Winning Words 7/30/10
“Different people have different opinions. Some prefer apples, some onions.” (Indonesian saying) This quote seems to be about fruit and vegetables, but you can see that there’s more to it than that. “Taste” is a word that can mean “choice.” We live in a world of many different tastes. Personally, I’m reluctant to try something new, but maybe there is a better ice cream flavor than butter pecan. ;-) Jack
FROM PO IN MICHIGAN: I doubt it. FROM JACK: BP stands for something other than British Petroleum.
FROM DC IN MICHIGAN: When you go to Baskin Robbins, you should try Baseball Nut. It is truly wonderful. FROM JACK: "I'm reluctant to try something new...," but I may be persuaded.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: A favorite cookbook of our family is "Wings of Life" by Julie Jordan. An old vegetarian cookbook. Onions are in most of the recipes--sauteed, baked, etc., etc., etc. but apples are in only a couple of recipes. Many people may not prefer onions but they complement a lot more other foods than apples do. Probably because fundamentally, they are the most harmonious. FROM JACK: When I was in grade school, I used to take my luch. My favorite sandwich was liver sausage and onions. I still like it.
FROM PRJD IN MINNESOTA: BUTTER PECAN IS THE BEST. FROM JACK: My mouth is watering, even at 8:15 am.
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Butter pecan….my dad's favorite too and one of mine. Some things can be improved upon but others are sweet just as you find them. FROM JACK: I'll have to Google Butter Pecan and see what I come up with.
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: Butter pecan is great but not quite as good as Chocolate Malt Fudge. I remember when the Old Mill was across the street from my Dad's Feed Store and my older sister and I would be given a dime to get two two dip cones. They were incredible. We would walk up 18th Street hill from there and to our home. Inevitably one of us would lose a dip or two in an accident and I remember that the one with the cone left always shared with the other. It was an early lesson in how the world works better through altruism than through greed. FROM JACK: You are more altruistic than I am (and was).
FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I am the original foot dragger, but I am not sure that there is anything better than butter pecan. However, pralines and cream is a close second. FROM JACK: It would be difficult to choose if the ice cream place was out of B P. But I would not choose NOTHING.
FROM MOLINER CF: Ever heard of anyone's breath smelling of apples? FROM JACK: Ever heard of Adam's Onion?
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Love onions!!! Love Granny Smith Apples!! Love Ice cream (most kinds but prefer chocolate chip mint) This is one of my bad habits we talked about the other day. I'm afraid I will never break it either. Nor do I want to. FROM JACK: "An apple a day (and an onion, too) keeps the doctor away,"
but not those regular ice cream cones.
FROM HAWKEYE GS: Sgt. Camo! FROM JACK: I need to let the blog readers know that Camo is a "new" flavor from Whitey's Ice Cream Shop in Moline, Illinois. If I ever get back to Moline I may give it a taste test and top it off with a Whitey's chocolate shake, which you have to eat with a spoon.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I personally doubt that there is a better flavor than butter pecan, but I'm willing to try ANY flavor of ice of my favorite "foods". :-) Petersburg has a Dairy Queen, more's the pity. ( Lead me not into temptation!!) I guess it is a good thing for our diversity, that each has a different taste. I'm sure we have more choices than anywhere in the world! And we can still get along, in spite of our preferences!
FROM JACK: I'm thinking....Is there only one choice: "Yes or No?"
FROM DRUGGIST BOB NEAR ORLANDO: Jack, it's called vanilla. But get a mango where ever you can andI hope you get one as good as the two we had today. It is truely an experience. FROM JACK: I can't say that I've ever tasted mango in ice cream or otherwise. Am I missing something?
FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia is mighty good. Haagen Daz coffee is a tasty lunch at the mall. FROM JACK: I see that you buy at the high end of the scale.
FROM CJL IN OHIO: Try Handels' Black Cherry FROM JACK: I thought Handel was only famous for the "Messiah."
Commentary on quotations from a variety of folks. Some famous....and some not. To receive Jack's Winning Words via email, copy the link at the end of this message, paste it into your web browser address, and complete the sign-up form.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Winning Words 7/29/10
“I don’t know whether all religious people believe in the same God, but I am certain that the same God believes in all human beings, because they are the beings he created, whether they are religious or not.” (Jurgen Moltmann) I think that these words have relevance because of a growing resistance to diversity, particularly when it comes to living at peace with those around us. ;-) Jack
FROM SL IN MICHIGAN: I give you a big Amen on this one! Enjoy the blue skies, sunshine and gentle breezes today! FROM JACK: It's how I think, even is some polls declare otherwise.
FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA: That's a most profound and relevant observation FROM JACK: Moltmann is a respected theologian, even thought the average person probably has never heard of him.
FROM PC IN MICHIGAN: A-M-E-N! FROM JACK: That sounds like a loud agreement. I could almost hear it from across Walnut Lake Road.
FROM ML IN MICHIGAN: Just what I needed to hear today. That often happens. Thanks for your words of wisdom. FROM JACK: I try to make WWs relevant. Sometimes they hit the mark.
FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: I like the thought of god believing in us. I wish we would believe in each other. After all, we are god's work on earth, no matter our ancestry. FROM JACK: I came across another quote which seems to make a similar point. "If you can understanf him, he is not God." (Augustine)
FROM PL IN CANADA:Thanks for the wise words. We are in Montreal celebrating the birth of our first grandchild...Stella Simone Lipson 7 pounds 7 oz. We are just a wee bit excited over here! FROM JACK: Congratulations. Our first grandchild was born 23 years ago. It's fun to relate to such a one as a grandparent.
FROM INDY GENIE: thank you...i love this! it's good to be reminded of a simple truth "religiously" made complicated FROM JACK: Some like the high road, I like the low road, Free from the care and strife.
Sounds corny and seedy, but yes, indeed-y; Give me the simple life.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: What??? Growing resistance to diversity? Are you referring to THE MAJORITY of Americans' growing frustration with people who come to our country illegally and the lawbreaking politicians who allow it? Why on earth do some people (Mexicans) have more rights all of a sudden than other
immigrants? Can Russians or any other nationality just walk in here and live without proper, LEGAL immigration status? The LEGAL immigrants I know took the high road AS THE LAW REQUIRES. FROM JACK: I'm sorry, but I didn't see this as a political statement, but simply a commentary on the love of God which could and should be an example for all of us.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: What does “believe in” mean? Is this the same thing as saying “forgive”? What does it matter if God “believes” in us while not forgiving us? And if they mean the same then what is the purpose of Christianity? Does this mean that John 3:16 is no longer relevant? More questions than answers but these are my thoughts PS The other point is that as long as we respect the fact that we all have the freedom to
choose (even the freedom to choose to be tragically wrong in some cases), then we can live in harmony regardless of our respective beliefs. FROM JACK: One of the purposes of WWs is not to give answers, but to cause people to think. Your's are good questions and worth thinking about.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: What a neat WW. Your words "growing resistance to diversity" grabbed me. The behavior that seems to prove the point is that people are having more and more problems to verbally show respect to each other. But I always wonder if it's just my age I'm showing or if our culture is really getting more and more vulgar and disrespectful. I like knowing God made all of us and I also believe like some other famous WW I saw once that God doesn't make junk. FROM JACK: I'm encouraged by your words of understanding.
FROM JACK: I learned this song in Sunday School. It helped shape my thinking.
“I don’t know whether all religious people believe in the same God, but I am certain that the same God believes in all human beings, because they are the beings he created, whether they are religious or not.” (Jurgen Moltmann) I think that these words have relevance because of a growing resistance to diversity, particularly when it comes to living at peace with those around us. ;-) Jack
FROM SL IN MICHIGAN: I give you a big Amen on this one! Enjoy the blue skies, sunshine and gentle breezes today! FROM JACK: It's how I think, even is some polls declare otherwise.
FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA: That's a most profound and relevant observation FROM JACK: Moltmann is a respected theologian, even thought the average person probably has never heard of him.
FROM PC IN MICHIGAN: A-M-E-N! FROM JACK: That sounds like a loud agreement. I could almost hear it from across Walnut Lake Road.
FROM ML IN MICHIGAN: Just what I needed to hear today. That often happens. Thanks for your words of wisdom. FROM JACK: I try to make WWs relevant. Sometimes they hit the mark.
FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: I like the thought of god believing in us. I wish we would believe in each other. After all, we are god's work on earth, no matter our ancestry. FROM JACK: I came across another quote which seems to make a similar point. "If you can understanf him, he is not God." (Augustine)
FROM PL IN CANADA:Thanks for the wise words. We are in Montreal celebrating the birth of our first grandchild...Stella Simone Lipson 7 pounds 7 oz. We are just a wee bit excited over here! FROM JACK: Congratulations. Our first grandchild was born 23 years ago. It's fun to relate to such a one as a grandparent.
FROM INDY GENIE: thank you...i love this! it's good to be reminded of a simple truth "religiously" made complicated FROM JACK: Some like the high road, I like the low road, Free from the care and strife.
Sounds corny and seedy, but yes, indeed-y; Give me the simple life.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: What??? Growing resistance to diversity? Are you referring to THE MAJORITY of Americans' growing frustration with people who come to our country illegally and the lawbreaking politicians who allow it? Why on earth do some people (Mexicans) have more rights all of a sudden than other
immigrants? Can Russians or any other nationality just walk in here and live without proper, LEGAL immigration status? The LEGAL immigrants I know took the high road AS THE LAW REQUIRES. FROM JACK: I'm sorry, but I didn't see this as a political statement, but simply a commentary on the love of God which could and should be an example for all of us.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: What does “believe in” mean? Is this the same thing as saying “forgive”? What does it matter if God “believes” in us while not forgiving us? And if they mean the same then what is the purpose of Christianity? Does this mean that John 3:16 is no longer relevant? More questions than answers but these are my thoughts PS The other point is that as long as we respect the fact that we all have the freedom to
choose (even the freedom to choose to be tragically wrong in some cases), then we can live in harmony regardless of our respective beliefs. FROM JACK: One of the purposes of WWs is not to give answers, but to cause people to think. Your's are good questions and worth thinking about.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: What a neat WW. Your words "growing resistance to diversity" grabbed me. The behavior that seems to prove the point is that people are having more and more problems to verbally show respect to each other. But I always wonder if it's just my age I'm showing or if our culture is really getting more and more vulgar and disrespectful. I like knowing God made all of us and I also believe like some other famous WW I saw once that God doesn't make junk. FROM JACK: I'm encouraged by your words of understanding.
FROM JACK: I learned this song in Sunday School. It helped shape my thinking.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Winning Words 7/28/10
“In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the impossible.” (Miguel De Cervantes) I seem to remember saying once, “I can’t do that!” and having a teacher say, “You’ll never know unless you try.” Young Lincoln becoming President? Racial integration? A Lutheran pastor being invited to preach in a Catholic Church? A man walking on the moon? The Cubs winning the World Series? ;-) Jack
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Press on...never give up! I'm sure you have the following in your voluminous files:
It Couldn't Be Done By Edgar Guest
Somebody said it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing and he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one has ever done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing and he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it.
FROM JACK: Edgar Guest (from Detroit) has been one of my favorite writers for many years. Most of his poetry had to do with common sense the one you quoted here.
FROM NL IN INDIANA: YEP, that's true. FROM JACK: ...and you're an example of this quote.
FROM MKH IN MICHIGAN: What a Lutheran pastor in a Catholic Church! FROM JACK: Yes, part of the impossible has happened. I have preached at Prince of Peace Catholic Church. I also led at study at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Milford. The first interfaith service in the Chicago Archdiocese was held in my church in Grayslake, Illinois, with my cousin, a priest, doing the preaching. It had to be approved by Cardinal Cody. I was also invited to give a lecture to a group of Catholic seminarians at the seminary in Mundelein, Illinois.
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: The mention of the Cubs and the World Series touches a sore spot with me. My Dad went to the '45 series but I was too small then....only 6. He told me he would take me to the next one!!! We will probably look down from heaven together to see that one. FROM JACK: Do you actually think that there will be a next one? You are a real CUBS' fan.
FROM PRPH IN MINNESOTA: an african american in the white house? FROM JACK: A senorita sitting behind the Oval Office desk.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: The Detroit Lions winning anything! When I was in high school, Dave Quandt, one of my fellow students, came up to my art teacher and said he couldn't do the project we were supposed to be working on. Dave said it was impossible for him to do. Mr. Dueweke, the art teacher, turned to Dave and said, "Nothing's impossible Dave". Dave came back with, "Then let's see you have a baby!" An aside note....Edgar Guest has been one of my favorites, along with Emily Dickenson. I have all of his books. When I was little, I
memorized a few of his poems but the only one I still remember is: "Oh octopus, oh octopus, if I was thou, I call me us." (I believe that's how it goes.) FROM JACK: Sometime, I think that science will make it possible for anyone to have a baby...but not in my lifetime.
FROM DAZ IN COLORADO: A Catholic Priest preaching in a Lutheran church on Reformation Sunday. (and I did the Liturgy, remember?) FROM JACK: Yes, I do remember....and he didn't need a microphone,
either. It was a good sermon, too
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Thanks for your insights and that smile at the end; a rough year for our boys. On a positive note, Connor (and Tim) are in the World Series playoffs at Welles Park this week. Little League is exciting and I will miss seeing the younger players across other diamonds when C's in high school. FROM JACK: My "Little Leaguer" continues to play hardball in his 50s. Little boys don't always grow up.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I'm going again back to that "The Mission" movie and commenting on your WW today and then your experiences with Catholics. In the movie the Jesuits were individuals making their spiritual decisions first and then in the order. But actually what each seemed to believe about "the order" led them to make their different action decisions for good or bad and so everything is connected in a way that makes an impact and some impossible stuff keeps getting done. Can an American Catholic ever get to be Pope?
Maybe that's already been done. FROM JACK: There once was a female Pope.
FROM MOLINER CF: The only way the Cubs will get into the World Series is to buy a ticket. FROM JACK: One of my favorite songs about the Cubs goes this way.....
Hey, hey, holy mackerel,
no doubt about it,
the Cubs are on their way!
The Cubs are gonna hit today
they're gonna pitch today
they're gonna field today
come what may,
the Cubs are gonna win today!
Hey, hey holy mackerel
no doubt about it
The Cubs are on their way
They've got the hustle
they've got the muscle
the Chicago Cubs are on their way!!!
FROM CJL IN OHIO: Only once???? FROM JACK: Once, that I can remember.
“In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the impossible.” (Miguel De Cervantes) I seem to remember saying once, “I can’t do that!” and having a teacher say, “You’ll never know unless you try.” Young Lincoln becoming President? Racial integration? A Lutheran pastor being invited to preach in a Catholic Church? A man walking on the moon? The Cubs winning the World Series? ;-) Jack
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Press on...never give up! I'm sure you have the following in your voluminous files:
It Couldn't Be Done By Edgar Guest
Somebody said it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing and he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one has ever done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing and he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it.
FROM JACK: Edgar Guest (from Detroit) has been one of my favorite writers for many years. Most of his poetry had to do with common sense the one you quoted here.
FROM NL IN INDIANA: YEP, that's true. FROM JACK: ...and you're an example of this quote.
FROM MKH IN MICHIGAN: What a Lutheran pastor in a Catholic Church! FROM JACK: Yes, part of the impossible has happened. I have preached at Prince of Peace Catholic Church. I also led at study at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Milford. The first interfaith service in the Chicago Archdiocese was held in my church in Grayslake, Illinois, with my cousin, a priest, doing the preaching. It had to be approved by Cardinal Cody. I was also invited to give a lecture to a group of Catholic seminarians at the seminary in Mundelein, Illinois.
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: The mention of the Cubs and the World Series touches a sore spot with me. My Dad went to the '45 series but I was too small then....only 6. He told me he would take me to the next one!!! We will probably look down from heaven together to see that one. FROM JACK: Do you actually think that there will be a next one? You are a real CUBS' fan.
FROM PRPH IN MINNESOTA: an african american in the white house? FROM JACK: A senorita sitting behind the Oval Office desk.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: The Detroit Lions winning anything! When I was in high school, Dave Quandt, one of my fellow students, came up to my art teacher and said he couldn't do the project we were supposed to be working on. Dave said it was impossible for him to do. Mr. Dueweke, the art teacher, turned to Dave and said, "Nothing's impossible Dave". Dave came back with, "Then let's see you have a baby!" An aside note....Edgar Guest has been one of my favorites, along with Emily Dickenson. I have all of his books. When I was little, I
memorized a few of his poems but the only one I still remember is: "Oh octopus, oh octopus, if I was thou, I call me us." (I believe that's how it goes.) FROM JACK: Sometime, I think that science will make it possible for anyone to have a baby...but not in my lifetime.
FROM DAZ IN COLORADO: A Catholic Priest preaching in a Lutheran church on Reformation Sunday. (and I did the Liturgy, remember?) FROM JACK: Yes, I do remember....and he didn't need a microphone,
either. It was a good sermon, too
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Thanks for your insights and that smile at the end; a rough year for our boys. On a positive note, Connor (and Tim) are in the World Series playoffs at Welles Park this week. Little League is exciting and I will miss seeing the younger players across other diamonds when C's in high school. FROM JACK: My "Little Leaguer" continues to play hardball in his 50s. Little boys don't always grow up.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I'm going again back to that "The Mission" movie and commenting on your WW today and then your experiences with Catholics. In the movie the Jesuits were individuals making their spiritual decisions first and then in the order. But actually what each seemed to believe about "the order" led them to make their different action decisions for good or bad and so everything is connected in a way that makes an impact and some impossible stuff keeps getting done. Can an American Catholic ever get to be Pope?
Maybe that's already been done. FROM JACK: There once was a female Pope.
FROM MOLINER CF: The only way the Cubs will get into the World Series is to buy a ticket. FROM JACK: One of my favorite songs about the Cubs goes this way.....
Hey, hey, holy mackerel,
no doubt about it,
the Cubs are on their way!
The Cubs are gonna hit today
they're gonna pitch today
they're gonna field today
come what may,
the Cubs are gonna win today!
Hey, hey holy mackerel
no doubt about it
The Cubs are on their way
They've got the hustle
they've got the muscle
the Chicago Cubs are on their way!!!
FROM CJL IN OHIO: Only once???? FROM JACK: Once, that I can remember.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Winning Words 7/27/10
“A habit is first a wanderer, then a guest, and finally the boss.” (Hungarian Quote) There are all kinds of habits, good and bad. What they have in common is that they eventually become the boss. We are fortunate in our community to have a facility that is designed to help people with addictive habits. The Church (in the best sense) tries to help people develop a good and positive way of life. ;-) Jack
FROM HAWKEYE GS: another like it is thoughts lead to words, which lead to action - too simple but too true as regards sin FROM JACK: A habit is not necessarily bad. It's the end result that counts.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: This is another interesting WW. In our Monday Night at the Movies Bible Study, we watched a couple of contemporary dramas, action, suspense, adventure, car chases, etc., etc., and then tried to discuss them from our faith perspectives. Finally last night we ended up with our Pastor's choice, "The Mission" with Robert De Niro and nothing compares, in my mind at least with the Priest who gets killed holding the cross. I think we need to see all these movies/TV/newspapers coming as guests into our homes but not let them be our bosses. It's helpful to hash it all out in the faith community.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Those sneaky habits! I need to outwit my nightly snacking habit...Good Luck to me! FROM JACK: Don't let that "stuff" get into the house
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Most of us have habits...some good and some bad. It's a shame my bad are stronger than my good. But, there is always tomorrow. The sun will still shine and I will still be trying to uninvite the bad and embrace the good. FROM JACK: Maybe you and grandson Noah can address the problem. He seems to be wise beyond his years.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: Bad habits can last a lifetime if you don't nip them in the bud. FROM JACK: Good habits can last a lifetime, too, if you cultivate them.
FROM MOLINER CF: Make a habit of being "good and positive." Not all habits are bad. FROM JACK: I'm beginning to make a habit of agreeing with you.
“A habit is first a wanderer, then a guest, and finally the boss.” (Hungarian Quote) There are all kinds of habits, good and bad. What they have in common is that they eventually become the boss. We are fortunate in our community to have a facility that is designed to help people with addictive habits. The Church (in the best sense) tries to help people develop a good and positive way of life. ;-) Jack
FROM HAWKEYE GS: another like it is thoughts lead to words, which lead to action - too simple but too true as regards sin FROM JACK: A habit is not necessarily bad. It's the end result that counts.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: This is another interesting WW. In our Monday Night at the Movies Bible Study, we watched a couple of contemporary dramas, action, suspense, adventure, car chases, etc., etc., and then tried to discuss them from our faith perspectives. Finally last night we ended up with our Pastor's choice, "The Mission" with Robert De Niro and nothing compares, in my mind at least with the Priest who gets killed holding the cross. I think we need to see all these movies/TV/newspapers coming as guests into our homes but not let them be our bosses. It's helpful to hash it all out in the faith community.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Those sneaky habits! I need to outwit my nightly snacking habit...Good Luck to me! FROM JACK: Don't let that "stuff" get into the house
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Most of us have habits...some good and some bad. It's a shame my bad are stronger than my good. But, there is always tomorrow. The sun will still shine and I will still be trying to uninvite the bad and embrace the good. FROM JACK: Maybe you and grandson Noah can address the problem. He seems to be wise beyond his years.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: Bad habits can last a lifetime if you don't nip them in the bud. FROM JACK: Good habits can last a lifetime, too, if you cultivate them.
FROM MOLINER CF: Make a habit of being "good and positive." Not all habits are bad. FROM JACK: I'm beginning to make a habit of agreeing with you.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Winning Words 7/26/10
“All the brains are not in one head.” (Italian Proverb) Some of the best leaders that I know of are not afraid to gather together confidants who have a variety of opinions. US Presidents often have non-appointed advisers. In Andrew Jackson’s day they were known as The Kitchen Cabinet. WWs is an example of using the thoughts of others to stimulate our own thinking….like today. ;-) Jack
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: It is the truly intelligent person who realizes he/she cannot possibly know everything. FROM JACK: I may not know everything, but I know that. MORE FROM JACK: Someone I worked with in Moline many years ago taught me this saying: Though man a thinking being is defined, Few use the grand prerogative of mind. How few think justly of the thinking few! How many never think, who think they do!
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: Andrew Jackson's Kitchen Cabinet was one of the all time lousy gatherings of minds in the history of America. They were able to come up with the Trail of Tears, new ways to strengthen the slave economy and to stop any internal improvements. FROM JACK: There's no accounting for the friends of some people. Thanks for being my friend.
FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Those Italians have a way with words. I love it. Thank you. FROM JACK: Most of the popes have been Italian, haven't they?
FROM HAWKEYE GS: I tried to hire mgrs smarter than me. Have you read any of Malcolm Gladwell? FROM JACK: Yes, I have read some of MG. You may have been the one who suggested him some time ago.
FROM MOLINER CF: And Oboma has the Medicine Cabinet. FROM JACK: And those who've been supported by the NRA have the Gun Cabinet.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I believe Jesus is the Head of the Body and somehow all of our brains are in the Body and sometimes I feel the connectedness and sometimes I feel the divisiveness but even when I feel the divisiveness I believe more fully in the connectedness and so that's the Way It Is, It's a Mystery, do the politicians operate out of this connectness too? Politics is a mystery to me too. Does connectedness trump
divisiveness there too? Pondering FROM JACK: As the Scarecrow sang in The Wizard of Oz..."If I only have a brain." Or, some of us could sing, "If only I would use my brain."
“All the brains are not in one head.” (Italian Proverb) Some of the best leaders that I know of are not afraid to gather together confidants who have a variety of opinions. US Presidents often have non-appointed advisers. In Andrew Jackson’s day they were known as The Kitchen Cabinet. WWs is an example of using the thoughts of others to stimulate our own thinking….like today. ;-) Jack
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: It is the truly intelligent person who realizes he/she cannot possibly know everything. FROM JACK: I may not know everything, but I know that. MORE FROM JACK: Someone I worked with in Moline many years ago taught me this saying: Though man a thinking being is defined, Few use the grand prerogative of mind. How few think justly of the thinking few! How many never think, who think they do!
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: Andrew Jackson's Kitchen Cabinet was one of the all time lousy gatherings of minds in the history of America. They were able to come up with the Trail of Tears, new ways to strengthen the slave economy and to stop any internal improvements. FROM JACK: There's no accounting for the friends of some people. Thanks for being my friend.
FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Those Italians have a way with words. I love it. Thank you. FROM JACK: Most of the popes have been Italian, haven't they?
FROM HAWKEYE GS: I tried to hire mgrs smarter than me. Have you read any of Malcolm Gladwell? FROM JACK: Yes, I have read some of MG. You may have been the one who suggested him some time ago.
FROM MOLINER CF: And Oboma has the Medicine Cabinet. FROM JACK: And those who've been supported by the NRA have the Gun Cabinet.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I believe Jesus is the Head of the Body and somehow all of our brains are in the Body and sometimes I feel the connectedness and sometimes I feel the divisiveness but even when I feel the divisiveness I believe more fully in the connectedness and so that's the Way It Is, It's a Mystery, do the politicians operate out of this connectness too? Politics is a mystery to me too. Does connectedness trump
divisiveness there too? Pondering FROM JACK: As the Scarecrow sang in The Wizard of Oz..."If I only have a brain." Or, some of us could sing, "If only I would use my brain."
Friday, July 23, 2010
Winning Words 7/23/10
“Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn’t have in your home.” (David Frost) I remember being asked about who I would like to have a dinner conversation with. I didn’t pick a movie star or sports celebrity. …maybe Lincoln, a former teacher, Mark Twain, or a deceased relative. If you had the chance, who would you pick? ;-) Jack
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Frost really got to the point in that quote, and I think he was right. It's easier to come up with a list of people I wouldn't like to have a dinner conversation with, than to select an outstanding individual that I would choose to be with. Ironically, so many of those who disinterest me are venerated in the news and TV
programming we see every day. FROM JACK: You are welcome at our table anytime.
FROM HAWKEYE GS: My Grandpa FROM JACK: Both of my grandpas died before I was born. One survived the Chicago Fire; the other worked for the CB&Q. What did your grandpa do? MORE FROM GS: He was an inventor and developer of the traffic light on both coasts and the midwest. Co-founder and CEO of Harrington Seaberg, forerunner of Eagle Signal. Retired at age 46. Most importantly, he was a gentle man. Immigrated to the US in 1896 at age 16, worked in Galesburg carrying water on the railroad for 16cents/day + laidoff in the winter w/o $ and couldn't speak English. Knew what it was like to starve.
FROM JO IN MICHIGAN: I'd settle for some guy named Jack Freed...that would work for me! FROM JACK: We've been there and done that, and it was enjoyable.
FROM BP IN FLORIDA: George Washington, Socrates and Jack Freed. Two would ask interesting questions and Jack could answer!!!!! Hope you are well. Passed your home yesterday as we visited WB. FROM JACK: ...except that I would be the one asking the questions. One of the most interesting experiences I can remember was sitting down with you for a meal.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Rabbi Wein, people from the Henri Nouwen Society, maybe you could come one day, all people who send me, and I receive joyfully, e-mails from. All people of faith, all interesting and authentic, all inspirational and helps me to keep going forward each day. Thank you. FROM JACK: You are an interesting person and certainly would "spark" the conversation.
FROM MS IN MICHIGAN: I would pick my Mother. FROM JACK: Most people won't go wrong is choosing their mom. I'd be interested in hearing something about your's.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: St. Peter, Helen Keller, Ponce de Leon and of course, Jesus. FROM JACK: Are you looking for Ponce to given you directions to the Fountain of Youth?
FROM PRJM IN MICHIGAN: Jesus -- I'd like to know what he thinks about the mess we've made of the Church; All of us, in All the church bodies! FROM JACK: Do you think that Jesus would understand what you were talking about when you mentioned the word, church? MORE FROM JM: LOL! I think we'd be on two different planes, that's for sure!
FROM CL IN MICHIGAN: I think I would select St. Paul as my dinner guest FROM JACK: You might ask him if he's changed his ideas about women in the Church....and other related issues. His comments on his "faith journey" might be more interesting.
FROM JT IN ILLINOIS: One more time with my parents would be perfect. I have so much to tell them.
FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: I would like to sit down with Winston Churchill. FROM JACK: And smoke a cigar with him? . . . _
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: JESUS, Peter, Paul, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham and Mary Lincoln, and a myriad other historical leaders! Although I think our lives have spanned a terrifically interesting time in history, and life is certainly easier in the U.S. in this era of every conceivable convenience!! I am thankful! FROM JACK: You're going to have to have a pretty big table. Who will say, "Grace?" You'll have to invite Martha, so she can do the cooking.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: Charles Krauthammer. FROM JACK: You forced me to look him up. At first I thought that he was a German carpenter.
FROM DAZ IN COLORADO: Jesus FROM JACK: How about a Civil War person, too? It could be one with a religious bent. MORE FROM DAZ: Lincoln for sure and Grant second.
FROM MOLINER CF: And don't think Lincoln and Twain would have been on TV in their day. I might pick Winston Churchill. FROM JACK: Twain would probably have a TV talk show and Lincoln might be required to have press conferences.
FROM NK IN WISCONSIN: None other than Vince Lombardi-surprised? FROM JACK: Lombardi could sit next to you and Favre next to your husband.
FROM PRFM IN WISCONSIN: An old co-worker who died too young, The Rev. Ron Peterson. Maybe by chance you knew him from Augustana. FROM JACK: There were two R Ps, but you are probably referring to the one called, Ronnie, who served in Wisconsin. He also served in Michigan, and I did know him.
“Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn’t have in your home.” (David Frost) I remember being asked about who I would like to have a dinner conversation with. I didn’t pick a movie star or sports celebrity. …maybe Lincoln, a former teacher, Mark Twain, or a deceased relative. If you had the chance, who would you pick? ;-) Jack
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Frost really got to the point in that quote, and I think he was right. It's easier to come up with a list of people I wouldn't like to have a dinner conversation with, than to select an outstanding individual that I would choose to be with. Ironically, so many of those who disinterest me are venerated in the news and TV
programming we see every day. FROM JACK: You are welcome at our table anytime.
FROM HAWKEYE GS: My Grandpa FROM JACK: Both of my grandpas died before I was born. One survived the Chicago Fire; the other worked for the CB&Q. What did your grandpa do? MORE FROM GS: He was an inventor and developer of the traffic light on both coasts and the midwest. Co-founder and CEO of Harrington Seaberg, forerunner of Eagle Signal. Retired at age 46. Most importantly, he was a gentle man. Immigrated to the US in 1896 at age 16, worked in Galesburg carrying water on the railroad for 16cents/day + laidoff in the winter w/o $ and couldn't speak English. Knew what it was like to starve.
FROM JO IN MICHIGAN: I'd settle for some guy named Jack Freed...that would work for me! FROM JACK: We've been there and done that, and it was enjoyable.
FROM BP IN FLORIDA: George Washington, Socrates and Jack Freed. Two would ask interesting questions and Jack could answer!!!!! Hope you are well. Passed your home yesterday as we visited WB. FROM JACK: ...except that I would be the one asking the questions. One of the most interesting experiences I can remember was sitting down with you for a meal.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Rabbi Wein, people from the Henri Nouwen Society, maybe you could come one day, all people who send me, and I receive joyfully, e-mails from. All people of faith, all interesting and authentic, all inspirational and helps me to keep going forward each day. Thank you. FROM JACK: You are an interesting person and certainly would "spark" the conversation.
FROM MS IN MICHIGAN: I would pick my Mother. FROM JACK: Most people won't go wrong is choosing their mom. I'd be interested in hearing something about your's.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: St. Peter, Helen Keller, Ponce de Leon and of course, Jesus. FROM JACK: Are you looking for Ponce to given you directions to the Fountain of Youth?
FROM PRJM IN MICHIGAN: Jesus -- I'd like to know what he thinks about the mess we've made of the Church; All of us, in All the church bodies! FROM JACK: Do you think that Jesus would understand what you were talking about when you mentioned the word, church? MORE FROM JM: LOL! I think we'd be on two different planes, that's for sure!
FROM CL IN MICHIGAN: I think I would select St. Paul as my dinner guest FROM JACK: You might ask him if he's changed his ideas about women in the Church....and other related issues. His comments on his "faith journey" might be more interesting.
FROM JT IN ILLINOIS: One more time with my parents would be perfect. I have so much to tell them.
FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: I would like to sit down with Winston Churchill. FROM JACK: And smoke a cigar with him? . . . _
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: JESUS, Peter, Paul, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham and Mary Lincoln, and a myriad other historical leaders! Although I think our lives have spanned a terrifically interesting time in history, and life is certainly easier in the U.S. in this era of every conceivable convenience!! I am thankful! FROM JACK: You're going to have to have a pretty big table. Who will say, "Grace?" You'll have to invite Martha, so she can do the cooking.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: Charles Krauthammer. FROM JACK: You forced me to look him up. At first I thought that he was a German carpenter.
FROM DAZ IN COLORADO: Jesus FROM JACK: How about a Civil War person, too? It could be one with a religious bent. MORE FROM DAZ: Lincoln for sure and Grant second.
FROM MOLINER CF: And don't think Lincoln and Twain would have been on TV in their day. I might pick Winston Churchill. FROM JACK: Twain would probably have a TV talk show and Lincoln might be required to have press conferences.
FROM NK IN WISCONSIN: None other than Vince Lombardi-surprised? FROM JACK: Lombardi could sit next to you and Favre next to your husband.
FROM PRFM IN WISCONSIN: An old co-worker who died too young, The Rev. Ron Peterson. Maybe by chance you knew him from Augustana. FROM JACK: There were two R Ps, but you are probably referring to the one called, Ronnie, who served in Wisconsin. He also served in Michigan, and I did know him.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Winning Words 7/22/10
“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” (Oliver Wendell Holmes) While at the family reunion last week, I saw some kids wearing molded rubber bands on their wrists. I was intrigued by the shapes of the bands before they were stretched and how they could return to their original shapes. Life is not like that. We are what our experiences have made us. ;-) Jack
FROM DM IN MICHIGAN: My nieces also have those bands and whoever thought of that is making a fortune. FROM JACK: My granddaughters had several on their wrists, but I had never actually looked at the bands in their original shape. MORE FROM DM: My niece had about 30 of them on her wrist. When I asked her what they were for she said that they were pretty cool colors and that she liked the shapes (of course all her friends have them). I asked to see the shapes and they range from animals, words and shapes like stars, hearts stuff like that. She was pretty proud of them that day tomorrow it will be something else. FROM JACK: I read that some schools are banning them, because they are a "distraction." At times I think that we need some distractions in this life.
FROM RS IN MICHIGAN: I always missing your morning emails when you are gone. I too had a week long family reunion in the UP last week…so fun. FROM JACK: We drove through the U.P. twice on US 2, but didn't see you wading in Lake Michigan or shopping in Mackinaw City.
FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: Good to have you back Jack (kind of rhymes - not intentional). Honestly, it was a blessing to you your note this morning in my email :-) FROM JACK: I never know how WWs will "strike" the people who read them. I'm glad that sometimes they are a "hit."
FROM PRJM IN MICHIGAN: And they call those "back to original shape bands" "Silly" -- I think they're pretty sophisticated to be able to return to original shape! FROM JACK: I've seen some pretty silly shapes, including some in a mirror. MORE FROM JM: Yeah, except the shape in my mirror doesn't bounce back to the original!
FROM MOLINER CF: Even rubber bands get brittle if not used regularly. FROM JACK: That's another good reason for exercising regularly.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: How cool that you are interested not only in the kids, but in those fun little bands, the name of which escapes me. Most adults don't pay a bit of attention to the youngsters, much less to their latest fad. I seek out the kids, too. They have a lot to say, when big people take the time to listen. Glad you're back. FROM JACK: Listen to your elders is good advice; so is listen to your youngers.
FROM JC IN HONG KONG (VISITING IN USA): I like the last comment. It correctly dispels the false notions many mistakenly invent about how we were BORN THIS WAY, and it is a warning against complacency; areas where Western society has failed miserably in the last 50 years or so. Rhetoric is cheap in USA, wisdom is rare, and is discarded along with old quotes like one looking quickly into a passing mirror. The old lighthouse in Mackinaw City is being visited today by many such wristbands. Ironic? Symbolic? Diminished utility still
can have tangible beauty. Sometimes they are better discarded, sometimes remembered. Enjoy the beauty while it's there. Where is my utility and beauty? (Self-check time!) FROM JACK: A lighthouse is a warning place for ships. There are other warning signs for each of us to heed.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Great to read your WW again and to know you had a good time and arrived back at home safe and sound. For some reason your WW made me think of the mind/body connection and ruminate on the thought that a body stretched by experiences to a new dimension also doesn't really go back to the original dimension. Seems like there is something of the previous experience that wants to hang around and maybe that's a good thing so's we keep remembering what we've gone through. FROM JACK: As Thomas Wolfe wrote, "You can't go home again," ...except in your memories, and those are sometimes imperfect.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Stretching our imagination is a good thing too. Our youngest grandson, Noah who just turned 6 July 13, has an extremely vivid imagination. He and I were having a wonderful talk about the lodge he was going to build when he grows up. "It will be for old people your age Gramma and for young people my age. There will be games for the young people and a game for the old people." I asked him what games we will play. He replied, "The young people will ride go-carts and the old people your age will have wheel chair races. But don't worry Gramma, there will be a nurse there so if you get injured or close to death, you will have help!" Those were his exact words. We are always changed by the new experiences and sometimes even changed by the old ones! FROM JACK: Noah's a sharp kid. How about motorized wheel chair races?
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Welcome back, J.F! Good quote. Essentially what I told my 24 yr. old grandson Aaron, who is taking vacation time from his job (a very good job!) to do a Habitat For Humanity mission trip to El Salvador. He will never be the same person after experiencing that trip! Fred (his pastor dad) and Judy took their whole family on a round the world trip, right after Aaron graduated from H.S,. for three months, while he was on Sabbatical, and this has had an impact on all three kids. Emily just finished her junior year of College. through U. of Minn, in Puerto Rico, and she did her Sr. yr of H.S. in Costa Rica, living with a family that she is still very attached to. So unlike the rubber bands.,...they have been stretched to a new shape! FROM JACK: When I got back to the computer after being gone for a week, there were soooo many messages. It was hard to give them the attention they deserved. I wonder if it's that way with "memorable" experiences. Probably not, because the experiences you mentioned are far more interesting than most e-mails.
FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Wall St. Journal had a writeup about those bands. Amazing new world again.
“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” (Oliver Wendell Holmes) While at the family reunion last week, I saw some kids wearing molded rubber bands on their wrists. I was intrigued by the shapes of the bands before they were stretched and how they could return to their original shapes. Life is not like that. We are what our experiences have made us. ;-) Jack
FROM DM IN MICHIGAN: My nieces also have those bands and whoever thought of that is making a fortune. FROM JACK: My granddaughters had several on their wrists, but I had never actually looked at the bands in their original shape. MORE FROM DM: My niece had about 30 of them on her wrist. When I asked her what they were for she said that they were pretty cool colors and that she liked the shapes (of course all her friends have them). I asked to see the shapes and they range from animals, words and shapes like stars, hearts stuff like that. She was pretty proud of them that day tomorrow it will be something else. FROM JACK: I read that some schools are banning them, because they are a "distraction." At times I think that we need some distractions in this life.
FROM RS IN MICHIGAN: I always missing your morning emails when you are gone. I too had a week long family reunion in the UP last week…so fun. FROM JACK: We drove through the U.P. twice on US 2, but didn't see you wading in Lake Michigan or shopping in Mackinaw City.
FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: Good to have you back Jack (kind of rhymes - not intentional). Honestly, it was a blessing to you your note this morning in my email :-) FROM JACK: I never know how WWs will "strike" the people who read them. I'm glad that sometimes they are a "hit."
FROM PRJM IN MICHIGAN: And they call those "back to original shape bands" "Silly" -- I think they're pretty sophisticated to be able to return to original shape! FROM JACK: I've seen some pretty silly shapes, including some in a mirror. MORE FROM JM: Yeah, except the shape in my mirror doesn't bounce back to the original!
FROM MOLINER CF: Even rubber bands get brittle if not used regularly. FROM JACK: That's another good reason for exercising regularly.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: How cool that you are interested not only in the kids, but in those fun little bands, the name of which escapes me. Most adults don't pay a bit of attention to the youngsters, much less to their latest fad. I seek out the kids, too. They have a lot to say, when big people take the time to listen. Glad you're back. FROM JACK: Listen to your elders is good advice; so is listen to your youngers.
FROM JC IN HONG KONG (VISITING IN USA): I like the last comment. It correctly dispels the false notions many mistakenly invent about how we were BORN THIS WAY, and it is a warning against complacency; areas where Western society has failed miserably in the last 50 years or so. Rhetoric is cheap in USA, wisdom is rare, and is discarded along with old quotes like one looking quickly into a passing mirror. The old lighthouse in Mackinaw City is being visited today by many such wristbands. Ironic? Symbolic? Diminished utility still
can have tangible beauty. Sometimes they are better discarded, sometimes remembered. Enjoy the beauty while it's there. Where is my utility and beauty? (Self-check time!) FROM JACK: A lighthouse is a warning place for ships. There are other warning signs for each of us to heed.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Great to read your WW again and to know you had a good time and arrived back at home safe and sound. For some reason your WW made me think of the mind/body connection and ruminate on the thought that a body stretched by experiences to a new dimension also doesn't really go back to the original dimension. Seems like there is something of the previous experience that wants to hang around and maybe that's a good thing so's we keep remembering what we've gone through. FROM JACK: As Thomas Wolfe wrote, "You can't go home again," ...except in your memories, and those are sometimes imperfect.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Stretching our imagination is a good thing too. Our youngest grandson, Noah who just turned 6 July 13, has an extremely vivid imagination. He and I were having a wonderful talk about the lodge he was going to build when he grows up. "It will be for old people your age Gramma and for young people my age. There will be games for the young people and a game for the old people." I asked him what games we will play. He replied, "The young people will ride go-carts and the old people your age will have wheel chair races. But don't worry Gramma, there will be a nurse there so if you get injured or close to death, you will have help!" Those were his exact words. We are always changed by the new experiences and sometimes even changed by the old ones! FROM JACK: Noah's a sharp kid. How about motorized wheel chair races?
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Welcome back, J.F! Good quote. Essentially what I told my 24 yr. old grandson Aaron, who is taking vacation time from his job (a very good job!) to do a Habitat For Humanity mission trip to El Salvador. He will never be the same person after experiencing that trip! Fred (his pastor dad) and Judy took their whole family on a round the world trip, right after Aaron graduated from H.S,. for three months, while he was on Sabbatical, and this has had an impact on all three kids. Emily just finished her junior year of College. through U. of Minn, in Puerto Rico, and she did her Sr. yr of H.S. in Costa Rica, living with a family that she is still very attached to. So unlike the rubber bands.,...they have been stretched to a new shape! FROM JACK: When I got back to the computer after being gone for a week, there were soooo many messages. It was hard to give them the attention they deserved. I wonder if it's that way with "memorable" experiences. Probably not, because the experiences you mentioned are far more interesting than most e-mails.
FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Wall St. Journal had a writeup about those bands. Amazing new world again.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Winning Words 7/14/10
“If you see the teeth of the lion, do not think that the lion is smiling at you.” (Al-Mutanabbi) A-M, born over 1000 years ago, is regarded as one of the greatest of Arab poets. His words today are picturesque, to say the least. Why not offer a smile of yours to someone today? BTW, I won’t be “smiling” at you by way of my Winning Words until late next week. We’re off to a family reunion in Wisconsin. ;-) Jack
FROM SF IN MICHIGAN: How will I start my day? travels! FROM JACK: Go back and read "The best of...." Oh, that's right. you probably didn't save them. Or, see if you can find some interesting quotes in other places. I find some of mine during my reading and jot them down, so I don't forget. FROM JACK: Go back and read "The best of...." Oh, that's right. you probably didn't save them. Or, see if you can find some interesting quotes in other places. I find some of mine during my reading and jot them down, so I don't forget.
“If you see the teeth of the lion, do not think that the lion is smiling at you.” (Al-Mutanabbi) A-M, born over 1000 years ago, is regarded as one of the greatest of Arab poets. His words today are picturesque, to say the least. Why not offer a smile of yours to someone today? BTW, I won’t be “smiling” at you by way of my Winning Words until late next week. We’re off to a family reunion in Wisconsin. ;-) Jack
FROM SF IN MICHIGAN: How will I start my day? travels! FROM JACK: Go back and read "The best of...." Oh, that's right. you probably didn't save them. Or, see if you can find some interesting quotes in other places. I find some of mine during my reading and jot them down, so I don't forget. FROM JACK: Go back and read "The best of...." Oh, that's right. you probably didn't save them. Or, see if you can find some interesting quotes in other places. I find some of mine during my reading and jot them down, so I don't forget.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Winning Words 7/13/10
“Don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great.” (J.D.Rockefeller) Something similar was in Larry Bielat’s book of inspirational sports quotes: “Good, Better, Best: Never let it rest, till your Good is Better, and your Better is Best.” I remember how the old Sears catalog would list the quality of items as Good, Better and Best. The Good ones were cheaper, but the Best items were the ones I wanted. ;-) Jack
FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: Last night I had dinner with a friend who was discussing Ishmael versus Issac. I have
noticed in my life recently that I can get tired of waiting for the Best choice and settle for a decision today just to relieve the tension; Only to regret it later. Bless You for reminding me to stay vigilant and not have a 'false finish'. FROM JACK: Through the years I've learned that I can't always have the "best" of things. What I try to do is make the best choice among the options that are before me. Choosing well is what is important.
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: I've seen a lot of people pay for "best" and get "good" FROM JACK: That's a good observation. "Caveat emptor!"
FROM DC IN MICHIGAN: I lived in Braddock, PA, from 3rd grade through 6th grade (1944-1948). I think when I was in 4th grade my history teacher wrote that quote in my autograph book. So that must be an old book those sports quotes! FROM JACK: Do people use autograph books anymore? Your teacher seems to have been one of the BEST. You must have learned your skills from her.
FROM SB IN MICHIGAN: That quote is a favorite of our family. I remember Mom drumming it into me as a child. It's been good advice. FROM JACK: "Drumming" is an interesting word. I suppose it ,eams a repeated pounding, as with the pounding of a drum...rat-a-tat-tat.
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Love this one and will pass on to the children next week. Afraid we haven't communicated this ethic well over the years. Sometimes I think in the church we have the message that God loves everyone "where they are" which of course is truthful but we allow folks to feel okay about being mediocre or not trying to excell lest they make someone else feel small by comparison With theteens I think they find it so important to blend in with the friendship/social group that usually doesn't encourage academic excellence and that bothers me. Have we struck a chord here? :) FROM JACK: I read a study recently which said that home-schooled children are most comfortable with others who are home-schooled and that they have trouble blending in with those different from themselves. I think that it's "both-and." In society we blend in with all kinds, but try to maintain our own value system. Now it's a challenge for a parent to teach a couple of teen-agers how to do it.
FROM BJ IN ILLINOIS: I came across this quote today. “Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.” – Groucho Marx FROM JACK: Groucho was one of my favorites. There's a lot of philosophy in humor. Here's another Groucho-ism that I like. "I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the
other room and read a book."
FROM MOLINER CF: Yes, and in the long run, the "best" most often turned out to be the cheapest. Ya get what ya pay for. FROM JACK: I was just talking with someone about that very point.
FROM ED IN ARIZONA: Over the past few months, I have been writing a proposal to the National Science Foundation for funding to go back to Ethiopia to finish my PhD research. I probably have about 40 drafts of the proposal. I could easily assign a label to them of "Good, Better, and Best". Now let's just hope that the "Best" version I send to them (today actually), is one of the "Best" proposals they receive, as funding is hard to get
these days (only ~10% success rate!). FROM JACK: A long-ago sportswriter said: "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game. I pray today that the grant might be yours, but I always end with these words, "not my will, but thine be done." My experience had been that things work out for the best. Whether or not the grant is received, you did your best, and you are the best!
FROM SG IN TAMPA: Always do your best. God will do the rest. FROM JACK: I've heard that before, but now I have to think....What is "the rest?"
“Don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great.” (J.D.Rockefeller) Something similar was in Larry Bielat’s book of inspirational sports quotes: “Good, Better, Best: Never let it rest, till your Good is Better, and your Better is Best.” I remember how the old Sears catalog would list the quality of items as Good, Better and Best. The Good ones were cheaper, but the Best items were the ones I wanted. ;-) Jack
FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: Last night I had dinner with a friend who was discussing Ishmael versus Issac. I have
noticed in my life recently that I can get tired of waiting for the Best choice and settle for a decision today just to relieve the tension; Only to regret it later. Bless You for reminding me to stay vigilant and not have a 'false finish'. FROM JACK: Through the years I've learned that I can't always have the "best" of things. What I try to do is make the best choice among the options that are before me. Choosing well is what is important.
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: I've seen a lot of people pay for "best" and get "good" FROM JACK: That's a good observation. "Caveat emptor!"
FROM DC IN MICHIGAN: I lived in Braddock, PA, from 3rd grade through 6th grade (1944-1948). I think when I was in 4th grade my history teacher wrote that quote in my autograph book. So that must be an old book those sports quotes! FROM JACK: Do people use autograph books anymore? Your teacher seems to have been one of the BEST. You must have learned your skills from her.
FROM SB IN MICHIGAN: That quote is a favorite of our family. I remember Mom drumming it into me as a child. It's been good advice. FROM JACK: "Drumming" is an interesting word. I suppose it ,eams a repeated pounding, as with the pounding of a drum...rat-a-tat-tat.
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Love this one and will pass on to the children next week. Afraid we haven't communicated this ethic well over the years. Sometimes I think in the church we have the message that God loves everyone "where they are" which of course is truthful but we allow folks to feel okay about being mediocre or not trying to excell lest they make someone else feel small by comparison With theteens I think they find it so important to blend in with the friendship/social group that usually doesn't encourage academic excellence and that bothers me. Have we struck a chord here? :) FROM JACK: I read a study recently which said that home-schooled children are most comfortable with others who are home-schooled and that they have trouble blending in with those different from themselves. I think that it's "both-and." In society we blend in with all kinds, but try to maintain our own value system. Now it's a challenge for a parent to teach a couple of teen-agers how to do it.
FROM BJ IN ILLINOIS: I came across this quote today. “Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.” – Groucho Marx FROM JACK: Groucho was one of my favorites. There's a lot of philosophy in humor. Here's another Groucho-ism that I like. "I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the
other room and read a book."
FROM MOLINER CF: Yes, and in the long run, the "best" most often turned out to be the cheapest. Ya get what ya pay for. FROM JACK: I was just talking with someone about that very point.
FROM ED IN ARIZONA: Over the past few months, I have been writing a proposal to the National Science Foundation for funding to go back to Ethiopia to finish my PhD research. I probably have about 40 drafts of the proposal. I could easily assign a label to them of "Good, Better, and Best". Now let's just hope that the "Best" version I send to them (today actually), is one of the "Best" proposals they receive, as funding is hard to get
these days (only ~10% success rate!). FROM JACK: A long-ago sportswriter said: "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game. I pray today that the grant might be yours, but I always end with these words, "not my will, but thine be done." My experience had been that things work out for the best. Whether or not the grant is received, you did your best, and you are the best!
FROM SG IN TAMPA: Always do your best. God will do the rest. FROM JACK: I've heard that before, but now I have to think....What is "the rest?"
Monday, July 12, 2010
Winning Words 7/12/10
“How far is far, how high is high? We’ll never know until we try.” (Calif. Special Olympics song) This advice is given to S.O. contestants…Life is not freedom from struggle, but it’s the courage to face our problems and the wisdom to change our lives for the better. “Possibility thinking” is good advice for all of us. Mountains of problems can seem overwhelming at times. Special Olympics kids are a real inspiration. ;-) Jack
FROM SG IN TAMPA: On the the way home (from our trip) we stopped in Birmingham, AL,where a grandson has just begun a new job at an investment firm. There we passed the Olympic training center for the Special Olympics. All together we did 5600 miles, What a beautiful country we have. FROM JACK: I never knew there was a training center for the Special Olympics. You can learn something every day. I'll have to Google it. MORE FROM SG: It might have been the Junior Olympics training center.
FROM MOLINER CF: Just what I needed today. Thanks. FROM JACK: Encouragement comes dressed in a variety of costumes.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I am a Special Olympics sponsor, but I had never heard the song! With two flat tires within the week, (practically new tires...) and my air conditioner hitting the dust, I am struggling! Ha!! But I'm a climber, and these mountains were made to climb. Yodel-aye-de-O! It was easier when I was younger... FROM JACK: On my car there's a sensor which lights up when tire pressure is low. That way I can take the car in before I have a flat. But it's still a pain. However that's nothing compared to the pain that some people face every day. "Count your blessings, name them one by one."
FROM PRDM IN MICHIGAN: We have a man with Downs Syndrome who come to Church because a
gracious lady brought him. After being with us awhile and making friends with a number of people, Donald needed heart surgery. Jesus appeared to Donald at some point during the procedure and whispered that Donald was to be healed. Donald leaned over and told us during worship when he was back to Church that Jesus had healed his heart. "Let the children come to me...for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!" Maybe if more of us had "Special Olympic hearts and perspectives," maybe there would be more of Jesus visible in
our lives... Thanks as always for a great read. FROM JACK: In Sunday School we used to sing, "Open my eyes that I might see glimpses of mercy thou hast for me." There are many miracles surrounding us, but sometimes our "eyes" aren't able to see them. Donald has a special vision.
“How far is far, how high is high? We’ll never know until we try.” (Calif. Special Olympics song) This advice is given to S.O. contestants…Life is not freedom from struggle, but it’s the courage to face our problems and the wisdom to change our lives for the better. “Possibility thinking” is good advice for all of us. Mountains of problems can seem overwhelming at times. Special Olympics kids are a real inspiration. ;-) Jack
FROM SG IN TAMPA: On the the way home (from our trip) we stopped in Birmingham, AL,where a grandson has just begun a new job at an investment firm. There we passed the Olympic training center for the Special Olympics. All together we did 5600 miles, What a beautiful country we have. FROM JACK: I never knew there was a training center for the Special Olympics. You can learn something every day. I'll have to Google it. MORE FROM SG: It might have been the Junior Olympics training center.
FROM MOLINER CF: Just what I needed today. Thanks. FROM JACK: Encouragement comes dressed in a variety of costumes.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I am a Special Olympics sponsor, but I had never heard the song! With two flat tires within the week, (practically new tires...) and my air conditioner hitting the dust, I am struggling! Ha!! But I'm a climber, and these mountains were made to climb. Yodel-aye-de-O! It was easier when I was younger... FROM JACK: On my car there's a sensor which lights up when tire pressure is low. That way I can take the car in before I have a flat. But it's still a pain. However that's nothing compared to the pain that some people face every day. "Count your blessings, name them one by one."
FROM PRDM IN MICHIGAN: We have a man with Downs Syndrome who come to Church because a
gracious lady brought him. After being with us awhile and making friends with a number of people, Donald needed heart surgery. Jesus appeared to Donald at some point during the procedure and whispered that Donald was to be healed. Donald leaned over and told us during worship when he was back to Church that Jesus had healed his heart. "Let the children come to me...for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!" Maybe if more of us had "Special Olympic hearts and perspectives," maybe there would be more of Jesus visible in
our lives... Thanks as always for a great read. FROM JACK: In Sunday School we used to sing, "Open my eyes that I might see glimpses of mercy thou hast for me." There are many miracles surrounding us, but sometimes our "eyes" aren't able to see them. Donald has a special vision.
Friday, July 09, 2010
Winning Words 7/9/10
“To remain young while growing old is the highest blessing.” (German Proverb) My astute readers have probably figured out by now the theme of this week’s WWs. For the others, the proverbs quoted are from the four countries playing “football” in the World Cup games, being held in South Africa. For the really astute, Who will win on Sunday? The half of me that’s not Swedish thought it would be Germany. Wrong! ;-) Jack
FROM DRJH IN OHIO: you are very good at this! I think it's all the tricks you pull on your friends ;-) FROM JACK: Thanks, but have you figured out the theme of this week's WWs? I'm waiting to hear.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: I'm going with Paul, the octopus-- Spain. FROM JACK: You're really astute! And, you're probably right about Spain. The only octopus we know about in Detroit is the one thrown on the ice when the Red Wings play hockey. MORE FROM LIZ: 'Psychic' parakeet picks Netherlands as World Cup winners
FROM EA IN MICHIGAN: I think that is what I am trying to do. FROM JACK: The proverb puts forth a good goal. BTW, "GOAL" is a hint toward arriving at answering the question: "What is the theme of this week's WWs?"
FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: I like this one, Jack! My bday was yesterday--turned 52 years young! I definitely remain young--some might even call it immature! Ha! Thanks for all you do to keep me young and vibrant with your daily quotes! I love them! FROM JACK: As I understand it, part of the secret for staying young is to work on puzzles? Since you are "young" you may have solved the puzzle in today's WWs.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: 'Psychic' parakeet picks Netherlands as World Cup winners FROM JACK: Is the bird's name, Psycho? MORE FROM LIZ: No, but the owner's name is.
FROM PRAW IN ILLINOIS: Also very difficult....I keep talking but my body just doesn't get it! FROM JACK: Do you ever watch those TV exercise shows and wonder if you ever could do that?
FROM DRJH IN OHIO: World Cup proverbs! Nice! By the way, I have a friend who grew up in Spain... he is a sports nut like the Freed Clan. You can only imagine his excitement for tomorrow's finale! Go SPAIN (I support my friend)! FROM JACK: Paul, the octopus, says that you will be happy. Ask your friend if he's ever run with the bulls.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I was not so astute as to figure out you were sending quotes from the soccer teams in the World Cup. I like it! I had picked the Netherlands to take the Cup. My brother scoffed, and was in favor of Germany, also. We will see if my choice comes through. One of the few times I am a soccer game watcher! (Except when my granddaughter played in H.S....) Can't be any more discouraging than being a CUB fan this
year! :-( FROM JACK: Somebody wins, and somebody loses, but why do the Cubs always seem to fall short? But their fans are the true optimists. "What til next year," is their cry.
FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: not to mention a lot more fun than the alternative! FROM JACK: Proverbs usually have truth in them, like this one from the Germans.
“To remain young while growing old is the highest blessing.” (German Proverb) My astute readers have probably figured out by now the theme of this week’s WWs. For the others, the proverbs quoted are from the four countries playing “football” in the World Cup games, being held in South Africa. For the really astute, Who will win on Sunday? The half of me that’s not Swedish thought it would be Germany. Wrong! ;-) Jack
FROM DRJH IN OHIO: you are very good at this! I think it's all the tricks you pull on your friends ;-) FROM JACK: Thanks, but have you figured out the theme of this week's WWs? I'm waiting to hear.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: I'm going with Paul, the octopus-- Spain. FROM JACK: You're really astute! And, you're probably right about Spain. The only octopus we know about in Detroit is the one thrown on the ice when the Red Wings play hockey. MORE FROM LIZ: 'Psychic' parakeet picks Netherlands as World Cup winners
FROM EA IN MICHIGAN: I think that is what I am trying to do. FROM JACK: The proverb puts forth a good goal. BTW, "GOAL" is a hint toward arriving at answering the question: "What is the theme of this week's WWs?"
FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: I like this one, Jack! My bday was yesterday--turned 52 years young! I definitely remain young--some might even call it immature! Ha! Thanks for all you do to keep me young and vibrant with your daily quotes! I love them! FROM JACK: As I understand it, part of the secret for staying young is to work on puzzles? Since you are "young" you may have solved the puzzle in today's WWs.
FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: 'Psychic' parakeet picks Netherlands as World Cup winners FROM JACK: Is the bird's name, Psycho? MORE FROM LIZ: No, but the owner's name is.
FROM PRAW IN ILLINOIS: Also very difficult....I keep talking but my body just doesn't get it! FROM JACK: Do you ever watch those TV exercise shows and wonder if you ever could do that?
FROM DRJH IN OHIO: World Cup proverbs! Nice! By the way, I have a friend who grew up in Spain... he is a sports nut like the Freed Clan. You can only imagine his excitement for tomorrow's finale! Go SPAIN (I support my friend)! FROM JACK: Paul, the octopus, says that you will be happy. Ask your friend if he's ever run with the bulls.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I was not so astute as to figure out you were sending quotes from the soccer teams in the World Cup. I like it! I had picked the Netherlands to take the Cup. My brother scoffed, and was in favor of Germany, also. We will see if my choice comes through. One of the few times I am a soccer game watcher! (Except when my granddaughter played in H.S....) Can't be any more discouraging than being a CUB fan this
year! :-( FROM JACK: Somebody wins, and somebody loses, but why do the Cubs always seem to fall short? But their fans are the true optimists. "What til next year," is their cry.
FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: not to mention a lot more fun than the alternative! FROM JACK: Proverbs usually have truth in them, like this one from the Germans.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Winning Words 7/8/10
“A praying pirate is definitely a sign of danger.” (Netherlands Proverb) “Praying” is usually considered to be a positive word, while “pirate” is thought of as a negative. Put the two together and the Dutch say, “Watch out!” However, all pray-ers are not negative people. “Watch out!” is good advice in many different situations. Here in Michigan, we have a beautiful community of Netherlanders. It’s called, Holland. ;-) Jack
FROM RI IN BOSTON: A preying pirate is even worse! FROM JACK: A pirate's a pirate, but I still think the praying kind is worse.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Interesting proverb from the Netherlands. I's say MOST PRAYER-ERS are not negative people. They are usually hopeful and have an inner peace. Most of the time! FROM JACK: I don't think that they'd bother praying if they didn't think it would do some good. Is that faith?
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: This is a Wierd Winning Words but I like it. Maybe the danger is that the pirate will turn out to be a Robin Hood, helping the needy. What's most interesting is that there are only two comments on it tonight. I think you've befuddled us. FROM JACK: One of the best responses was one that I wasn't able to attach. It showed a van used by a radio station. Painted on the side was: Pirate Christian Radio. I Googled it, and the station really exists.
“A praying pirate is definitely a sign of danger.” (Netherlands Proverb) “Praying” is usually considered to be a positive word, while “pirate” is thought of as a negative. Put the two together and the Dutch say, “Watch out!” However, all pray-ers are not negative people. “Watch out!” is good advice in many different situations. Here in Michigan, we have a beautiful community of Netherlanders. It’s called, Holland. ;-) Jack
FROM RI IN BOSTON: A preying pirate is even worse! FROM JACK: A pirate's a pirate, but I still think the praying kind is worse.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Interesting proverb from the Netherlands. I's say MOST PRAYER-ERS are not negative people. They are usually hopeful and have an inner peace. Most of the time! FROM JACK: I don't think that they'd bother praying if they didn't think it would do some good. Is that faith?
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: This is a Wierd Winning Words but I like it. Maybe the danger is that the pirate will turn out to be a Robin Hood, helping the needy. What's most interesting is that there are only two comments on it tonight. I think you've befuddled us. FROM JACK: One of the best responses was one that I wasn't able to attach. It showed a van used by a radio station. Painted on the side was: Pirate Christian Radio. I Googled it, and the station really exists.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Winning Words 7/7/10
“That which isn’t in books, life will teach you.” (Spanish Proverb) I’ve heard some people say that they went to “the school of hard knocks,” meaning that they may not have a college degree, but the world has taught them other things. I’ve met up with quite a few people, smarter than I am, who went to “that school.” I’ve never been to Spain, but I do like to eat Spanish peanuts. ;-) Jack
FROM J&H IN CANADA: There is a lot to this, provided one lives through life’s “learning experiences” like failing to stop, look and listen.
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: Again "both/and" trumps "either/or"....Why not learn in school and in the world both? FROM JACK: Ideally speaking, that's true, but not everybody lives in an ideal world. Some of the "hard knocks" grads that I know, did not have the formal education opportunities that are available today. I admire those who make the best of life's situations. I appreciate your idealistic (optimistic) view.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Let me suggest you try a plate of paella. FROM JACK: Valencian paella consists of white rice, green vegetables, meat (rabbit, chicken, duck), land snails, beans and seasoning. Seafood paella replaces meat and snails with seafood and omits beans and green vegetables. Mixed paella is a free-style combination of meat, seafood, vegetables and sometimes beans. No thanks, for me. I'll stick with a brat, a bun and sauerkraut.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Actually, there are a heck of a lot of people now writing their memoires, autobiographies and so forth telling us what life has taught them which wasn't in a previously published book. Some of them are probably Spaniards. Just having fun here, and no, I don't ever intend to write a book. FROM JACK: Politicians and other celebrities seem to be at the head of the line when it comes to writing about themselves. I don't think that they can top Abe Lincoln and the log cabin story.
FROM PRPH IN MINNESOTA: I like them too, but in my old age they give me gas... too much info? FROM JACK: With the increasing quest for alternative energy, you may have hit on something...Spanish peanuts.
FROM SG IN TAMPA: Life will certainly teach us. In this technological world there is much to learn besides human nature. I am very patient with people, but anything that has moving parts presents a problem. Dealing with the call center people is especially challenging, don't you think? FROM JACK: My children have helped me to be "nice" phone solicitors. "Dad, remember that they are somebody's just trying to make a living." To personify the caller is a real help.
FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: And I know that you like Harbenaro chips! FROM JACK: Hot stuff! I remember.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Ha! The School of Hard Knocks is a pretty stern teacher! I have only been in the capital of was lovely. I had a Spanish pen pal for awhile. Interesting! I think most would agree that Book Learnin' is only the beginning of the learning process! FROM JACK: That's good advice, coming from a teacher. BTW, I remember in Moline that female teachers had to resign if they got married...but not the men. I told my grandchildren about that, and couldn't believe it.
FROM PRAW IN ILLINOIS: this one hit me in solar plexis....when I was in high school I got into an arguement with a Sr. citizen because I said " you can learn how to do anything through books." Life has taught me different. Even the computer does not know-all. Wish I could apologize to that man. FROM JACK: How did we ever make it through those years when we knew all of the answers?
“That which isn’t in books, life will teach you.” (Spanish Proverb) I’ve heard some people say that they went to “the school of hard knocks,” meaning that they may not have a college degree, but the world has taught them other things. I’ve met up with quite a few people, smarter than I am, who went to “that school.” I’ve never been to Spain, but I do like to eat Spanish peanuts. ;-) Jack
FROM J&H IN CANADA: There is a lot to this, provided one lives through life’s “learning experiences” like failing to stop, look and listen.
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: Again "both/and" trumps "either/or"....Why not learn in school and in the world both? FROM JACK: Ideally speaking, that's true, but not everybody lives in an ideal world. Some of the "hard knocks" grads that I know, did not have the formal education opportunities that are available today. I admire those who make the best of life's situations. I appreciate your idealistic (optimistic) view.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Let me suggest you try a plate of paella. FROM JACK: Valencian paella consists of white rice, green vegetables, meat (rabbit, chicken, duck), land snails, beans and seasoning. Seafood paella replaces meat and snails with seafood and omits beans and green vegetables. Mixed paella is a free-style combination of meat, seafood, vegetables and sometimes beans. No thanks, for me. I'll stick with a brat, a bun and sauerkraut.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Actually, there are a heck of a lot of people now writing their memoires, autobiographies and so forth telling us what life has taught them which wasn't in a previously published book. Some of them are probably Spaniards. Just having fun here, and no, I don't ever intend to write a book. FROM JACK: Politicians and other celebrities seem to be at the head of the line when it comes to writing about themselves. I don't think that they can top Abe Lincoln and the log cabin story.
FROM PRPH IN MINNESOTA: I like them too, but in my old age they give me gas... too much info? FROM JACK: With the increasing quest for alternative energy, you may have hit on something...Spanish peanuts.
FROM SG IN TAMPA: Life will certainly teach us. In this technological world there is much to learn besides human nature. I am very patient with people, but anything that has moving parts presents a problem. Dealing with the call center people is especially challenging, don't you think? FROM JACK: My children have helped me to be "nice" phone solicitors. "Dad, remember that they are somebody's just trying to make a living." To personify the caller is a real help.
FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: And I know that you like Harbenaro chips! FROM JACK: Hot stuff! I remember.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Ha! The School of Hard Knocks is a pretty stern teacher! I have only been in the capital of was lovely. I had a Spanish pen pal for awhile. Interesting! I think most would agree that Book Learnin' is only the beginning of the learning process! FROM JACK: That's good advice, coming from a teacher. BTW, I remember in Moline that female teachers had to resign if they got married...but not the men. I told my grandchildren about that, and couldn't believe it.
FROM PRAW IN ILLINOIS: this one hit me in solar plexis....when I was in high school I got into an arguement with a Sr. citizen because I said " you can learn how to do anything through books." Life has taught me different. Even the computer does not know-all. Wish I could apologize to that man. FROM JACK: How did we ever make it through those years when we knew all of the answers?
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Winning Words 7/6/10
“It’s better to marry a neighbor than a stranger.” (Uruguayan Proverb) Last week I read about a couple who have been living together for three years and don’t want to get married for fear of spoiling their relationship. What is marriage? Another proverb describes it as an uncut watermelon. The word, Uruguay, means “river of the colored birds.” It’s located in South America, between Brazil and Argentina. ;-) Jack
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Personally, my own opinion and experience is that whenever you marry, you marry a stranger. There is something (I feel) that whenever you step over that line from relationship to marriage, people start to really becoming their own selves, can it be because we feel more secure, maybe even more focussed on the relationship and each other in ways that we didn't realize we were lacking before? Anyway, God puts us together and, if we really work at the marriage, we can know a lot more about God, ourselves, the people we marry and the world and that's a blessing (I feel). FROM JACK: You sound like you relate to the uncut "watermelon" concept in today's WWs.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Yeah, like an uncut watermelon, that's good. Will it turn out to be tender and juicy sweet...or hard, bland and disappointing? In my case I chose a good one. FROM JACK: How do you know which watermelon to buy in the store? I tapped Mary on the head and then chose her.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: How times have changed, in regard to Marrying, whether your neighbor or a stranger, eh? When we fell in love we couldn't wait to "tie the knot", and once tied, you perservered, and didn't think about quitting, you worked at that relationship, which brings such blessings if both are committed. I have heard the "we don't want to spoil a good thing", too..My grandson and his wife lived together off and on for over ten years before finally marrying last Sept! (They seem very happy!) Anyway, what used to NOT be acceptable, is now seemingly taken in stride, and the marriage commitment has suffered. Another bane of our old age... FROM JACK: Lots of stuff has changed....some for the worse, but some for the better. Sen Everett Dirksen was once criticized for changing his vote on a certain issue. He responded, "Whoever doesn't change is either dead or in an insane asylum." And he was a Republican, too.
FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Among other things, marriage is a holy and legal commitment. FROM JACK: Legal? yes; holy? It depends of the religious views of the couple.
“It’s better to marry a neighbor than a stranger.” (Uruguayan Proverb) Last week I read about a couple who have been living together for three years and don’t want to get married for fear of spoiling their relationship. What is marriage? Another proverb describes it as an uncut watermelon. The word, Uruguay, means “river of the colored birds.” It’s located in South America, between Brazil and Argentina. ;-) Jack
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Personally, my own opinion and experience is that whenever you marry, you marry a stranger. There is something (I feel) that whenever you step over that line from relationship to marriage, people start to really becoming their own selves, can it be because we feel more secure, maybe even more focussed on the relationship and each other in ways that we didn't realize we were lacking before? Anyway, God puts us together and, if we really work at the marriage, we can know a lot more about God, ourselves, the people we marry and the world and that's a blessing (I feel). FROM JACK: You sound like you relate to the uncut "watermelon" concept in today's WWs.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Yeah, like an uncut watermelon, that's good. Will it turn out to be tender and juicy sweet...or hard, bland and disappointing? In my case I chose a good one. FROM JACK: How do you know which watermelon to buy in the store? I tapped Mary on the head and then chose her.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: How times have changed, in regard to Marrying, whether your neighbor or a stranger, eh? When we fell in love we couldn't wait to "tie the knot", and once tied, you perservered, and didn't think about quitting, you worked at that relationship, which brings such blessings if both are committed. I have heard the "we don't want to spoil a good thing", too..My grandson and his wife lived together off and on for over ten years before finally marrying last Sept! (They seem very happy!) Anyway, what used to NOT be acceptable, is now seemingly taken in stride, and the marriage commitment has suffered. Another bane of our old age... FROM JACK: Lots of stuff has changed....some for the worse, but some for the better. Sen Everett Dirksen was once criticized for changing his vote on a certain issue. He responded, "Whoever doesn't change is either dead or in an insane asylum." And he was a Republican, too.
FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Among other things, marriage is a holy and legal commitment. FROM JACK: Legal? yes; holy? It depends of the religious views of the couple.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Winning Words 7/2/10
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” (Thomas Jefferson) There’s more to the 4th of July than fireworks and picnics. Perhaps you can print out Jefferson’s words and re-read them on Sunday, and think about what a great country is ours. ;-) Jack
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: There is an interesting article in this week's "Detroit Jewish News": page 33, "Did the Hebrew Bible Give Birth to Democracy? Scholars begin to challenge view that the rise of democratic values is attributable solely to Western secular thought." "I do think that Hebraic arguments, particularly about monarchy, played an important role in the ideological origins of the American Revolution--most spectacularly
in Thomas Paine's Common Sense." Reflecting upon the Declaration of Independence and our forefathers and foremothers FROM JACK: That's an interesting thought. I hadn't heard it expressed before, particularly in connection with Independence Day. FROM JACK: If many Americans feel that way returning after visiting other lands, I wonder if the reverse is true.
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Thanks, NPR just did it for me; they did a great reading of the preamble and complete declaration read by some of their top newcasters…I had forgotten all of the words and thoughts behind those that you posted. Have a great holiday weekend. FROM JACK: I remember memorizing the Declaration Independence and the Gettysburg Address in school. While it may have seemed like a chore at the time, I'm glad that I was "made" to do it.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Yes, ours is a great country, founded on the principle that we are all created with the right to be alive, to live free, and to find our individual choices of happiness. That simple concept allows us opportunities to be comfortable, creative, and socially involved as we like. Over a couple centuries the country has progressed, prospered, and contributed enormously to the rest of the world, and we take pride in all that. On July 4th we celebrate it. Nevertheless, there are many around the world who oppose what we do, not only criticizing our way of life, but making every effort to destroy our way of life. What is it that disturbs them so much? Are we overlooking something about ourselves as we push on? FROM JACK: Could it be "the green-eyed monster?" Jealousy is probably too simplistic of an answer. Different cultures have different values, and it takes WORK to try and understand that truth...and to try to get along with the differences. And the sword cuts both ways.
FROM SF IN MICHIGAN: blessed we are. FROM JACK: As with blessings, we need reminders from time to time to count them. The 4th of July is a time to think about the word, "independence," and what it really means. Maybe we need a refresher course in history...American and World.
FROM CL IN MICHIGAN: as part of our celebration maybe we all ought to reread the Declaration and the constitution. When was the last time we looked at these two valuable documents A happy Independence Day to all FROM JACK: Beyond rereading, I think we need a recommitment to the principles behind those documents.
FROM JM IN VIRGINIA: I visited the Library of Congress a few weeks ago and in the US History room, they have an exhibit entitled, "Creating the United States". Actual rough drafts of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights are displayed, as well as letters back and forth by the drafters discussing certain language, etc. Very interesting. There also is a recreation of a portion of Jefferson's library about 2,000
actual volumes. Go to It's a great website. Happy 4th of July! We'll be picnicing and watching the fireworks from the parade grounds in front of the Pentagon building which faces over the river toward the Washington Monument. FROM JACK: Those were real, live people who put together those documents, and you got a chance to see evidences of that. History comes alive in museums.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: If you travel anywhere else in the world, you are happy to return to the good old U.S.A.! Jefferson's words are appropriate for the 4th! We may be in deep distress as a nation right now, but having read many historical biographies, I'll wait for history's verdict... God bless America!
FROM AW IN ILLINOIS: I've been watching the series on PBS about "the Story of Us" and they had a very good segment on the war of 1812. However, my recollection is that very little , if any, is taught about this important, vital event in our history at school. According to that sgment, the U.S. general in charge of US. forces had the largest US. flag ever made flown over the fort..and that is what Francis Scott Key saw and was inspired by. Also, hymn # 893 in the ELW "Before You, Lord, We Bow" has words by FSK. You probably knew that. FROM JACK: No, I didn't know that....and we sang that hymn in church yesterday. I thought that it was a good one, but didn't look at the composer.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” (Thomas Jefferson) There’s more to the 4th of July than fireworks and picnics. Perhaps you can print out Jefferson’s words and re-read them on Sunday, and think about what a great country is ours. ;-) Jack
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: There is an interesting article in this week's "Detroit Jewish News": page 33, "Did the Hebrew Bible Give Birth to Democracy? Scholars begin to challenge view that the rise of democratic values is attributable solely to Western secular thought." "I do think that Hebraic arguments, particularly about monarchy, played an important role in the ideological origins of the American Revolution--most spectacularly
in Thomas Paine's Common Sense." Reflecting upon the Declaration of Independence and our forefathers and foremothers FROM JACK: That's an interesting thought. I hadn't heard it expressed before, particularly in connection with Independence Day. FROM JACK: If many Americans feel that way returning after visiting other lands, I wonder if the reverse is true.
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Thanks, NPR just did it for me; they did a great reading of the preamble and complete declaration read by some of their top newcasters…I had forgotten all of the words and thoughts behind those that you posted. Have a great holiday weekend. FROM JACK: I remember memorizing the Declaration Independence and the Gettysburg Address in school. While it may have seemed like a chore at the time, I'm glad that I was "made" to do it.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Yes, ours is a great country, founded on the principle that we are all created with the right to be alive, to live free, and to find our individual choices of happiness. That simple concept allows us opportunities to be comfortable, creative, and socially involved as we like. Over a couple centuries the country has progressed, prospered, and contributed enormously to the rest of the world, and we take pride in all that. On July 4th we celebrate it. Nevertheless, there are many around the world who oppose what we do, not only criticizing our way of life, but making every effort to destroy our way of life. What is it that disturbs them so much? Are we overlooking something about ourselves as we push on? FROM JACK: Could it be "the green-eyed monster?" Jealousy is probably too simplistic of an answer. Different cultures have different values, and it takes WORK to try and understand that truth...and to try to get along with the differences. And the sword cuts both ways.
FROM SF IN MICHIGAN: blessed we are. FROM JACK: As with blessings, we need reminders from time to time to count them. The 4th of July is a time to think about the word, "independence," and what it really means. Maybe we need a refresher course in history...American and World.
FROM CL IN MICHIGAN: as part of our celebration maybe we all ought to reread the Declaration and the constitution. When was the last time we looked at these two valuable documents A happy Independence Day to all FROM JACK: Beyond rereading, I think we need a recommitment to the principles behind those documents.
FROM JM IN VIRGINIA: I visited the Library of Congress a few weeks ago and in the US History room, they have an exhibit entitled, "Creating the United States". Actual rough drafts of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights are displayed, as well as letters back and forth by the drafters discussing certain language, etc. Very interesting. There also is a recreation of a portion of Jefferson's library about 2,000
actual volumes. Go to It's a great website. Happy 4th of July! We'll be picnicing and watching the fireworks from the parade grounds in front of the Pentagon building which faces over the river toward the Washington Monument. FROM JACK: Those were real, live people who put together those documents, and you got a chance to see evidences of that. History comes alive in museums.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: If you travel anywhere else in the world, you are happy to return to the good old U.S.A.! Jefferson's words are appropriate for the 4th! We may be in deep distress as a nation right now, but having read many historical biographies, I'll wait for history's verdict... God bless America!
FROM AW IN ILLINOIS: I've been watching the series on PBS about "the Story of Us" and they had a very good segment on the war of 1812. However, my recollection is that very little , if any, is taught about this important, vital event in our history at school. According to that sgment, the U.S. general in charge of US. forces had the largest US. flag ever made flown over the fort..and that is what Francis Scott Key saw and was inspired by. Also, hymn # 893 in the ELW "Before You, Lord, We Bow" has words by FSK. You probably knew that. FROM JACK: No, I didn't know that....and we sang that hymn in church yesterday. I thought that it was a good one, but didn't look at the composer.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Winning Words 7/1/10
“I guess that’s how death works. It doesn’t matter if we’re ready or not. It just happens.” (Randy Miholland) Besides being a web cartoonist, RH is the creator of interesting aphorisms which speak to what’s going on in the lives of many people. The biblical writers of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes were good at that. Yogi Berra was good at misquoting aphorisms and turning them into humor. It’s hard to do that with today’s quote
about how death works. ;-) Jack
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Death is a dead end! (Signs may warn about a Dead End but without heeding we drive on and get stopped. Our appointment with death is much the same.) FROM JACK: Some friends of mine have lost two children by separate sudden accidental death. Ready or not!
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Before I die, I sort of hope I get the opportunity to say "Heavenly Father, into Your Hands I commit my spirit." I've already learned how to pray that in a million different ways in a million different situations and I hope facing death will finally be one of them. But guess if death just happens to me, hopefully then God doesn't need me to tell Him anything. FROM JACK: Here's a good question to raise with your Bible study group..."Does God need anything?"
FROM HAWKEYE GS: If you are spiritually ready, it doesn't matter. FROM JACK: I know what you're saying, but what does "spiritually ready" mean? That might be an interesting question to consider at the "gym" discussion session. Are you spiritually ready all of the time?
FROM RI IN BOSTON: your WW yesterday included a Longfellow poem about being too late, and it reminded me of something I read some years ago, which I found again, and want to send you. Perhaps you've already seen it but it's worth reading again (it also applies somewhat to today's WW).
Things You Didn't Do (Author unknown)
Remember the day I borrowed your new car, and I dented it?
I thought you'd kill me, but you didn't.
And remember the time I dragged you to the beach, and you said it would rain, and it did?
I thought you'd say "I told you so," but you didn't.
Do you remember the time I flirted with all the guys to make you jealous, and you were?
I thought you'd leave me, but you didn't.
Do you remember the time I spilled strawberry pie all over your car rug?
I thought you'd hit me, but you didn't.
And remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance was formal and you showed up in jeans?
I thought you'd drop me, but you didn't.
Yes, there were lots of things you didn't do.
But you put up with me, and you loved me, and you protected me.
There were lots of things I wanted to make up to you when you returned from Viet Nam.
But you didn't.
FROM PO IN MICHIGAN: Whimsical, quirky --- and oh so true. FROM JACK: I like that word, quirky.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Yes, for sure, and when you get to be EIGHTY, you know any day can bring the unexpected. I'm sure we all cherish every day! As the old saying goes, "Live each day as though it were your last: One day you will be right!" I imagine we will be somewhat surprised, when the time for our own demise arrives...always somewhat unexpected! Cheers to all, and smiles! FROM JACK: How about 81, 82, 83?
“I guess that’s how death works. It doesn’t matter if we’re ready or not. It just happens.” (Randy Miholland) Besides being a web cartoonist, RH is the creator of interesting aphorisms which speak to what’s going on in the lives of many people. The biblical writers of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes were good at that. Yogi Berra was good at misquoting aphorisms and turning them into humor. It’s hard to do that with today’s quote
about how death works. ;-) Jack
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Death is a dead end! (Signs may warn about a Dead End but without heeding we drive on and get stopped. Our appointment with death is much the same.) FROM JACK: Some friends of mine have lost two children by separate sudden accidental death. Ready or not!
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Before I die, I sort of hope I get the opportunity to say "Heavenly Father, into Your Hands I commit my spirit." I've already learned how to pray that in a million different ways in a million different situations and I hope facing death will finally be one of them. But guess if death just happens to me, hopefully then God doesn't need me to tell Him anything. FROM JACK: Here's a good question to raise with your Bible study group..."Does God need anything?"
FROM HAWKEYE GS: If you are spiritually ready, it doesn't matter. FROM JACK: I know what you're saying, but what does "spiritually ready" mean? That might be an interesting question to consider at the "gym" discussion session. Are you spiritually ready all of the time?
FROM RI IN BOSTON: your WW yesterday included a Longfellow poem about being too late, and it reminded me of something I read some years ago, which I found again, and want to send you. Perhaps you've already seen it but it's worth reading again (it also applies somewhat to today's WW).
Things You Didn't Do (Author unknown)
Remember the day I borrowed your new car, and I dented it?
I thought you'd kill me, but you didn't.
And remember the time I dragged you to the beach, and you said it would rain, and it did?
I thought you'd say "I told you so," but you didn't.
Do you remember the time I flirted with all the guys to make you jealous, and you were?
I thought you'd leave me, but you didn't.
Do you remember the time I spilled strawberry pie all over your car rug?
I thought you'd hit me, but you didn't.
And remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance was formal and you showed up in jeans?
I thought you'd drop me, but you didn't.
Yes, there were lots of things you didn't do.
But you put up with me, and you loved me, and you protected me.
There were lots of things I wanted to make up to you when you returned from Viet Nam.
But you didn't.
FROM PO IN MICHIGAN: Whimsical, quirky --- and oh so true. FROM JACK: I like that word, quirky.
FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Yes, for sure, and when you get to be EIGHTY, you know any day can bring the unexpected. I'm sure we all cherish every day! As the old saying goes, "Live each day as though it were your last: One day you will be right!" I imagine we will be somewhat surprised, when the time for our own demise arrives...always somewhat unexpected! Cheers to all, and smiles! FROM JACK: How about 81, 82, 83?
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