Thursday, May 26, 2016

Jack’s Winning Word 5/26/16
“When something’s troubling you, before going to sleep, jot down 3 things you can do the next day to help solve the problem.”  (H. Jackson Brown)  Brown’s Life’s Little Instruction Book evolved from a list of advice “notes” that he gave to his son when Adam left for college.  The song says “When you’re worried and cannot sleep…count your blessings.”  The advice in today’s quote seems like an idea worth trying.  Adam used it…and others, too.    ;-)  Jack

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  good advice because it is constructive & definitive... stops endless dwelling on the subject.====JACK:  It's one thing to read about it...another to write about it...and now I've actually got to do it.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  It is a wonderful idea anytime!!====JACK:  I'm sure  you've given advice to your children.  You probably could have written your own book.

FROM CL IN MICHIGAN:  I like that!====JACK:  Let me hear from you after you try it.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  good words indeed.  btw,  my daughter and family who now live on a hobby farm near Northfield, MN are indeed getting some sheep next week.  even so,  counting blessings is better than counting sheep (unless  you are missing some, i suppose).====JACK:  Does she have a black sheep among the flock?  I think that it could be a "good message" idea.  I'm not going to suggest a name.  "Jesus loves the little children (sheep), all the children (sheep)..."

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  IF you can think of 3 things to do to  help solve it, it probably wouldn't be troubling you so much, but hey, don't knock it until you've tried it, right?! I love his LIFE'S LITTLE INTRUCTION BOOK...all 511 suggestions are succinct and practical.#436, "Have some knowledge of 3 religions, other than your own." #438, "Every person that you meet knows something you don't; Learn from them."  And on and on....:-) Bill gave  it to all of our kids...====JACK:  I like this one..."Learn three knock-knock jokes so you can entertain children."   Knock Knock  Who's there?  Henrietta  Henrietta who?  Henrietta worm that was in his apple.

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