Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Winning Words 2/1/11
“All anybody needs to know about prizes is that Mozart never won one.” (Henry Mitchell) I’ll take it for granted that Henry researched this one. If it’s true, I am amazed. Wolfgang composed some of my favorite tunes. In fact, I sometimes listen to a CD, “Mozart for Your Mind” when I sit at the computer and write my Winning Words. BTW, a prize isn’t the important thing, after all. ;-) Jack

FROM RB IN MICHIGAN: Amen... we all have already been given the prize in Jesus Christ! Thanks for your inspiration FROM JACK: Some people think that winning the Super Bowl trophy is the ultimate prize. What does a prize signify, after all?

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I would say he didn't win any prizes because he was very strange and I imagine people weren't too receptive of his ways. (Personally, Vivaldi, Bach and Mozart are my favorites.) FROM JACK: I like John Philip Sousa, too....and Buck Owens, also.

FROM MT IN PENNSYLNANIA: Some synchronicity going on this morning. I was on a similar topic this
morning in connection with a message from a friend who was doubting the value of his own "random
outpourings" of creative energy. (I have pasted one such product below.) My response: when we infuse our creations (however humble) with vision and intent, they gain inherent value. their meaning may only be apparent to us, and sometimes only apparent to others. and on rare (or not) occasion, to one special someone for whom that something fills a void or makes a match. far from simple, and just as far from self.

Grace -- by Gregory A Turner

The sun guarantees
the day to me
Each and every one the best
that by night, when's to rest
I count my blessings one by one
and they mount up
as does the sun
when day doth break

The moon does too
with silvery light
descends the dark and shadowy night
marks the course of starry flight
through heaven's cobalt fields

This poem, for natures messengers
bearers of fates, and passengers
hauliers on God's recurrent round
Mark them well for what they be
They shine their light, as well you see
on revelers
and sorrowers
the same

FROM JACK: Thanks for a prize-winning response. A good and appropriate poem.

FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: Maybe not, but he got a movie instead! FROM JACK: "Amadeus," the movie won 8 Academy Awards, so he did get some prizes, after all. The movie was also name one of the 100 best films ever made.

FROM MOLINER CF: There are a couple of marvelous CDs done Mozart style: "What if Mozart had written White Christmas", and Beatles songs "Cello Subarine. He may not have won any prizes but who was the winning coach in Super Bowl II? FROM JACK: The first two Super Bowl winning teams were coached by the same man for whom the Super Bowl Trophy is named. BTW, I'll try to check out the Mozart-style music.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Unless it's money, all it does is clutter up wherever you keep it.... FROM JACK: I'm sure that you have some clutter around your place.

FROM LK IN OHIO: Jack, do you believe heaven is a prize for the believer? Oh, also, do you think Coach Brady Hoke will improve UM's football fortunes? FROM JACK: I think that heaven is a gift and not a prize. A prize is generally given, because you've earned it. AND, I think that Michigan is better off without a hi-profile coach. Did I read that someone from Pickerington is planning to commit to the Wolverines?

FROM BLAZING OAKS: Interesting. But if you read of his life and times, he did have a way of ruffling feathers. Still as wonderfully creative and talented as he was, that is amazing. I wonder how many prizes WERE awarded in those days...it may be more of a modern phenomenon(?). I'm sure if you were a person who garnered prizes, it would be gratifying, and a boost to one's self-esteem, but in most of our mundane lives, we
aren't so spot-lighted! That's O.K. We know we have made a difference in our little corner of the world! :-)
FROM JACK: The only trophy I ever received was a "small" gold cup, inscribed: "Second Place," in a YMCA Ping-Pong Tournament. I treasure it!

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