Friday, February 29, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/29/08
“It is intellectually easier to credit a divine intelligence than to submit dumbly to felicitous congeries about nature.”
(William Buckley) I didn’t always agree with Bill, but I did enjoy listening to him speak, using BIG words. I will miss him. Incidentally, I do agree with this quote, even though I had to look up a couple of words. ;-) Jack

FROM N.E. IN S.H.: Me too! Felicitous & Congeries!

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: I'm off to my dictionary. Thank you for continued daily nudges to keep my brain functioning!

FROM DMF IN MINNESOTA: Nice touch to have Buckley today.

MORE FROM DMF: Maybe your new strategy is to have “Quotes from the Grave” by the recently deceased!

FROM M.S. IN MICHIGAN: This morning's Wall Street Journal ends a tribute to him with "Ave atque vale," which I had to look up to find "Hail and Farewell." It also has several quotes, including "I am lapidary but not eristic when I use big words," Column, 1986.

FROM THE JUDGE IN MICHIGAN: I would be most disappointed ana shocked if you didn't agree with this tought. How about this one? "Two rights that every man should have: The right to think what he wants and the right to say what he thinks." (Spinoza) Buckley always Came across AS TOO POMPOUS FOR ME. ALSO HE WAS A REPUBLICAN

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: Buckley certainly was the Opsimath’s friend. I predict sales of unabridged dictionaries will decline. FROM JACK: Did you know that there are opsimath clubs in America?

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I will miss him too. I am also used to the big words, as Gary uses them all the time....I always say, "Tell me again using words I can understand." He just laughs and rephrases the statement.
FROM MOLINER, L.P.: "Felicitous" is such an arcane word that AOL's Spell Check didn't pick up on the fact that I'd spelled it incorrectly in my first email. I'm gonna miss Mr. Buckley!

MORE FROM L.P.: Ok, I looked these words up, too, and now I get it.
felicitious: well-chosen, apt, appropriate congeries: a collection of things heaped together, an aggregation
I interpret Mr. Buckley's statement to mean it's easier to believe in God than to believe that some Big Bang accidentally threw this all together. I've always believed God is a scientist of the highest order. Perhaps God created a big bang to get it all started.

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: ......unfortunately Buckley was behind the curve scientifically. Current science believes that the "Big Bang" universe is but a blip in what's really out there. Think about this : Why would chaos be a result of a creative effort? It's a self-contradictory hypothesis. Did "God" say "oops"? Intelligent Design,which is where devout old school Catholic is , which is what Buckley was, is not , in the least, scientific.......but rather a "faith statement". The very basic premise of science is random selection evolution.

FROM MOLINER, T.L.: Certainly easier, but more honest ?

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: I'll never forget the time Bill was on Johmie Carson's show and said he didn't fly unless the plane had two right wings.

FROM B.G. IN MICHIGAN: I concur. William F. Buckley was that rare commentator, on either side of the aisle, who respected his adversaries and even invited them to engage him in meaningful debate. And, instead of shouting them down a la Rush Limbaugh and his cronies, he actually let them talk before offering his take on a particular subject. He was brilliant, if a bit conservative for my tastes.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Eristic is a good word. It is typical of the dialectic practiced by Socrates. I don't pretend to be a Socrates but he is good company to keep. FROM JACK: It seems to fit you. Ha

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN: I will probably remember congeries since the Latin root is very similar to the Latin root for congregate. Did not recall this; had to look it up. Vocabulary wise, reading Buckley is like reading Joseph Conrad. Enjoy them, but need dictionary nearby.

FROM DAZ IN MICHIGAN: "Despair is a mortal sin" A good Optimist quote.

FROM CWL IN OHIO: I'm glad you don't understand all the words. I was worried there for a while!
I'll miss him too- though we can still check him out and stretch ourselves with his writings.

Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.
William Butler Yeats

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: To illustrate one of my inadequacies, I thought he was a pompous intellectual showoff. After saying that, I listened to Bob Schaefferstate that Mr Buckley could have cut and diced him once but didn't, rather he extended a helping hand. So, at heart he was a Christian. I must give him credit.

MORE FROM B.S.: I really want to go up and visit with my MA & PA. There are many questions i really want to ask them, such as, why didn't you teach us Sweedish? German? And why didn't they go dancing, and take us with? Why didn't they buy up some of the lots down the street in 1945 when they were $50.00 each? You know why? we didn't have any money.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/28/08
“The most profound statements are often said in silence.”
(Lynn Johnston) I like Lynn’s “For Better or Worse” that appears each day in the comics section. She has a knack for reality. Her words today are a perfect example. There are times when it’s better to hold your tongue and not make things worse by shooting from the lip. ;-) Jack

FROM B.D. IN MICHIGAN: Jack this is really a good one I use this all the time. When I get mad at an employee often I'll give them the look of discuss and walk away without saying nothing. It drives them crazy. Later in the day I'll talk to them, they are on pins and needles the balance of the day till we have that talk. I think the reason it works so well for me is it give them a chance to think about what they have done and how they will correct the problem. Most of the time all I have to say is I'm glad your telling me their will not be a next time and that you have learned from your mistake. Your winning words today remind me that I should use the above more often, it's a better way to manage people.

FROM B.G. IN MICHIGAN: Amen! ‘nough said


MORE FROM JON: I was holding my tongue. Something I don't often do.

FROM MOLINER, L.P: Who was it who said (and I paraphrase), "It is better not to say anything and appear stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."? FROM JACK: Mark Twain

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: Reminds me of Abe Lincoln's, " It is better to remain silent, etc."

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: i'm listening.

FROM N.K. IN MICHIGAN: .For Better or Worse is very special to our family

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: It's a game, just like holding off eating that cookie,( or fudge ) keep one's mouth shut as long as one can while some little chickie is listing all your faults one at a time, at the top of her voice. I think I am getting an ulcer. Hey that's a part of life.

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/27/08
“If it were not for hope the heart would break.”
(Thomas Fuller) Fuller was a 17th century English churchman. Excerpts from his writings and sermons fill several volumes. Even in his day people were looking for hope. As you move around in your corner of the world, what are the hopes of the people you meet? ;-) Jack

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Con Trued used to say that you can't live without hope. I completely agree with that. You might as well end it all if you think everything is hopeless. Apparently that happened to the ex-TV reporter just the other day.

FROM B.G. IN MICHIGAN: Another good one.

FROM D.S. IN SAN DIEGO: Good Grief!!!! This must have come from Obama.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/26/08
“Thy fate is the common fate of all. Into each life some rain must fall.”
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) I should quote the lines that precede this: Be still sad heart and cease repining. Behind the clouds is the sun still shining. So, as the song suggests, Look for the silver lining! Longfellow’s words are from the poem, The Rainy Day. You may have memorized it in grade school days. ;-) Jack

FROM S.G. IN K.H.: I DID memorize this in grade school.....

FROM G.G. IN INDY: Memorizing poems may be a lost art in schools. Too bad. I remember when you had us memorize most of Luthers' Small Cathechism!

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: “Most people would succeed at small things if they were not troubled with great ambitions.” That’s my favorite Longfellow line. It may be from an introduction to a book he wrote, I am not sure it is part of a poem.

FROM J.F. IN NOVA SCOTIA: The rain falleth on the just and the unjust. Or, in a more cynical view--I think from Ogden Nash-- The rain falleth on the just and on the unjust fella But mostly the just Because the unjust steals the just's umbrella

Monday, February 25, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/25/08
“In my day, there was a lot more shame. Shame has gone out the window, and that’s a damn shame. I really miss shame, because shame kept people in line.”
(Bette Midler) When I was growing up and did something wrong, I heard, “Shame on you!” One index finger was pointed at me, and the other was rubbed on the top of it. Did that ever happen to you? You don’t hear that word used much anymore. Ain’t that a shame? ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER C.F.: You know, of course, that it is bad manners to point. Shame.

FROM L.H. IN MARCO: I fully agree. I still say the expression to myself sometimes when I see something on TV or hear about something that deserves the expression. I'll say to myself "Shame on Them."

FROM A RECOVERING ALCOHOLIC: From my own personal experience, the chronology went something like this:
1. Fear/Self'Loathing/Defeat/Humility
2. Message of Recovery/Hope/Willingness to Believe
3. Acceptance/Willingness to Change
4. Shame/Remorse/Confession
5. The Openning of the Soul/Inviting God In
6. Communion & Rebirth
7. Restitution & Revelation (The Kingdom Revealed/The Door is Opened)
8. Recognition/Discerning Things of the Spirit (Indoctrination/Matriculation into Kingdom)
9. Daily Renewal & Reflection (Practicing God's Presence/Spiritual Education & Growth)
10. Service & Sanity - Incorporating Spiritual Principles into My Life (Citizenship in the Kingdom)
Shame didn't come into the picture until I was able to contrast my life against that which was undoubtedly good - GOD!
As an alcoholic, I was slave to my ego. I was my own god. There was no shame because all standards were shunned and avoided.
When I finally did feel shame, it came like a tidal wave. I felt like I had betrayed my best friend, but a hundred times worse.
It was a gut-wrenching nausea that hurt to the pit of my being. I finally understood, I had squandered God's precious gifts of life and love.
I believe this experience was the cleansing which occurs when in the presence of God's Spirit and why confession and shame go hand in hand.
My hope was restored when God revealed the limitless nature of His forgiveness and love.
Although I indicated restitution as following communion & rebirth, I believe restitution is actually part of the birthing process.
Each successive act of goodwill is like a painful contraction, until finally a new man is born.
For me, it was the doorway to the Kingdom.
At least that's this humble man's opinion.

FROM K.B. AT M.G.: In Behavioral Health particularly addiction--shame is a terribly unhealthy attribute-we are taught that GUILT is " I did " something
wrong and SHAME is "I am" something wrong. For an addict the shame is
internal and comes from trying over and over to fix something and failing. I have a tape on shame if anyone is interested.

MORE FROM K.B.: I read the blog --ver interesting comment from all especially the Recovering Alcoholic. I am looking for some references on Shame along with my missing tape. Stay tuned. One of the more well known writers on addiction is John Bradshaw; Healing the Shame That Binds You. This classic book, written 17 years ago but still selling more than 13,000 copies every year, has been completely updated and expanded by the author. "I used to drink," writes John Bradshaw,"to solve the problems caused by drinking. The more I drank to relieve my shame-based loneliness and hurt, the more I felt ashamed." Shame is the motivator behind our toxic behaviors: the compulsion, co-dependency, addiction and drive to superachieve that breaks down the family and destroys personal lives. This book has helped millions identify their personal shame, understand the underlying reasons for it, address these root causes and release themselves from the shame that binds them to their past failures.

FROM MOLINER, L.P.: Shame probably should be listed as "archaic" in the dictionary. Parent-wise, it is nearly impossible to teach the concept of "shame," as the rest of society doesn't support the notion. Shame itself is considered "shameful." Everything goes-- so what is there to be ashamed of?

FROM PR J.S.IN MICHIGAN: You don't suppose that comes from a liberal theology which has forgotten the Law, do you?

MORE FROM J.S.: WE need to stand before God and be found wanting. Only then will His Grace pour out upon us and cleanse us. Today grace has been cheapened because there is no guilt or shame. If the Ten Commandments are not doing the job, perhaps it is because they are confronting particularly twisted minds!!!
FROM D.S. IN MICHIGAN: I love Bette Midler – The difference was back then when someone said “Shame on you” we knew what we had done to make them say that. Too often now there are not clear boundaries/rules and consequences set in advance with children (for example) and when something happens parents deal with it on the spot. Doesn’t work very well especially when we know that all of work better with those boundaries and rules in place.

FROM L.P. IN MICHIGAN: You know this WW has been on my mind for a few days now. I cringe at the idea of "more shame" for the sake of shame. It is definitely good to have self-respect enough to know good conduct and remorse for times when conduct was lacking... but unless said in jest, the old "shame on you" scolding seems haughty when said between adults and it is not constructive when said to children. I think the worst scoldings I got as a kid were the "shame on you, that's naughty" kind. They stuck with me for years and in many cases it wasn't until I was an adult that I figured out WHY what I'd said or done was actually naughty.
See, I really do ponder the WWs that you send. Thanks for keeping me thinking each day.

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: good thought. Mom told me that when she scolded me as a toddler, I would cry. Bill would just get mad.

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN: Ain't that the truth!!!!!

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: Heck, my Mom didn't even need to speak --- just had to give me 'that look'!

FROM N.E. IN S.H.: The line I usually use is; "I'm really disappointed in your actions". Pretty close?

MORE FROM N.E.: My kids tell me they would rather I was absolutely furious with them than disappointed in them. ( Handy little piece of information there! ;) )

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: In this, I totally agree with Bette. The problem is no one is held responsible for anything anymore. There is no shame and no blame! And that is a shame!

FROM J.O. IN MICHIGAN: I was such a good child that I never heard those words (ha ha ha)

MORE FROM L.P. IN MICHIGAN: (referring to K.B.'s comment earlier in the blog): But honestly, are things really worse than in her day or have the same problems just "evolved" to fit with the modern day?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/22/08
“Laugh a little, love a little, Skies are always blue! Every cloud has silver linings, but it’s up to you.”
(Unknown) How we perceive the world around us is a personal thing. Being a member of The Optimist Club helps me to “look on the sunny side of everything.” Incidentally, there is a Pessimist Club for those who want to look at the gloomy side of everything. ;-) Jack

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: .......what about an Opti-mess Club for those of us who see the messes, but wish that they weren't there?

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Is there a Realist Club?

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Actually, I would change this...."Laugh a lot, love a lot, skies are sometimes blue, but how you react to each day is up to you."

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I am on your side!

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: Is there really? And who in the world would ever admit belonging to a Pessimists Club?!!

FROM G.G. IN INDY: Reminds me of a Delaney sister quote....."life is short, it's up to us to make it sweet".

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: I told a member of the pessimist’s club yesterday (it’s 8 degrees here), “Cheer-up every cloud has a silver lining!” and he replied, “Yeah but, the silver you are seeing is probably toxic mercury.” It’s hard to get to the sunny side with some folks, but I only run into one of those this week.

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: I'm optimistic about that pessimist club. How do I get in touch?

FROM A.S. IN MICHIGAN: Pessimist Club probably has no meetings as every one is fearful of getting to the meeting place safely!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/21/08
“Don’t be humble—Remind yourself of all your good qualities.”
(#18 from 2002 Ways To Cheer Yourself Up by Cyndi Haynes) When we were younger, most of us were told not to brag. If, in your own mind, you list your good qualities, that’s not bragging. It’s self evaluation. Use a piece of paper (or several), if you want. ;-) Jack

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: I think the word "humble" is one of the most ill used words in the English language. What do we mean by that term? I think that the biblical understanding of that word is "to be human." When we accept that we are not God but that we are someone special made by God, we are human. That is a wonderful thing to be.

JACK'S RESPONSE TO J.S.: So....#1 on Siefken's list: I AM HUMBLE!

MORE TO J.S.: Here's a song for you to sing today. Oh Lord it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way I can't wait to look in the mirror 'cause I get better lookin' each day To know me is to love me, I must be a hell of a man Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, but I'm doin' the best that I can

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Of ways to cheer yourself up, I prefer Jesus to Cyndi Haynes: "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

FROM MOLINER: C.F.: Reminding YOURSELF of your good qualities is what humbleness is all about.

FROM J.C. IN HONG KONG: "What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (From "2002 Ways Not to Deceive Yourself With Secular "Thinking"" - Various Authors)

FROM J.N. IN MICHIGAN: Today's W.W. words remind me of an exercise that was conducted at a meeting I attended many years ago. We went around the circle and told of a bad characteristic we have. No one flinched. I don't recall if we did this more than twice. Then, we had to say something good about ourselves and that went around the circle three times. No one flinched at having to tell a negative characteristic, but there was great hesitation about saying something good about ourselves, especially three things.
That's sort of related to the old elementary classroom vote where classmates peeked to see if you voted for yourself. Or when I excused myself from the annual congregational meeting during voting for President of the Congregation. The vote was by hand and I did not want to see who did or did not support me. The pastor cast my vote and I told him I was voting for myself. I figured if I couldn't support myself, I shouldn't be a candidate.

FROM J.O. IN MICHIGAN: Isn't it amazing how wonderful it is to be able to turn things over to the Lord? Today is one of those days for me...I hope it's not like that for you.

FROM D.P. IN MINNESOTA: Good idea, today I needed that!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: You can be humble and still realize your blessings. I have strong points and weak ones....all make up who I am. I have more good qualities than bad, at least I think I know so. As for writing them down, I really only care if they are found in the God's book!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/20/08
Affluence separates people. Poverty knits ‘em together. You got some sugar and I don’t; I borrow some of yours. Next month you might not have any flour; well, I’ll give you some of mine.”
(Ray Charles) There were some really good lessons learned by us who lived during The Great Depression. Sometime I might tell you about mine.

;-) Jack

FROM J.F. IN NOVA SCOTIA: please do!

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: Self-sufficiency breeds loneliness at times.

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Where I was growing up in the '30's and '40's, bank presidents and doctors lived on the same streets with factory workers and laborers. Today affluence has generated separate sectors residentially, socially, and politically.

MORE FROM R.I.: My wife says that in Japan there was separation but it was more by status than wealth. People were concerned with a long ancestral family line of education, respect, honor, etc. People of wealth lived well and in fine homes, but they were not isolated to themselves. In fact they were situated among the commercial and business districts where lots of noise and commotion were prevalent.

FROM M.S. COMING HOME FROM FLORIDA: I would like to hear about those experiences.
Am flying home from Florida today--not looking forward to being back in Michigan's weather!

JACK'S RESPONSE TO M.S.: Weather separates people, too. Those in the cold huddle together to keep warm and to comiserate, while those in Florida just bask one the beach and let the rest of the world go by.

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: ......why not now?

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: Pls do. Ever read about Irish hospitality?

MORE FROM G.S.: My Mom took in relatives and animals & was close to a few neighbors, borrowing stuff.

FROM PR C.H. ON CAPE COD: Now's the time! (to tell us about your good lessons learned during the Great Depression) You know, the way I relate is: in college I sometimes borrowed a friend's car to go to church Sundays; then when I had my own car I didn't have to rely on friends in the same way but also lost a little community. We don't have cable and so get no TV reception. (same was true in Michigan) So I "invite" myself politely to parishoners to watch playoff sport games with them. It knits us/people together. Having the independence is nice and once you have it, it's hard to give it up, but there can be something beautiful about having some dependence upon others!

FROM L.H. IN MARCO: Does that mean that we should all strive to live in poverty? Or are you talking about socialism? When God allows someone to be successful, he is expected to help those who are less fortunate and for those who do that, they can help those less fortunate with more than a cup of sugar; they can sometimes offer many cups of sugar and maybe even employment to help lift someone out of poverty. It all come down to how you use what you have.

FROM F.M. IN WISCONSIN: your WW came through today - and made me recall the conversation we had with some relatives last Friday evening - talking about the depression era - Jewel's father didn't work for over two years - and she and her brother have some very 'interesting' stories. My folks had it tough too, but not like Jewel's family - my parents 'lost' seven homes they owned in the depression - their way to prepare for old age before Social Security and Pensions - own property for rental income. Someday I'd like to hear your 'history' from the 30's.

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: I am appreciating your Winning Words for today. You know the thing about the Depression which my mom most memorably passed on to me was that women couldn't get nylon stockings and back then they were made with a seam up the back. So she and her girlfriends took to drawing lines on the back of their legs. What is amazing to me about this was that everyone must have taken the attitude that you somehow pretend you don't notice this what I am doing and I'll pretend I'm looking just grand and we'll continue having a good time through it all. I learned a good lesson about fashion and people being caring for each other from my mom.

FROM F.M. IN WISCONSIN: That sounds like Jewel's family - they never had a car, a telephone - they didn't even have a radio until after the II World War. Things were different in our home - my father quit as Supt. at Nash motors in 1932, after he was asked to serve both as day and night supt. Then they worked 10 hour shifts - and he found it impossible to work the 20 hour shift - so he quit. My parents purchased a grocery store which they had for a year or two - people shopped until they ran up their credit to the point that my folks couldn't 'carry them'. Finally my father went into business in insurance - didn't make a lot for a few years, but we always had a good car - took vacations - and we always had a maid until I was about 14 years old. That was right before the war and young girls were able to find other work - I can remember when they paid the maid $2.75 a week plus their room and board. Enough - but it is true that we get to know each other when we share and borrow.

FROM DVE IN MICHIGAN: as the song says you tell me yours I'll tell you mine.

FROM G.G. IN INDY: We were by no means poor, but this reminded me of how we used to gather in the "girls bedroom" and help whatever sister it was assemble an outfit for a big event (dance,prom,homecoming,Roman banquet,etc) at school. We used many of the same dresses and accessories over again/ just tweaked them for the individual and made them look new. My mom was in on it too....sharing her creativity and courage. I know this added to the developement of our "close-knit" family. We had alot of fun.(still do!)

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN: Affluence seems to separate people from God and their spiritual side. This is most noticeable to me among the young.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: We all have many stories we could share...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/19/08
“For every evil under the sun, There is a remedy, or there is none; If there be one, try and find it; If there be none, never mind it.”
(Sign on the desk of a high school principal) There comes a time when you just have to let some things go. The story is told of a woman who could not sleep, because a problem was on her mind. Finally she prayed, “Dear, Lord you neither slumber nor sleep, so I’m turning this problem over to you.” Then she turned over and went to sleep. ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: Looks like she passed her problem on to somebody else. That's a solution?

Take Your Burden to the Lord and Leave It There Leave it there, oh, leave it there Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there If you would trust Him and never doubt He will surely bring you out Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there I have the world from you withhold of its silver and its gold And you'll have to get along with [me just fast] Just remember in God's words how He fed those little birds Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there Now, if your body suffers pain and your health you can't regain And you soul is almost sinkin' in despair Jesus knew the pain you feel He can save and He can heal Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there If your enemy assails and our heart begin to fail Don't you forget that God in heaven will answer prayer He will make a way for you, He will guide you safely through Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there Now, if your useful days are gone and old age in stealing on And your body sinks beneath the weight of care Jesus will never leave you then, He'll go with you to the end Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there Now, if you'r mother leaves you here grief and sorrow you must bear And you feel that all the friend you have is gone But whenever you feel alone, Jesus will take you in His arms Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there

FROM J.C. IN HONG KONG: This is the type of phrase liberal "thinkers" used in pre-WW2 to avoid confronting Hitler. They slept well at first, but not so well later.

FROM G.G. IN INDY: These are winning words for me, today and everyday! (I've used Peruvian worry dolls to help me sleep..... I assign a worry to the doll....on big worry nights they're all lined up on my bedside table....they worry / I sleep.) Pretty funny.

FROM JACK TO G.G.: When I'm worried and I can't sleep I count my blessings instead of sheep And I fall asleep counting my blessings When my bankroll is getting small I think of when I had none at all And I fall asleep counting my blessings

REPLY FROM G.G.: good one....although, I'd be up all night counting..... I have so many!

FROM B.S. (A FORMER DRUGGIST) NEAR ORLANDO: When we opened our pharmacy I had the same problem, I couldn't fall asleep because I was running each and every Rx that I filled that day through my mind, no way could I sleep. So I finally said to myself, "Bob,. do what your parents told you to do, "Do a good job the first time, so you won"t have to re-do it" ( I might add, unless of course if you screw up, them immediately admit it and correct it, and notify the patient, and say you goofed and your are sorry,get it over with, and go on with helping others.)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/18/08
“Do more than exist, live. Do more than touch, feel. Do more than look, observe. Do more than read, absorb. Do more than hear, listen. Do more than think, ponder. Do more than talk, say something.”
(John Rhoads) This appeared in a book of daily readings, published by The Their slogan: It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. Light a candle today! ;-) Jack

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Every now and then it is nice to curse the darkness!!!

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I literally do have a candle burning. Part of my morning ritual!

FROM JACK: Do you sit cross-legged and chant, ummmmmmm?

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: A big order for a Monday...I will ponder on what I should do today....and light a nice glowing candle too!

FROM MOLINER, J.T.: WOW !! Some great advice

FROM M.E. IN CALIFORNIA: Succinct, substantive advice.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/15/08
“Don’t go through life; grow through life.”
(Sue Butterworth) At her funeral it was said of Sue, “She made people feel better about themselves.” She was passionate about selling books that helped people to grow through life. As you look back, have you read books such as that? What would you recommend? ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: LIVING, LOVING & LEARNING by Leo Buscaglia. It's old (1982) but I still go back into it from time to time to refresh my memory and consider it message again.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: First and foremost, I would say the Bible, but that's probably a given. I have read thousands of books, (it's our biggest entertainment expense) but each left me with something.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: How about the scriptures?

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: SUPERMAN! Did he ever not help those in need or harm's way?

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: This is a good one for me, the day after I came within three years of reaching my full social security retirement age. Thanks for sending! Don't look back, I may be gaining on you.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: anything by maya angelou. particularly, "i know why the caged bird sings". it gave me back my courage and voice at a very difficult time in my life.

The title of the book comes from the poem "Sympathy" by Paul Laurence Dunbar:
"I know why the caged bird sings, ah me,
When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore,
When he beats his bars and would be free;
It is not a carol of joy or glee,
But a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core,
But a plea, that upward to Heaven he flings -
I know why the caged bird sings. (Stanza 3)"

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/14/08
“In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.”
(Mignon McLaughlin) I like this one for Valentine’s Day. It’s good commentary on what is love, too. Mignon is also famous for her quote: “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times always with the same person.” ;-) Jack

FROM J.O. IN MICHIGAN: Good one! Love never ends.

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: I just forwarded your Winning Words today to my daughter. Both she and her boyfriend are mathematical types and I thought she and he would enjoy them.

FROM J.H. IN OHIO: I like your math!

FROM D.P. IN MINNESOTA: "two minus one equals nothing" is for the most part true, but I am still here. Happy Heart Day!

For God so loV ed the world,
That He gA ve
His onL y
BegottE n
T hat whosoever
Believeth I n Him
Should N ot perish,
But have E verlasting life."John 3:16

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Of all the examples we have of LOVE that is the deepest and most lasting. Happy Valentine's Day.

FROM G.C. IN SAN DIEGO: True, true, true! Good, good, good!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/13/08
“Personally, I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.”
(Churchill) Do you have that problem, too? If I had it to do over again, I’d pay more attention to my teachers. Life’s lessons are another category. There’s an old saying: “We grow too old soon and too late smart.” ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Lessons in the can take them or leave them. Life's lessons you take...and you disregard them at your peril.

FROM G.W. IN TEXAS: Thanks, Jack. Today's words reminded me of my dad, who always said, "We grow too soon old and too late smarts." Interesting in that he died at 51. I'm blessed to be pushing 59!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I have personally thought that wisdom is lost on the aged...why can't we be as smart as we actually thought we were when we were young????

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/12/08
“Weather is a great bluffer. It’s the same with life. Things can look dark, then a break shows in the clouds and all is changed.”
(Unknown) Even though we talk a lot about the weather, there are things more important than temperatures. Dark clouds can come into our lives unexpectedly, but it’s a bluff. Eventually the sun breaks through, and all will be right and bright again. Keep looking up. ;-) Jack

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Every day in every way, things are getting better and better!!!

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: This is absolutely true for us here.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Some of the most magical moments are during a crisis when the cloud open and we can see the end of the road. God helps us with His strength, endurance and love when we need it the most, even when WE don't feel it, see it or hear's still there. Same way with the favorite is when the darkest clouds close in, and one ray, or maybe two shine right through those deepest darkest cloud. I have always believed they are put there especially by Him who is the true light!

FROM CJL IN OHIO: That's good advice to one who lives alone....

FROM G.G. IN INDY: GOOD ONE! In my mothers' words......."This, too, shall pass."

FROM SDG IN TAMPA: Very true words of wisdom.

FROM MOLINER, J.T.: Sometimes it's tough. A grandson leaving (3rd Time) for Iraq, partner falling and breaking her Pelvis and a son facing brain surgery within the next 4 weeks.I guess you're right, you have to look for the silver lining.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Righton, my Pa used to say, use Positive thinking. Thanks Pa, I hope I can be as good a man as you were.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: shirley always taught us to look for the silver lining. well she sang it for us. i know that this lesson of positivity is why i am alive.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/11/08
“Can one who is warm understand one who is freezing?”
(Alexander Solzhenitsyn) It is cold, really cold here in Michigan. As long as the furnace works, we’re OK. A.S. felt the Siberian cold, and that probably caused him to have empathy with those who were disadvantaged. There are different kinds of “freezing” in this world today. What can we do to make it a more comfortable (bearable) place? ;-) Jack

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I believe nearly everyone on earth has experienced cold. I remember in the 70's the dire predictions of a ice age coming, when even the deepest jungles and rain forests were threatened by cold. Remember? But this mind numbing cold...well, unless you actually experience it, it's very hard to describe. It's my kind of cold...when you step outside and you breathe in and your nose hairs freeze! Is there anything better? :-) That's Michigan!

FROM D.R. IN CALIFORNIA (TRANSPLANTED MOLINER): 77 here in Palm Desert yesterday!!!

FROM S.G. IN FLORIDA: It is much easier living in Florida than in Michigan, especially when the children are small and into the snowsuits,boots, mittens, etc. I always told our children that it builds character to live up north, truth, character depends on many other things.

FROM B.B. IN ILLINOIS: My friend…. I so enjoyed that book. It was last year's One Book One Chicago where the city is encouraged to read a tome together and it's offered in many languages. We read it along with men from our homeless shelter and watched the film (which was good but not as compelling as the book) and had great discussion. You're right on point, as ever.

FROM SDG IN TAMPA: My reply is "To each is own."

FROM G.G. IN INDY: "Bearable" ?.... You are a funny man. I think one of the reasons I love the cold and snow is because I like to hibernate in my cozy home.

FROM A.M. IN NEW YORK: Probably though not exactly as one who experiences both.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: maintain the audacity of hope and vote for a change!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/8/08
“Anyone who has gumption knows what it is, and anyone who hasn’t can never know what it is. So, there is no need of defining it.”
(L. M. Montgomery) Of course you know what gumption is, don’t you? In your lifetime, who are the ones who have inspired you with their gumption? Don’t tell me that you want a definition! ;-) Jack


FROM MOLINER, C.F.: Forrest Gump had it. Think about THAT coincidence.


FROM N.K. IN THE U.P.: I believe that waas one of the first words I can remember my parents English to describe some one that was too lazy to get out of bed. They had NO GUMPTION !!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Mt grandpa had gumption....he invented many items on cars for the Hudson Motor Cars, including the little side mirror on the side windows. Remember them? They opened and let to point air into the front seat. He also invented the piece of material (back when he invented it they used velvet) which took the dew off the side windows when you rolled them up and down. And many many other things on the car still in use today. But he didn't get money for them back in those days. He also invented a new math, which let us grandkids learn so much faster. Unfortunately, the teachers and school didn't let us use it. He had a lot of gumption! He smoked cigars for 35 years. One day the doctors told him to stop and he never touched one again. I could write a book about my wonderful, God loving grandparents!

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: I think this is another one of those 'age' things --- anyone of a certain age knows what gumption is. In my case, it was definitely my Mom and her Mom!

FROM D.S. IN MICHIGAN: I have gumption. ;o)

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: I was afraid if I didn’t check in you would think I have no gumption.

FROM D.S. IN SAN DIEGO: YOU have a lot of gumption telling me you won't define it!

FROM MOLINER, J.T.: My Dad had Gumption (no matter what the meaning is). No definition is necessary--he had it !!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/7/08
“In truth, there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.”
(Nietzsche) Friedrich was critical of the Christianity of his day. “What is a Christian?” is a question worth pondering. Is it an ideal? Is it a follower? Thomas a Kempis wrote a book called The Imitation of Christ. Is it possible to imitate Christ? Lots of questions. Life is full of questions (of one sort or another), isn’t it? ;-) Jack

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: Yes it is and you ask some good ones. I'm still pondering the imitating thing.

FROM S.A. IN VEGAS: I envy those who naturally question everything....not so much in a doubting way, but in an adventurous recognizing a situation as a puzzle and then approaching it as a challenge; a series of questions; knowing when to ask questions and recognize the power of words in meaningful answers.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Nietzsche again displays his hatred for and ignorance of the Christian faith. A Christian is a follower of Christ. That, by definition, means that he/she is a repentant sinner....not a perfect person. There are billions of them. Jesus was a Jew, not a Christian. So Nietzsche was wrong on that part of the equation, too.

FROM MOLINER, L.P.: I beg to differ with Mr. Nietzsche, if I dare. There was only one Christ, and he was a Jew. His followers are Christians. From an Episcopalian

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: I used to sort of think like Nietzsche but not quite. Used to be also critical of Christians in their churches. Why didn't they solve the problems of hunger, of nakedness, why hadn't they been able to make this world a better place? But I also had problems with Christ. Figured he was a man who loved all the people I wanted to love, who sacrificed like I wished all of us people could sacrifice, you know for the good of others, but really didn't believe in His Divinity, that he performed miracles, that He had this dove come down on His Head at His Baptism, that God talked to Him from the Heavens, that the curtain tore in two at His Death. All of this stuff seemed impossibly unreal. Now I'm wondering about Nietzsche. There was only one Christian and he died on the cross. I think a person, touched by God and, helped with all of the resources of the Church, has to plow into this theology of being a saint and a sinner at the same time. Maybe, before a person can start to see all the other Christians about him/her, he/she has to become a Christian himself/herself. One has to see the invisible reality of sainthood always sticking itself through the muck to even be possible to be observed, semi-hidden behind the reality of sinful life always being redeemed and transformed according to God's Will. I think, and this is just speculation, that a great many of the people of Nietzsche's persuasion are wondering about from church to church and like this guy Ram you quoted before, though quite possibly he has found his True Peace now, always wandering or possibly just giving up to despair.

FROM MOLINER, A.E.: Tis sooo True and HE LIVES in every soul of all who Believe he arose and dwells within and it shows. Amen!

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Let's hope we never stop asking questiions...

MORE FROM CJL: The whole matter of curiosity, desire to know, wonderment at what's around us, what's behind the question, where do we go from here, what's next, what's more to be discovered, how do I fit in to things.....questions such as these. It's pretty much like you and your WW. Our need to think.

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: Didn't Luther say Christians are "little Christs"?

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: I think we need to put him in the context of 19th century liberalism which was rampant in is day. It was the time of the beginning of the life of Christ books which were eventually blown out of the water and not restarted again until just recently. They humanized Christ and denuded him of his divinity and then they deified what was left and used that to compare to all other creatures. Of course, in that light we pale. However, the Christian message is not about an ideal Jesus but, as Anselm stressed, "The God-Man." This one came to atone for our sins and to let that atonement work in us to transform us from what we had been. We cannot be compared to the Christ but to our own selves as we were before Christ came to us. That is the problem with the present ELCA. It is run by a group of folks who have repristinated the 19th century and brought about that bankrupt liberalism and wreaked havoc on our church. We need to find with Barth a Christ who is both the majestic God who created the world and the compassionate Lord who redeems it. We need a redeemer and the ELCA is giving us a good guy who is ashamed of the way we go about things.

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN (SHE'S R.C.): Are ashes used in the Lutheran Church? All synods.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Reply: every time we here of tonados I ask Irene: "Is the Good Lord really in charge?", Irene states, "The Christian right are nether Christian, or right". Regardless I think his rules for living with one and another are good, valid, and should be followed. Also, were you aware a Packer coach had a rule? "Strive for perfection. You may not reach perfection, but you will get excellence". I am not saying this coach was God, but I always thought coaches were mighty close to being the almighty. maybe this quote isn't exact, but close.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/6/08
“The spiritual journey is…highly personal. It isn’t true that everybody should follow one path. Listen to your own truth.”
(Ram Dass) Lent is a 40-day spiritual journey for Christians leading up to the celebration of Easter. It is highly personal. Different religious groups walk different paths. Ram has had his own religious walk, from Judaism, to Timothy Leary, to Buddhism, to Wayne Dyer, to Satsang. Personally, Lent is a good enough journey foe me. And that’s the truth! ;-) Jack

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: one of my favorite parts of the mystery is that it doesn't come with a road map, rather, many fine writings of seekers. there are no timetables, either. when it's time, it's time. each day is another step in the journey. happy trails!

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: That guy hasn't been on a journey. He has been on a Safari!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I firmly believe each one of us is given a "gift" to follow our own truths with the Commandments to guide us and God's love to redirect and forgive!

FROM PR P.H. IN MINNESOTA: Ram Dass.....sounds like some computer software!!!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/5/08
“The poor man is not he without a cent, but he who is without a dream.”
(Harry Kemp) A couple of the reasons for sending Winning Words to you is to stimulate your thinking and your dreaming. Kemp was known as the “freight-car poet” because of his wanderlust and his commentary on ordinary stuff. He lived his dream. ;-) Jack

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Thanks for the WW! It helps keeping us "brain alive"

FROM PR P.H. IN MINNESOTA: wasn't he related to Box Car Willie??

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: We pray each day for our daily bread because to be without a cent is to be very poor. One of the great aspects of the NT is to realize that having no daily bread is not a good deal. Beng without a dream is another form of poverty.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: dream big. vote today!

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Kemp's words are pretty strong stuff, coming from a common man, for the "common man."

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: We used to walk barefoot over to Gdma's house on the northside of Kenosha. She told us we had the wanderlust. And, we were Seiribbers ( sailors who wander ). Call me what you want Grandma, I still love your cooking. She used to say to me,"what can I make for you Bobbie?", so I would suggest something and she would say,"chop me some wood for the fire and I'll make it for you". Hell I was ambidextrous, I could chop wood with both hands. Grandma had a fire in no time and i had a belly of food. Nice trade.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/4/08
“I love winning. I can take losing, but most of all, I love to play.”
(Boris Becker) Wasn’t that a great Super Bowl game yesterday? I know that the Patriots are disappointed and the Giants believe in miracles. In sports, I’ve won some and I’ve lost some, but, in the end, I agree with what Boris said. In the game of life, we’re not going to be successful in everything we do, so let’s enjoy the experiences that come to us and the people we meet along the way. ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: If there's a life value in playing sports, it's sportsmanship

FROM A.S. UP NORTH: Winning isn't everthing but it sure is nice;losing teaches humility and character however.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Winning is one hell of a lot better than losing, espec ially in the stocvk market.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I would have liked to have seen the Patriots win just because it had never been done before. But it IS the way we play the game of life, not whether we win or lose, as winning or losing doesn't get us to eternal life...we all know what does!

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Can't wait till Valentine's Day, to mend all the broken hearts here in Boston.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/1/08
“Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.”
(Victor Hugo) The biggest snowstorm of the year is upon us. We’ve already had more snow than all of last year. But tomorrow is Groundhog Day, and Punxatowny Phil is ready to predict the coming of spring. Both my head and heart say that I’m ready. I wonder about the context of Victor’s quote. Do you know? ;-) Jack

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: "Hope springs eternal". I love the snow...I like it best when you walk outside and breathe deep and your nose hairs freeze! That's the best!

MORE FROM J.L.: This is my kind of winter!!! I would love Alaska!

FROM G.T. IN NEW YORK: Good luck in your snow storm. Can't say I miss Michigan weather in the winter, but I do miss it in the summer.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: sounds like victor is a glass half full kinda guy. it's a club i am proud to be a member of!

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I do not know the context of his words. But as I sit here in front of my computer looking out at the snow (literally I am snowed in. I am here with my Mother having stocked up on things in anticipation). I KNOW that under those snow laden branches are buds ready to burst forth. They have not failed us yet! Somehow I think that may have something to do with it. In the meantime I am looking forward to working on my scrap booking which is always behind time when the weather is nice enough "to get out". Have a good weekend!

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: Seems like God is adjusting for the Global Warming this winter. We have had record lows in Central Ohio; of course this is just one year in a 500 year cycle. My son had a 2 hour delay for school this morning because we have a ¼ of ice county-wide.

FROM L.P. IN MICHIGAN: "Winter on my head" makes me think of snow white hair. What a poetic form of "young at heart"

FROM CJL IN OHIO: I guess wonder: Who Cares?

FROM A.S. UP NORTH: Spring,Spring stay away! Winter here is truely a beautiful wonderland to enjoy to the fullest.However warming is not helping snow maintainance ie ickey rain too often!