Monday, June 10, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/10/19
“If you live in awareness, it is easy to see miracles everywhere.”  (Thich Naht Hanh)  Recently I received a book, Life in the Sloth Lane.  This week’s quotes are from that book.  Hanh’s words remind me of slow miracles, like the tortoise beating the hare, or the pace of an inchworm…and how about the Grand Canyon? Archeologists say that it began to be formed about 17 million years ago.     Are there other slow miracles that come to your mind?   ;-)  Jack 

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  How about the miracle of the birth of a beautifully  formed baby that begins with a tiny egg! ===JACK:  What a great first example!  Weren't you a midwife at some point in your life?     ===BS:  Yes! I  was in the 60's.  My sister was a midwife all her working life.===JACK:  Are people still be trained to be midwifes?===BS:  They are, both men and women.===JACK: ===BS:  They are, both men and women.===JACK:  Are the men called, "midhusbands?"===BS:  Yes, they are.

FROM MY ATTORNEY:  Are you implying that Paul Bunyan didn’t really exist???!!! ===JACK:  There are at least 14 Paul Bunyans living the Detroit metro area.

FROM TAMPA FHIRL:  Everyday seems like that for me! Everything just seems to fall into place===JACK:  You're one of the lucky ones.!

ROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Just waking up is a miracle.  Watching the sunrise, holding a baby, taking a ride through our country can be seen as a plethora. of miracles!===JACK:  Living on a farm, as you do, enables you to live among many miracles===JUDY:  It does.  I have a pet duck, Buddy now.  He a young Mallard and he’s by himself which is very unusual.  He watches me all day.  I’m working on getting him closer and closer.  He sleeps on the dock and I put a little food out for him.  But not a lot of food, just to let him know I care!!  Lol

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i met a radical "Creationist" last winter in AZ who believes the Grand Canyon was formed in a matter of days!  a VERY literal interpretation of Gensis, to say the least!  how do you deal with people like that?===JACK:  When Martin Luther came upon parts of the Bible that were difficult to understand, he'd si,ply tip his hat and move on.  I do the same with "creationists."  It's impossible to argue them into understanding. 

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