Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 2/6/08
“The spiritual journey is…highly personal. It isn’t true that everybody should follow one path. Listen to your own truth.”
(Ram Dass) Lent is a 40-day spiritual journey for Christians leading up to the celebration of Easter. It is highly personal. Different religious groups walk different paths. Ram has had his own religious walk, from Judaism, to Timothy Leary, to Buddhism, to Wayne Dyer, to Satsang. Personally, Lent is a good enough journey foe me. And that’s the truth! ;-) Jack

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: one of my favorite parts of the mystery is that it doesn't come with a road map, rather, many fine writings of seekers. there are no timetables, either. when it's time, it's time. each day is another step in the journey. happy trails!

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: That guy hasn't been on a journey. He has been on a Safari!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I firmly believe each one of us is given a "gift" to follow our own truths with the Commandments to guide us and God's love to redirect and forgive!

FROM PR P.H. IN MINNESOTA: Ram Dass.....sounds like some computer software!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just finished reading the book "Interior Castle" by St. Teresa of Avila, sixteenth century. She emphasizes everywhere in that book that God has everything to do with how and where, and even if with whom, His Favours come to us. I believe our own experiences corroborate that truth and, when we realize that, I think we get a lot more accepting of other people's spiritual journeys and our own truth opens to highly personal possibilities of relationships with others we never ever thought we'd be relating to.