Friday, February 22, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/22/08
“Laugh a little, love a little, Skies are always blue! Every cloud has silver linings, but it’s up to you.”
(Unknown) How we perceive the world around us is a personal thing. Being a member of The Optimist Club helps me to “look on the sunny side of everything.” Incidentally, there is a Pessimist Club for those who want to look at the gloomy side of everything. ;-) Jack

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: .......what about an Opti-mess Club for those of us who see the messes, but wish that they weren't there?

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Is there a Realist Club?

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Actually, I would change this...."Laugh a lot, love a lot, skies are sometimes blue, but how you react to each day is up to you."

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I am on your side!

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: Is there really? And who in the world would ever admit belonging to a Pessimists Club?!!

FROM G.G. IN INDY: Reminds me of a Delaney sister quote....."life is short, it's up to us to make it sweet".

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: I told a member of the pessimist’s club yesterday (it’s 8 degrees here), “Cheer-up every cloud has a silver lining!” and he replied, “Yeah but, the silver you are seeing is probably toxic mercury.” It’s hard to get to the sunny side with some folks, but I only run into one of those this week.

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: I'm optimistic about that pessimist club. How do I get in touch?

FROM A.S. IN MICHIGAN: Pessimist Club probably has no meetings as every one is fearful of getting to the meeting place safely!

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