Thursday, April 09, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  4/9/20
“My mom used to say, ‘No one is worthless, Jonny; they can at least be a good bad example.’”  (Good Debt Jon)  Did you have a hero when you were growing up?  I read that Greta Thunberg is someone teens admire today…one of their own.  It seems natural, because many young people have a concern for the environment.  People are looking for heroes.  No matter our age, we can be an example to someone.  Try to be a good, good example.  ;-)  Jack

FROM LBP:  Sigh ... Another good kick-in-the-pants WW. Was low on focus today. Need to find ambition. Though I did find a partner so I can be ambitious and focused. To add to the analogy, ambition without focus is like a dog chasing his tail. :)   I’ve not been to Detroit for a month though I’m having more meetings than ever now that working from home is the norm. I think mom and dad have been staying in for about the same time.  To pass the time they have the new hobby of doing school work with my kiddos. 1-hr each of science w granddad and 1-hr each of English language arts with mom.===JACK:  One of the stay-at-home blessings is the opportunity to old things in new ways.  It won't be long before we begin to say, "Do you remember when we used to do things in the old-fashioned way?" ===LBP:  I really think that this is an opportunity for us to reset our priorities and check our habits. Maybe we work more from home (less commute time), maybe we have less calendar clutter, maybe we continue with efficient grocery purchases, ... how long to build a habit?
===JACK:  Yes!  some of the butterflies I've been writing C-19.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:   My dad used to say something similar...Right now the heroes are our medical workers, and all who continue to work at grocery stores, drug stores, restaurants for
take-out" etc. I have 2 g.daughters, an RN and a nurse practitioner in the midst of the fray! Prayers!
Blessings in this surreal time!!===JACK:  Memories are being made for a younger generation.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  greta is a puppet. a sad, troubled autistic child who was exploited... 
JACK:  I guess I don't have enough information to make that kind of judgment.  However, I do know of other young people feel that they want to make their voice heard.

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