep and camels.  I’ve sometimes wondered if Jesus, as a child, had pets like a dog, cat or goldfish.  If so, do you think he talked to them?  The Bible says that at Christmas God became human.   ;-)  Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Our pets were definitely loved. Until recently we always had dogs ...and even a cat or two.  Now we have grand dogs!  Opie and Tinkerbell.===JACK:  Every farm needs a cat or two...and a pig, a cow, a horse, etc.  Do you call your place, Green Acres?
FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Anyone who has had a dog for any length of time knows communication does take place! I'm  less sure about cats, gerbils, hamsters, fish, etc we've
had them all at one time or another as the kids grew up!  ===JACK:..., but, do you think that Jesus had a pet?   ...maybe the donkey that he rode on?

Friday, December 20, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/20/19
“If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt.”  (Rene Descartes)  .Do you know of children who are beginning to doubt the reality of Santa Claus?  Now might be the right time to tell them about St. Nicholas, the real Santa Claus. If at times we doubt the reality of God it would be good to reread the Christmas story, how God showed his love in a way that humans could understand, by appearing as the human, Jesus.  ;-)  Jack

FROM PROUD MARY:  “...an angel of the lord came upon them...and said...behold! i bring you tidings of great joy!” (Linus) my personal favorite telling of the christmas story.===JACK:  I have a Hallmark Christmas ornament of Linus actually speaking those words into a microphone...one of my favorites.

FROM WALMART REV:  “I wouldn’t doubt it for it being a good time!” Merry Christmas, ===JACK:   Every day;s to be a seeker after truth...even tho we already think we know the truth.  
Jack’s Winning Words 12/19/19
“The wrong shall fail, the right prevail with peace on Earth, goodwill to men.”  (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)  “I Heard the Bells On Christmas Day” is one of my favorite carols, because it expresses hope for a better time.  It was written during the Civil War, at a time of distress in America.  The Christmas bells changed despair into joyous hope for Longfellow.  Perhaps they can do the same for us and for others who long for better times.  ;-)  Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  The right will prevail on this earth and In Heaven.===JACK:  That's my ho[e for the present-day crisis in America.

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Jack:  My question is:  Of the 6 main religions in the world (namely, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Judaism) is/are there any formal doctrine(s) that bother you; and if so, what are they and why?

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Bravo, thanks for the good cheer.

FROM COPPER COUNTRY BOB:  loved your blog of the morning.   This old world certainly needs the hope and promise expressed in the carol.===JACK:  I like down-to-earth messages...like in this carol...like in your unique sermons.

FROM HUNGRY HOWIE:  Good choice for today. The impeachment and all the division among us makes me sad  We talk past each other. We can’t find common ground. We struggle for power and control. I know what that feels like. And it doesn’t feel good. It wears at us all. So your words are helpful. Thanks for that. ===JACK:   I'm looking for a candidate in either party to stand up and say, "If elected I will work to become a unifier of America 

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  We're packing and getting ready to fly to Houston.  Enjoyed your WW this morning and, just now, googled Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and enjoyed reading about his faith and religion.  An article stated that, unlike many others, he employed a lot of religious imagery in his writings and was not as adverse to Catholicism as much of the society around him.  Also, evidently before his pre-poet days, he took some religion classes and was maybe a priest for a while.  Your WW prompted me to be curious about him this morning--so learned some things already, hope the article was accurate.  Thanks always for doing the WW!!!!!  A lot of us like to see and read what you turn up with!!!!  God bless, ===JACK:  We need to be reminded that names frim hustory are real people, like Henry,

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I believe that I read somewhere that he lost a son in the war.... ===JACK:  Without looking it up, I think that when Longfellow wrote theses words it was in the midst of the war and his son was recovering from severe battle wounds.  Nevertheless, the words are from the heart.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  better times indeed.   it is a sad day for the nation but T deserves impeachment.  he will not be removed from office but this will surely stain his presidency===JACK:  Ultimately....the wrong shall fail, the right prevail!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/18/19
“Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes along.”  (Samuel Butler)  3-yr-old Itzhak Perlman applied for violin lessons, but was told that he was too small…so, he got a miniature violin and taught himself.’  Polio for him at age 4, but  violin playing continued.  Motivation enabled him to lead a successful life.  Success for us probably won’t depend on our violin playing, but will depend on our ability to meet unexpected problems and overcome them.  ;-) Jack. 

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ;  .as well as not listening to others’ noise abt what we can and can’t accomplish!===JACK:  How true!  I'll show them

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  Now I know why I may not be so good at this!  😀===JACK:  Motivation is important to being a success at anything.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/17/19
“Some of us think that holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.”  (Herman Hesse)  To hold on, or let go?  It depends on the situation.  In the mid-60s I was introduced to Situation Ethics…making moral judgments based on the entirety of a situation.  Morality?  In certain cases, right…in others, wrong.  Making judgments is not always easy.  Ask any judge.  A marriage,,,hang on or let go?  Resuscitate or DNR?  Hard choices!  Who hasn’t faced them?  ;-)  Jack

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Haven’t thought about or heard Hesse for years.  .
What a great quote; thank you.  Letting go is very difficult for some of us, at least some times!
===JACK:  Even I, the "professional," haven't completely learned that lesson.  Life is a never ending classroom.

FROM TAMPA  SHIRL:  Life is all about making decisions! Prayer helps with that!===JACK:  A man whose job required tough decisions had DFTP carved into the edge of his desk that faced him...Don't ForgetTo Ptay.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Most of us have faced those life-changing decisions.  All we can do is our best and let God do the rest.===JACK:  Having faith is not always easy.  Faith often requires faith.

FROM DS IN SOCAL:  That fits so well in so many ways.

FROM WALMART REV:  Extra pressure at times being a pastor and having been asked to answer, "What would God have me do?!?!" ===:JACK:  I'm having a "conversation sermon" on Jan 19 where parishioners ask questions of the pastor...and be in the aisle and answer back to them.


Monday, December 16, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/16/19
“At the end of the day, I’d rather be excluded for who I include, than be included for who I exclude.”  (Welsh Church Sign)  Jesus was criticized for “hanging out” with the wrong kinds of people, those referred to as “sinners.”  A Lutheran church in Denver has an unusual name:, Church for all Sinners and Saints.  Would you feel comfortable being a part of that congregation?  I know of some people who didn’t join a church, because its name was, All Saints.  ;-)  Jack

FROM GUSTIE:  What is in a name??  That is dumb!===JACK:  Which name?  All Saints? ===G:  I don’t think the name of the church should be why someone would or would not join.  It is the people and how they interact with others.  How they “live their faith”!!!  That is what I meant by dumb!!!===JACK:  I like a name that gives Glory to God...like Gloria Dei.

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  This is a good sign and one of the problems I have always had with most religions as well as myself.  They/religions and we/I often exclude rather than include.  I am trying to work on this.  My wife, who I include here, does a much better job of this than do I.===JACK:  I will be preaching a "conversation sermon" on Jan 19.  I'll be in the middle aisle and answer questions that people in the congregation ask me.  What question would  you ask?  What question would your wife ask?  Tell her that I'll try to include it.

FROM COPPER COUNTRY BOB:  Right on!    Blessed Advent!===JACK:  If were to choose a name for a church, what would it be?

FROM INDY GENIE:  Such good words to live by. .
Is that church in Denver the one that Nadia Bolz-Weber founded? I saw her speak in Indy ...I really like her! And ..she dances and asks the people to dance with her!!===JACK:  For me?  Dancing?  No!  But, during a fund-raising sermon I said that my wife and I would draw out 1000 and give it to the campaign  and challenged others to do the same.  Over 50 did, and the campaign was a success,===GENIE:   Whoa ....cool! Makes me want to get up and dance! ===JACK:  ...and take out your checkbook?

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  It is a sad commentary on our times that there are those who exclude anyone who includes members of the LBGQTI community in their circle of friends. Some churches and entire denominations have put out the welcome mat to members of that community by declaring themselves Welcoming churches – the Southeastern Michigan Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is one such welcoming synod. Other churches or entire denominations continue to exclude, rather than include.===JACK:  I have a hard time imaging Jesus saying, "Come unto me all ye...except..."

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  beats “all sinners.”===JACK:  Maybe it's truer than, "All Saints."

FROM SHARIN; SHARON:  Interesting WW this morning, Pastor Freed.  I have started reading a book  Church As Fullness In All Things:  Recasting Lutheran Ecclesiology in an Ecumenical Context, edited by Jonathan Mumme et al.  The cover page "Luther does not stand for the alternatives of "truth not unity," "conscience not institution," "individual not community."  His declaration of loyalty to the Church as the communion of the saints in the Grosser Katechismus of 1529 should have ruled out such false alternatives.  For the Church is "unified in love, beyond factions and divisions."  As long as the Protestant tendency to play off the invisible Church of the faithful against the visible institutional Church has not been overcome, this declaration will make no impression."  Heiko Oberman
"I believe that there is upon earth a holy little flock and community of pure saints, under one head, Christ.  It is called together by the Holy Ghost in one faith, mind, and understanding.  It possesses a variety of gifts, and yet is united in love without sect or schism."  Martin Luther
"Actually, I believe Martin Luther still has something to say to us today."  Sharon Hall
Enjoyed reflecting upon inclusion and exclusion this morning, Pastor Freed, stirred on by your WW.  Thanks for leading us all to ponder.
Best wishes to you and your family for a very Merry Christmas.
===JACK:  A community of "pure saints."  I have a hard time with that.  I've been taught that :all that sinned and fallen short.:  Even St Paul said, "I am chief of sinners."

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  As Jesus said- all are welcome.===JACK:  Can you imagine anyone not being welcome in your congregation>

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We do what we do and who we do it with on a daily bases because of choices.  Choices and the way we’ve been raised.  Who we consider the “wrong” people are choices too....a child abusers, an adulterer, a murderer, a Communist... they’ve all sat and ate at our table with us.  Shocked?!?  Well the shocking fact is they sat with me!!!  Chief of Sinners!!===JACK:  Why would you include a Communist...unless you meant to write, an atheist.  I have a hard time hearing Jesus turn away anyone...tho some might refuse to come to him.

FROM WALMART REV"  Ours may not carry the name, but the congregation sure fits the description!! Wouldn't be surprised to be depicted and included in both groups myself at one time or another?===JACK:  What is your favorite church name?

Friday, December 13, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/13/19
“No one can be right all of the time, but it helps to be right most of the time.”  (Robert Half)  Kelly Clarkson has a song in which she says “Good-bye” to a boyfriend who thinks he knows everything about everything.  She calls him, “Mr Know-it-all.”  Perhaps you know someone like that…Right all of the time! I like friends who are humble, who aren’t afraid to admit limitations.  Can you imagine the Last Judgment conversation between Mr Know-it-all and God?   ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:     To be humble biblically means to accept that God is god and we are humans....”What is man that thou art mindful of him?”     And, within this context to always be open to hear new thoughts and perverse thoughts and to strive for the truth....with the recognition that there is a Truth.===JACK:  I would not call you a Mr-Know-it-all, but you are a Mr-know-a-lot.

FROM ST PAUL:  you are up early this morning, Jack.  On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 3:59 AM ===JACK:  Sometimes my robot has a mind of its own.

FROM WALMART REV:  ". . . think there may be some wanting to impeach Him for obstruction and for being a dictator?!" 0;-)===JACK:  Does your "circle of friends" appear to be red or blue?

FROM DB IN WB:  LOL  It would be like the last book of Job ===JACK:  In my Bible there's only one book of  Job.  That must be the last one.===DB:  Yeah, you’re right. What I meant to say was the last chapter …

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: If i only knew half of the stuff I think I do, I’d be a know it all too.  I remember always having to impatiently wait for someone to finish a statement so I could correct them.  Of course, I was a know it all then.     Thankfully, I’m much better and have learned I am not the smarty pants I thought I was.  And, I’ve learned to listen but...I still Jane a long way to go!! ===JACK:  When we learn to listen it's surprising to find out how much new information is out there.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/12/19
“Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others.  If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use.”  (Emily Post)  It was back in the late 1960s…Sensitivity Training Workshops were popular among companies…to train employees to become more aware of the feelings of others.  Even the Church got involved, and I was invited to a workshop.  A few hours after returning home, my wife said, “You’re different!”  Evidently the workshop had worked.  ;-)  Jack 

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  Love this.===JACK:  You're different from the "run of the mill."

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  some of those S T Workshops were held in hot tubs in California and i think some of the "training" ended up being a bit  too "sensitive".... if you get my drift:):):). ===JACK:  No hot tubs in Chicago.  Once, my wife and I were invited to share a hot tub with some members and discuss the Bible.  "Other plans" kept us out of hot water.

FROM THE SHARK:  I think you were born with good manners my friend. ===JACK:  As a pastor, I've had to explain to people what it means when the Bible says that "we are conceived and born in sin,"  What do you think it means?

FROM GUSTIE MARLYS:  I remember the first time I had dinner at Clem’s folks house.  I was so nervous.  Bernice had 2 forks and I had no idea which one to use first.  I waited to see what everyone else did.  For dessert she served ice cream rolled in coconut.  I don’t like coconut.  Clem knew that and was just really enjoying watching me try to discreetly scrape it off.  Ha!===JACK:  I  can relate, because I know the people involved, and because I had a similar experience...when I ate fresh shrimp (for the first time), thinking that that they were sweet-tasting miniature marshmallows.

FROM DB IN WB:  My mom needs that.===JACK:  Ouch!

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Interesting...what were you like before the program?  I bet you’ve always been kind and mannerful!===JACK:  My sister once prayed that I wouldn't grow up to be a gangster.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/11/19
“Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something, then you have the time to do something about it.”   (Anthony D’Angelo)  One frustration in today’s world is that there are so many things to “whine about…and so little power to bring about change.  One day I happened to meet a newcomer to our community.  When she asked, “How can I become involved in this place?” I gave her a few suggestions.  Wow!  After a few years, she’s now one of our most active volunteers. ;-)  Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  “One Kind Word can Change Someone’s Life!”===JACK:  I know of someone who has a sign on her car...KINDNESS MATTERS.===JUDY:  That’s one of Jewell’s lines for a song...”Only Kindness Matters”.===JACK:  Who's Jewell?

FROM OPTIART:  Another good one Jack. Thanks.===JACK:  Thank D'Angelo, too. 

FROM MIKEY:  I am reading a book right now that could be entitled the J F story. It is basically about not retiring but moving to a different area of involvement at a certain age. IT talks about continuing to be of benefit to others as one ages. Of course i am there now trying to figure out what to i do now. Daily you have continued to inspire people and contributed to a better world. Thank you for being you and for guiding your flock.===JACK:  We each have opportunities to contribute to a better way...you in your way and I in mine.

FROM COPPER COUNTRY BOB:  Thank God for workshops.   They do make us different.  Alleluia.  In my own experience, our synod's companionship with Tanzania began in 1992.  Deloris I  were initiators and we arrived when colonialism was ending.   Two days into our stay we saw the first antenna erected on the top of a radio station where folks could hear news unfiltered by the govt.   And, in the 27 years since, the nation has moved from the poorest nation (Level 1 poverty)  upward into Level 2.  Our teacher exchange programs and work crew projects of developing the infrastructure for a 500 student secondary school have been part of the reason.   Their bishop has written that our involvement with the Mwangaza Teacher Training program, exchanges and daily modeling of U.S. methodology has transformed the educational system of the entire nation. Along with our accent that 50% of the student body be girls God has brought reading and health levels to a new high.      Workshops do work!===JACK:  Even your kind of workshop involves sensitivity!

FROM LBP:  Several years back I was complaining at the work lunch table about the way my daughters daisy troop was being run. Another mom piped up and essentially said I should either be thankful that someone was doing it or I should step up to do it myself.===JACK:  True friends will often tell us what we need to hear.  So, what did you end up doing?

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  Whining about things seems to be a favorite pastime for many, maybe because it is the easiest things to do when faced with a roadblock or setback or calamity. Whining is sometimes a cry for sympathy or help, but most often ii is just a convenient excuse for doing nothing about whatever it is that troubles the whiner. For them, it seems to take less effort to whine about it than to do something about it. Whining about it is a waste of time… Now, sometimes having a good cry about something is a healthy emotional release. Once the tears stop, the next step should be about getting on with life and not about going into whining mode. There is an old saying that “misery loves company”, but nobody really likes to be around a whiner. That is why people try to avoid the “Debby Downer” types at work or socially. No one really expects, or hopes, to hear a long list of ailments or health complaints when they say to someone, “How are you?” Whining about it is a waste of time…===JACK:  My daily blog is NOT called, Whining Words.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/10/19
“Rejoice not at thine enemy’s fall, but don’t rush to pick him up, either.”  (Jewish Proverb)  Yiddish sayings often have a sharp edge  This quote leaves me conflicted.  The words of Jesus say that we’re supposed to love our enemies…even pray for them?  I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time following through with that….(Jesus, why do you make it so hard to be your  disciple?...like trying to push a camel thru the eye of a needle…and that’s really hard!)  .  ;-)  Jack

FROM LBP:  Yeah, that’s a tricky one. I wonder if the intention is a jab of spite without being outwardly rude? Or, maybe it’s more about letting the enemy feel the natural consequence of a situation before jumping in, lest there is no learning. There is the parent in me. The word “fall” captures such a broad range of scenarios though- from the fall of empires to someone literally tripping and falling. ===JACK:  It's like having your cake and eating it, too.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Perfect words today.  I was started of praying for a person who personally caused so much damage to our immediate family and caused a rift in the whole family.  As I prayed I became more and more angry.  Now how foolish it that??  I had to stop praying for them and start praying for me to forgive them...something I thought I had already accomplished.  Wow!  A real eye opener.  I let you know how it goes when I try again.  Prayer is powerful!  Those wise old Yiddish were the truth!===JACK:  ...like trying to push that camel thru the needle's eye!

FROM GUSTIE MARLYS:  Love that.  Sounds like something Teve’ would say.===JACK:  I'm glad to have a lot of friends who are Jewish.  They help me to see things in other ways.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  the saints pray for revenge on their martyrs i heard on relevant radio as i was driving and flipping thru stations. and god delivers, telling them he will take care of them...  ===JACK:  That's right.  Ultimately (in the end) "the wrong shall fail, the right prevail with peace on earth goodwill to all."

FROM DR J:  I love this one… in my yoga class, my instructor is very spiritual… sometimes she reminds us to breath in hope, and breath out peace…I think about this a lot when I try to calm myself with my breath.===JACK:  I think we'd be better off by concentrating more on the spiritual than on religious details.

FROM HUNGRY HOWIE:  There is also a proverb that says  do not have extra martial affairs, but if you do go to the next town, wear black and keep your head down   I think it’s about always being involved with managing you’re behavior no matter what. ===JACK:  Managing your behavior..."Ah, there's the rub," writes Shakespeare.

FROM WALMART REV:  Romans 7:21-25   I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power[a] within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin. 0;-/===JACK:  I thank Martin Luther for reminding me of the gift of grace that has been offered to me...and you.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  The USA after WWII is an example of where this quote is shown to be poor advice.   We helped both Germany and Japan rebuild...turned out to be a wise move. ===JACK:  A good example of how "religious" grace can be practiced in the "secular" world.

Monday, December 09, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/9/19
“I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that is best.”  (Dorothy Day)  Sometimes in conversation with friends I’ve made bold statements about things that I’m going to say or do.  (time..a few minutes or days.. pass)  Am I ever glad I didn’t say (or do) that!  In the olden days coffee had to “perk” for a while in order to be good.  Other expressions…”Don’t go off half-cocked!”  “Don’t come up with half-baked ideas!”  ;-)  Jack

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  That doesn’t sound like Dorothy Day! But how different the world is these days!===JACK:  I've always thought that acerbic was a word that describes DD's writing.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  I heard a comedian once remark, “Jimmy: you are not yourself today, and that’s a good thing.”===JACK: What is it that really defines Jon?  Author?   Song Writer?  Husband?  Grandpa?  More than that?  ---and who am I?

FROM WALMART REV:  "Better left unsaid!"  Good Morning, Jack!!===JACK:  Do you remember the children's song..."Be careful little mouth, what you say?"

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Oh so true!  We really like to exaggerate and make bold statements.   I’d like to say my words were perked to perfection but they’re often weak and under-cooked. ===JACK:  Weak and lukewarm coffee....UGH!

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Yep..It's probably good that we don't follow through with some of our statements, or "promised actions"! Timely WW words today.We can be thankful when "cooler heads prevail" in many situations.===JACK:  Your Bill probably kept you from spouting off at the wrong time and place.

Friday, December 06, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/6/19
“S’cuse me while I kiss the sky.”  (Jimi Hendrix)  I can’t say that I’m a Jimi-fan, but I do like intriguing phrases, like “S’cuse me…”  This one comes from Jimi’s hit, “Purple Haze” and is the title of his biography.  Maybe it’s true, that when we die, “we kiss the sky.”  BTW, I’ve never heard whether or not there’ll be kissing in heaven.  I wouldn’t be surprised.  Heaven will be full of surprises.  I wouldn’t expect just harp music.  Eclectic is a word that describes my God.  ;-) Jack   

FROM DM IN LIV:  .Thank you!  I love this!!!===JACK:  Were you ever a fan of Jimi?===DM:  I was not.  So this is the first time I’ve heard S’cuse me while I kiss the sky.  That’s what it’s like when I’m laying on the beach (my favorite place in the world). 😊

FROM WALMART REV:  I was try to think of the Scripture posted below earlier but it didn't come to me until just now/-. ...New King James Version   Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. ===JACK:  I have a hard time visualizing kissing Jesus.  I guess that there must be different kinds of kissing.===REV:  Must be more of a generic expression like "kissing the sky!" 0;-)===JACK:  That's better.  Thanks

FROM HUNGRY HOWIE:  Of course there’s kissing cause kissing is heaven===JACK:  It sounds as tho you've had practice.

FROM MY LAWYER:  Do your kissing here for awhile. Heaven can wait!  ====JACK:  Come up to B and give her a surprise kiss.  Let me know her reaction.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Hendrix played with passion and verve; thanks for quoting him today.
Perhaps a different kind of kiss in the next life.===JACK:  Passionate kissing in heaven?


Thursday, December 05, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/5/19
“Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.”  (Confucius)  Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who lived about 500 BC.  A form of the Golden Rule is attributed to him.  He stressed the importance of living a virtuous life…especially respecting one’s elders.  Many in China today have taken his teachings and applied them to current workplace situations so, in a sense, Confucius lives again.  Wise and smart people still aren’t afraid of change.”  ;-)  Jack   

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  The Chinese have been known to take care of their elders.  That’s a beautiful trait.  My grandparents had family members live with them when they got too old to live alone. They took in several.  My parents took in my mom’s father and my grandpa lived with us until he passed away.      We have Gary’s U of M, as we call him (Uncle Mike) living with us.  We enjoy him and he’s enjoying us!     That’s the way it was meant to me.  And now they I’m older, I appreciate even more!!!===JACK:  I like the word...caregivers.

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/4/19
“Life is very interesting.  In the end some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths.”  (Drew Barrymore)  Skier Merrick Randy Alexander describes in Odyssey Online, things that gave her strength during recovery from injuries.  It began with a faith in God, then came support from family and friends...There was back-up.  A positive view of myself was helpful…and “loving others as I loved myself.”  Things to remember in difficult times!  ;-)  Jack

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/3/19
“Strive for integrity--that means knowing your values in life and behaving in a way that is consistent with these values.”  (Unknown)  Imagine if during the current Washington hearings   it was like in Pinocchio’s time…wouldn’t that be funny; or imagine if it really happened. “Liar, liar, pants on fire.”  I’d be glued to the TV.  There’s a saying: “Point a finger at someone, and you have 3 pointing back at you.”  Integrity is a value for each of us to practice.   ;-)  Jack   

Monday, December 02, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/2/19
“Always desire to learn something useful.”  (Sophocles)  I met 2500-yr-old Sophocles during my college freshman philosophy class.  He was a Greek playwright who had a major influence on how we view plays today.  He was also a philosopher, sometimes including God-concepts in his work.  For example, once there was a terrible plague, and he introduced the idea of a healing God in his play, Oedipus.  Let me know if you learn anything useful today.   ;-)  Jack

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 12/1/19
“When witten in Chinese the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters—one represents danger and the other represents opportunity.”  (JFK)  I’m trying to remember what crisis Kennedy was talking about?  Regardless, crisis-times have ways of coming into our lives with no warning.  Decisions have to be made.  Looking back, I see that in some of those situations, life was changed for the better…a new and unexpected opportunity appeared.  Praise God!  ;-)  Jack

FROM  M&L M:  Good point Jack!  ( Cuban Missile Crisis).===JACK:  I should have remembered.

FROM LG IN CT:   JFK referred to the build up of Soviet ballistic missiles in Cuba as the Cuban Missile Crisis.===JACK:  I was living in the Chicago area at the time and recall planes and copters in the skies..almost continually.

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Cuban missile crisis, perhaps?  After that, US and Soviets took first steps toward nuclear test ban treaty.===JACK:  The perfect example of a cisis...andI lived thru it.

FROM WALMART REV:  That Book you and I have made a living out of all these years by expounding it's content has never ran out of examples of such crisis turning into marvous revelations of God's Handy Works!! 0;-)===JACK:  Good Friday was crisis time.....Is this the end?  Thankfully. we know that there is more to the story.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  We will all face a few crises in our lives or at least situations that we feel are crises. How we react to them perhaps depends upon which of the Chinese characters we see. Do you see only the danger in a crisis or can you see the opportunity. We see and hear on the news almost daily about “heroes” who spring into action to rescue someone who is experiencing a crisis moment – perhaps involving an accident or fire or some other calamity. I’m sure that those heroes see the danger involved, but they choose to take the opportunity to help....JACK:  We will all face a few crises in our lives or at least situations that we feel are crises. How we react to them perhaps depends upon which of the Chinese characters we see. Do you see only the danger in a crisis or can you see the opportunity. We see and hear on the news almost daily about “heroes” who spring into action to rescue someone who is experiencing a crisis moment – perhaps involving an accident or fire or some other calamity. I’m sure that those heroes see the danger involved, but they choose to take the opportunity to help.
Jack’s Winning Words 11/29/19
“And now this is the sweetest and most glorious day that ever my eyes did see.”  (Donald Cargill)  In case you missed it, Sweetest Day was the 3rd Saturday in Oct, the day when you’re supposed to give a box of candy to your loved one.  I missed it, too.  But, really…What makes a day sweet?  It can begin with a beautiful sunrise; a day without pain; a clear mind; people who love you; a sense of the presence of God;…and leftover Halloween candy.  Enjoy!  ;-)  Jack