Friday, June 28, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/21/19
“I never look back.  I look ahead.”  (Milton Hershey)  He never went past 4th grade, but he was smart enough to invent my favorite, the Hershey’s candy bar.  The quality of his product and the well-being of his workers came before profit.  And, he was extremely successful.  On his desk was a sign: “Business is a matter of human service!” Outside of a school that he founded for orphans is a statue of him…“His deeds are his monument.  His life is our inspiration.”   ;-)  Jack

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Thanks.  I have another new hero.===JACK:  Sorry, but Hero Candy is made by Cadbury, not Hershey's.  Personally, I like Hershey's better than Cadbury.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We are thankful to him for more than his chocolate bars!!  He was a good man.===JACK:  You seem to likes Hershey's Kisses.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  A remarkable man, it would seem. I didn't know that much about him, but am impressed! Each dawn a new day to look "forward" to, right? Hoping for positive happenings! At my age,,most of my life is "back" of me; Maybe author Margaret Wander hit on a truth when she said, "It is only possible to live "happily ever after" on a day-to-day basis."===JACK:  The people in Hershey, PA, when the company moved its operations to Mexico for "business" reasons.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  My favorite was the Tootsie Roll POP===JACK:  Did you know that Hershey's makes chocolate lollipops?

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  good one, Jack!    would that we had more like him in the world today.   corporate America has become so profit driven and so greedy that it seems to care little anymore about "human or community service".  there are exceptions, of course.  but  just look at Big Pharma.   Americans are dying because they cannot afford insulin and the formula for making it has not changed one iota in 50 years.    but the price of insulin surely  has changed!   plh    p.s.  a distant acquaintance of mine goes to Canada and buys her insulin for one tenth the cost of our insulin. what is wrong with this picture??===JACK:  It's not very pretty, but "business is business!"

FROM LBP:  Not sure how well the recording worked. But I think I’ll have this in my head awhile. ===JACK:  Is that you singing "Lord, walk with me"?  If so, I like it!

Jack’s Winning Words 3/25/19
“The fewer the words, the better the prayer.”  (Martin Luther)  Luther was following the advice of Jesus: “When you pray, don’t keep babbling like pagans who think that they’ll be heard because of their many words.”  Don’t be deterred from “talking with God” because you don’t know the right words.  Think of it as a conversation with a friend.  FDR’s advice for giving a speech applies to praying, too.  “Be sincere, be brief, be seated.”  Let us pray!   ;-)  Jack
Jack’s Winning Words 6/25/19
“We live in an age of mumbo jumbo, and these days no one is more jumbo with his mumbo than…”  (Ether Walker)  Fill in the blank…In your opinion, who is it that is jumbo with his mumbo?  Jesus used 11 words for the Golden Rule.. In the 1940s my home pastor was called, “Twenty Minute Tillberg,” because of his short sermons.  A pastor I knew had an alarm clock in his pulpit set to go off after 15 minutes. I try to limit WWs’ mumbo to 5 lines.  OK? 

 FROM RVB:  Thanks, 5 lines keeps me thinking beyond the words.===JACK:  Rear carefully!  Some of my messages are written between the lines.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  TRUMP of course! :-(===JACK:  Mumbo jumbo is defined:  "language or ritual causing or intended to cause confusion or bewilderment."  If the shoe fits.

FROM CZB:  Trump===JACK:  In the song, Were You There, one line says: "He never said a mumbling word."  Sometimes, there's too much jumbo in some people's mumbo.

FROM VW MARY:  WWs  definitely are not mumbo....===JACK:  I'll try to keep that in mind as I write the Words for next week.

FROM LBP:  Lately it seems to be all *jumbled* as to who is spouting mumbo jumbo and who has something real to say, jumbo or no===JACK:  Verbosity is not practiced in my messages...or sermons.  At least, I try to avoid it."===LBP:  Before the internet was a thing these "winning words" were dubbed "sentence sermons" and printed on the back of the Sunday bulletin. Now that is a short sermon : )===JACK:  You remembered! 

FROM TL:  Winning Words is the perfect, quick, concise and thought provoking start to my day.  Thank YOU!===JACK:  506 on the current mailing list...with unknown number of "forwards."

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  so i googled mumbo jumbo...===JACK:  I had not taken into consideration that slang terms are sometimes are oriented to certain generations.  My generation likes those words/

Jack’s Winning Words 6/28/19
“The grand essentials of happiness are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”  (George Washington Burnap)  Noted psychiatrist, Erich Fromm, believed that happiness comes from loving others and from loving yourself.  He once assigned his students to finish this sentence.  “I respect myself for…”  (List 50 good qualities)  I’m not a Dr. Fromm, but I challenge you today to list 5 good qualities about yourself.  Then challenge someone else to do the same about themselves.  Happiness comes from love…of God; your neighbor; yourself.   ;-)  Jack

FROM VW MARY:  I would not be able to come up with 50! What about your five??===JACK:  i "try" to love God.  I "try" to love others.  I respect myself for "trying" to focus on being positive, nd for not ranting on Facebook.---and BTW< listing 50 begins with1, then 2 etc.

FROM RVB IN WB:   This was today’s Word in art... and Jack’s winning words - just sharing ===JACK:  Good art and dood words (John 15:12,23.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  Fromm was very popular about the time i was in the seminary.   it was a time of self-discovery, so to speak,  along with sensitivity groups,  California hot tubs, CPE, etc.   some of it bordered on narcissism but most of it was good, i believe.===JACK:  Sensitivity Training was a game-changer for me.  Fads are not necessarily bad.

FROM JH:  Amen. And thanks for all you do for so many. Peace and blessings,===JACK:  Thanks for your part in helping to make this world a better and more beautiful place.

FROM A McC:  God, yourself, neighbor  I am with you  Stay cool

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/27/19
“Nothing makes one feel so strong as a call for help.”  (Pope Paul VI)  It’s called, “Hysterical Strength,,” when an ordinary person does something extra-ordinary. Like when a Michigan man lifted a mini-van off of a man trapped beneath it.  Some say that it’s due to a rush of adrenaline.  Others call it, a miracle.  We live in a world where there are calls for help…needy people…those left by the side of the road.  Who will hear their call…and stop…and help?   ;-)  Jack

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  This is a very interesting topic regarding human behavior in values versus action:  You’re walking down the street and there a few steps in front of you is someone sitting on the side of the walk next to a building. The sign says something about help and needing food (various context).  You have seen people like this before and the same questions come into your mind:  I want to help but what if they use the money for drugs or alcohol.  Look at the dog...the dog doesn’t look hungry!  Isn’t there a shelter where this person can get help?  I bet this person has a story!  I wish I had time to listen.  BTW...there is a sign on the building that says, HELP WANTED.   You may think...Really!!!??  I donate every year to charities that help people.   ETC.  Here’s the question:  Three days ago, you saw someone else sitting on the sidewalk somewhere else.  As you passed by you put some money in the cup or gave that person some left over carry out.  You may even have said hello to the person,  WHY THEN?   What is it about situations that drive us to action one time but not other times and what is it about confronting this situation that makes people so uncomfortable?===JACK:  :Life is full of perplexities.  Last week I pulled up to a stoplight.  A man was there with a sign;;;God loves you.  He was at an "inconvenient location.  The light changed.  I drove on.===PAUL:  I had a friend who worked with the homeless. She had a very interesting take on the situation. Topic for discussion.===JACK:  "Grist for the mill," as the saying goes.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ: i take elderly friends to dr appts, lunch, errands... they like to help back. advice is always welcome w/me!===JACK:  I know that you've had the experience of answering many SOS calls from the elderly.  The world is better off because of people such as you.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  There are so many calls for help! Our limited means often cause us to weigh any "spontaneous" help. I do whatever I can; If the person is snookering me, the Bible says judgment is on his/her head, not mine.  We have many needy persons in our congregation now, and my first concern is helping them and our missionaries who do so much with so little!  But like the MI man who lifted the van, I know of several stories like that where persons were given extraordinary strength to do what looked impossible at the time. David Muir often cites such cases too, on his World News on ABC. My uncle, who was not a large man, once lifted a car off of a co-worker in his 
mechanics garage, who became pinned under the rear wheel due to a jack collapsing. A lot of folks have stories that illustrate the truth of these WW today!===JACK:  Annie Johnson Flint had a way with words.  Do you remember this poem of hers?  
Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today
He has no feet but our feet to lead men in the way
He has no tongue but our tongue to tell men how He died
He has no help but our help to bring them to His side.
e are the only Bible the careless world will read,
We are the sinner’s gospel; we are the scoffer’s creed;
We are the Lord’s last message, given in word and deed;
What if the type is crooked? What if the print is blurred?
What if our hands are busy with other work than His?
What if our feet are walking where sin’s allurement is?
What if our tongue is speaking of things His lips would spurn?
How can we hope to help Him or welcome His return?
===OAKS:  I've sung that poem as a special solo many times!  My last line went "How can we hope to help HIm, unless from Him we learn?"
I also memorized her poem WHAT GOD HAS 
PROMISED...and shared it many times. ("God has not promised skies always blue...flower--strewn

pathways all our lives through," etc.)===JACK:  You and I know the same oldies...BUT you can sing them, and people applaud.  I just quote them.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Enjoyed your WW this morning.  Watched the debates last night.  Maybe you watched them too.  A continuous refrain through every candidate's statements was the need to pay attention to, and give a voice to, the working people and poor people of this nation.  I am very interested in that too...Jesus is really with us, in us, leading us, helping us, working outside of us and inside of us, and hoping and praying He will lead us to St. Augustine's "the more we progress in His knowledge and charity, the more shall we become like to Him.  Christianity is both truth and love."  Hopefully, Christians everywhere being drawn to Christ and becoming His disciples and following Him will be the yeast that works out our impact on this nation's political, economic, social, etc., etc., etc. institutions and structures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We all are desparately needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And we need to vote wisely.  Well, have thunk some, Pastor Freed.===JACK:  I always appreciate your insights...the result of your "thinking."  "the mind is a terrible thing to waste."


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/26/19
“It’s easy to make a buck.  It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.”  (Tom Brokaw)  Making a difference (creating change), begins with an attitude that change can be done.  What is it that you want to change?  A habit?,,Other people?..The environment?..Your situation?..The world’s values?  Improvement begins with “I”.  It’s tough to affect change if “I” isn’t into making changes, even little ones.  “I think I can” can happen when it becomes, “I know I can.”    ;-)  Jack

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Another one of my favorite people===JACK:  I like him, too.  It bothers me that there are those who revel in pointing out flaws in our heroes (i.e. dredging up unverified accusations of improprieties), as if heroes must be perfect in every way.  "Let the on who is without sing point the finger."

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Making little differences are sometimes world changing for someone. ===JACK:  Difference-making often helps two...the giv-ee and the giv-er.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  we support seven favorite charities with a monthly gift of $20 each.  its not much but we hope it makes a difference in some way.  (we also give much larger gifts to our church, Concordia College,  Luther Seminary,  Lutheran Social Services, Mt. Carmel Camp,  and Lake Wapogassett Bible Camp).  just didn't want you to think we were skin-flints!:):):)   btw,  where did that word ever come from===JACK:  "skinflint. "miser, one who makes use of contemptible economy to keep money," 1700, slang; literally "kind of person who would skin a flint to save or gain something," from skin (v.) + flint. Flay-flint in same sense is from 1670s."

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  We begin each day faced with lots of choices – what to wear, what to have for breakfast, what route to take to work and many more. Add to that list the simple question, “What can I do to make a difference today?” and maybe that will put you in the right frame of  mind to go out and make that difference. Making the world a better place is a pretty big difference making challenge to throw at yourself the first thing in the morning; so. maybe start with the goal of just making a positive difference in someone else’s life. Something as small as a smile and a friendly “Hello” or holding a door open for someone can make his or her day better. Acts of kindness and consideration make a difference, one person at a time. Will you make a difference today?===JACK:  I couldn't have said it better.

FROM SF:  Teachers make a difference.===JACK:  I'm sure that we can each name a teacher who has made a difference in our life.  Mr Ekblad for me.  How about you?===SF:  Mr Krucki, DPS
Changed my life. ===JACK:  James J. Krucki, of Chelsea, MI, age 81, passed away on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at his home. He was born October 21, 1936, in Grand Rapids, MI, the son of Joseph and Sophia (Karpinski) Krucki. On August 23, 1958 he married Susan (Stewart), and she survives. He is also survived by his children Elaine Bogner, Timothy (Kathy) Krucki, Christopher (Marie) Krucki, his sister Penny Padgett, and grandchildren Kelly, Lizzie, Kevin, Krystan, Kayce, Shelby, Kyle, and Haley. He was preceded in death by his sister Judy Roobol.   Jim was a long-time math teacher at Detroit Cooley and Grosse Pointe North High Schools, as well as a successful football coach for 19 years.  He was inducted into the Michigan High School Football Association Coaches Hall of Fame in 2006 with an overall record of 108-50-2.  He was the 1973 Detroit Free Press Suburban Coach of the Year, the 1979 Detroit News Metro East Coach of the Year, and was inducted into the Grosse Pointe North Coaches Hall of Fame in 1981 after retiring from coaching in 1980. He was a fixture at many of his grandchildren’s events after retiring.===SF:  I had no idea. May he rest in peace. I loved him. He touched his students’ minds and hearts. 😢

FROM LBP:  Believe that you can? Yoda says, “Do or do not do. There is no try” I get waytoo caught up in “try.” I’ll try to attend that activity. I’ll try to do better about exercising. ... I’ll try to make a difference. Maybe I need more doing (or not doing)===JACK:  As a child, I learned: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."  

Monday, June 24, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/24/10
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing.  Motivation determines what you do.  Attitude determines how well you do it.”  (Lou Holtz)  If you’re a football coach, a school teacher, or even a pastor, you can get your “team” to succeed, simply by getting them to see what they’re capable of doing and to motivate them to do it.  I’ve seen it work in the classroom, in sports, in the pulpit and in business.  The pay for doing it varies.  Holtz gets up to $50,000 per speech.   ;-)  Jack

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Excellent quote! As you say it works in any genre or venue!
Motivation  is certainly the key!===JACK:  What are some of Coach Oaks' motivational quotes?

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Always knew good pastors were underpaid.....but the fringe hopefully are pretty good.===JACK:  At times I felt uncomfortable that the Pastor's Compensation was often the biggest line item in the church's budget.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  did you ever get that much for a sermon?  i did do a wedding not long ago and i got $500.  it was offsite and required some driving too. most i have even gotten.   i was surprised at their generosity.   at the same time, i have a lawyer friend who charges $485 an hour when he is "on the clock".     is my time less important than his?===JACK:  A friend of mine conducted a funeral.  After the service, the son came up to him and said:  "Thank you, pastor, I know that you'd not accept money for conducting dad's funeral, so here's a dozen golf balls."

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i ♥️ lou, and notre dame is this episcopalian’s fav college football team! ===JACK:  A coach is only as good as the players he has...and the wins they accumulate.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/20/19
“My mom used to say, ‘No one is worthless, Jonny, they can at least be a good bad example.”  (Jon Hanson)  “Jonny” is a friend of mine, an author, songwriter, commentator on life.  On his own he put together a collection of Jack’s Winning Words…and it was sold on Amazon.  Jon also introduced me to Michelangelo’s words, spoken at age 87, “Ancora imparo,” roughly translated, “I am still learning.”  Whatever our age, we can still be learning   ;-)  Jack

FROM JB IN OLV:  Isn't that the truth!  I have learned many reverse lessons from my extended family:)===JACK:  Hardly a day goes by without having a learning opportunity come my way.

FROM PRPT: Rev. Henry Jones – “You only grow old when you think you’re too old to grow…” ===JACK:  Among my quotes is this one..."If you did not know your age, how old would you be?"  I'd like to think that I'll never be too old to learn.  My grandchildren have become great teachers.  I've learned computer shortcuts from them...and to appreciate some rap, too..===PT:  Keep rappin’ on, Jack!!! ===JACK:  Google---Meet the Texas pastor who's rapping the Gospel | Fox News

.ROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  hope you at least got a cut...===JACK:  No cut expected, nor wanted.  I'm just pleased that someone went to all of the work of putting the book together and having it published.  I just ordered six copies. 

FROM LBP:  How about taking that a little more granular: No experience is worthless, it can at least be a good bad example? Last week I gave a training lecture that was poorly received. I wasn't at the top of my game and my learning objectives didn't seem to align with their learning expectations. Of course "teach me to do your job in 40 minutes" is a ridiculous expectation, but I HATE when that happens. Now the one impression of me that a couple dozen people have is of the woman who gave the terrible lecture. BUT, I have spent quite a bit of time thinking of how to improve our training or how to better assess/refine the desired learning objectives of the groups requesting training. So, it was a bad experience but not a worthless one.===JACK:  Sometimes it works that way with sermons.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  My dad used to say similar words when we talked of someone being terrible, or despicable: "Well he/she can always serve as a horrible example"...learn from it!  
I'll have to ck on that AMazon book; What a friend, to do that!  Every single person enriches the world around them, or is a negative force.  The amazing stories of many who overcome dire circumstances to do good in the world inspire us! I forget who made the comment that "most of the world's greatest work was done by people who didn't feel very well"!  But it is often true. I'm sure we can learn something new until the day we pass on; WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD....:-) ===JACK:  What "new thing" have you learned today?  I watched the plumber fix a leaky faucet. 

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We learn more and more everyday!  Especially how not to be a good bad example!===JACK:  Some people see the President as a good bad example, while "the base" see him as a good good example.


FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  I actually stumbled upon your book on a couple of years ago and have it here in our house.  Think I have already read in this book of journal entries of Pope Leo X's that Michelangelo was one of the artists which Pope Leo X was supporting and the Pope felt that these artists and musicians' influence and reputations would go down in history as truly being formidable talents whereas he couldn't speak so much of his own impact on history.  Am only third of the way through but frankly doesn't seem like such an Anti-Christ as one would imagine and now, after having experienced the liturgy and homilies and I believe Christ-centered loving hearts of the Priests at Transfiguration and trying to work through the theological problems described in the book Shared Spiritual Journey:  Lutherans and Catholics Traveling Toward Unity by Wood and Timothy Wengert and also seeing on You-Tube that joint 500 anniversary worship in Lund, Sweden a couple of years ago now, and actually having read somewhere that some Pope and guess the Catholic theologians made a decision that people aren't in an excommunicated state after they die or something, which says something about how they perceive Luther and other reformers with some growing humility and ability to forgive misunderstandings, quarrels, arguments, differences, old hatreds and antagonisms and maybe even more fully realizing our human conditions of being so limited--maybe it can even be conceivable at this point in human history that both Luther and Pope Leo X were good bad examples??????  To me, the challenge of us current Christians is to try to live in some way that we aren't current bad examples and that's actually quite a challenge when some times it seems like our current religious institutions (actually recognizing that pretty nearly every congregation is simply fighting for survival and trying somehow to attract members) seem likely to pander to sort of trivial needs of Christians for entertaining music, light-hearted sermons, sort of some almost new-Ageish theological babble such as a Joel Olsteen provides, and so forth and so forth.  Or worse the black and white theology of the evangelists who try to provide simple answers to all of our moral questions.  I appreciate most the Christians who are genuinely seeking after coming closer to Jesus and truly wanting to be His disciples and placing church growth second in priority--but that's just my opinion and undoubtedly might be more scarey to do because it could be insecure in being able to pay the bills for maintaining the church building.  Anyway, thunk enough.  Enjoyed your WW this morning===JACK:  You always (most ot the time) hit the nail on the head.

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  I am currently writing my memoirs. " A collection of poems, random essays, inspired epiphanies and some really profound thoughts for the day!"  It is called Uniquely Eunice.  It is a legacy for my family. A big section of it is a year by year memories of places and people that have influenced my life. That section is entitled "This is my story and I'm sticking to it!" You may be mentioned in it!===JACK:  You do have some unique stories.  "Gardie" is one of them.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/19/19
“Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings.”  (Salvador Dali)  It’s said that people were sometimes more interested in Dali’s eccentricities…his flamboyant way of dressing and acting, his curly moustache.  I continue to be intrigued by his imagination…some call it his surrealism.  My favorite among his works shows Jesus on the cross, as seen from above.  Dali lovers can see the biggest collection of his work in Figueres (Spain), his hometown.   ;-) Jack

FROM LBP:  This week the kids found a fledgling cardinal in our yard. We learned that fledgling birds will take 2-5 days to fumble around on the ground until they are able to fly away. But the parents are watching and come care for it. I wonder how to extend Dali’s metaphor to fledglings ===JACK:  I like the saying, "If you can dream it, you can be it."  One of the children you babysat for, dreamed of flying and, eventually, became a pilot.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  That’s a favorite Dali painting of mine too.  I loved the Woody Allen – Paris my Love? Where the character time-travels back to the days of Dali and the impressionists ===JACK:  The impressionists were not on display yesterday, but it was a good visit, just the same.  We had lunch at the Polish Yacht Club afterward

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I am reading an interesting book "The other Alcott"; about the youngest sister May Alcott (Amy in Louisa's book "Little Women") who was an artist, and went to Paris
eventually and mentions her interactions with the impressionists such as Dali, Monet, Degas, and 
especially when her friend Mary Cassatt joined the Impressionist movement in art. Amy always had to deal with her famous writer older sister Louisa Mae Alcott, who was also quite wealthy for a woman of that  day; Most of the impressionists were not well accepted by the Art world in their day!  A good read!===JACK:  My sister recalls that as a youngster, she was always introduced as Jack's sister.  It was a special day when she was living in a community where I was not known, and I was introduced as Nancy's brother

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  We have a wonderful Dali Museum in St Petersburg! It started as a small one and then is now in a newer and much larger location!===JACK:  Are you a Dali-fan?===SHIRL:  Not really! I do like his mustache!===JACK:  I've never had a moustache, let alone a culy one like Dali's.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  His paintings fascinated me.  His thoughts processes must have been very interesting.  I had never seen anyone paint with such Imagination.===JACK:  Somehow I see Dali as too modern for a conservative like you.

FROM CAYOGA:  Good Morning!    This Friday is International Yoga day - perhaps you will "engage" in some form of practice. Love your winning words and on that note,  I had better put my wisdom into action and get busy===JACK:  i think that some of the yoga poses resemble human figures looking like Dali figures.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/18/19
“My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.”  (Benjamin Disraeli)  In most cases I like to be with agreeable people.  I’m not into confrontation…political, religious or ethical.  It’s not that I avoid confrontation, I just enjoy friendly conversation.  What I don’t like is argumentation.  Bantering back and forth agrees with me.  Disraeli might too conservative and erudite for my taste, but I could probably learn something by conversing with him.   ;-)  Jack

FROM ANNE McC:  I don't mind  discussing and arguing.  It is the sarcasm and disrespect that seems to accompany it.  Another Anne Marie story.  I was driving to Irish dance class with Mac, Anne Marie and sister, Catherine.  I asked Anne Marie, about 12 years old, what she would like to do when she grows up.  She answered that she would like to be a lawyer.  I asked why and she answered that she would learn how to argue.  I told her that she was Irish and born to know how to argue.  We all laughed.  My mother and father were farmers from Ireland.  My fathers family owned a pud on the farm that still exists, only bigger.  My father was the oldest boy of three boys; four sisters. He did not want to be a farmer.  He was also a member if the IRA at 14 which may have contributed to his desire to leave   At our family dinners, we always discussed politics and community.  As the children grew, sides were taken.  We did not always agree at the end of the discussion, but we were not mean to one another.  We each knew we were right..  Ha Ha===JACK:  Thanks for the Ha Ha response.  I had an Irish Catholic aunt who would have fit in very well at your dinner table...complete with the accent.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  problem is,  he is no longer with us:):):)===JACK:  If you were invited to a White House dinner would you attend?  ...or, do you only to sit down and talk with those you agree with?===PAUL: i would not go to the Trump White House,  as fun and exciting as that may be.  i just cannot in any way endorse this man.  he is too sick in my opinion.===JACK:  You could go wearing your WWJD? wrist band.  Jesus was accused of associating with "sinners".  You would have an opportunity to say "face to face" all of your repressed animosity! 

Monday, June 17, 2019

JJack’s Winning Words 6/17/19
“I’ve never really taken anything very seriously.  I enjoy life, because I really enjoy making other people enjoy it.”  (Tim Conway)  A company job application asks, “What do you do for fun?”  “Hanging out with Tim Conway,” would have been a good answer for me.  Suggested good responses are: rock climbing, doing puzzles and gardening.  Ping Pong is better than Beer Pong.  What things you enjoy doing?…and who would you choose to “hang out with?”   ;-)  Jack to see my blog 

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/13/19
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”  (Anne Lamott)  When I first began using a computer I learned that problems could be fixed by “rebooting.”  For me, it means to turn off the machine and start it up again.  People sometimes need to be rebooted.  Have you heard the expression, “Give it a rest?”  The body works better when it’s rested.  The Lord knew what he was doing when he created a day of rest.   ;-) Jack  

FROM SF IN WBT:  Yes. I need to unplug a little every day to personally recharge! That’s the introvert! ===JACK:  When two introverts come together they seem to reboot and become extroverts.  at least, it works with me.

FROM DR J:  So why are you sending out an email at 4:59 AM????? Rest that body! Reboot! ===JACK:  Mailchimp is my new servant.  I've trained that monkey to work for me while I get some extra zzzzs.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  maybe he should have created two days of rest!===JACK:  So, what other commandments do you think need improving? ===PAUL:the first three speak of our relationship with God.  as a culture,  i think we need to revisit these 3 for sure! ===JACK:  Luther tried to do something like that when he wrote, "What does this mean (?)" after each of them.  Maybe you're suggesting a modern day "What does this mean?"  Times change.  Mores change.===PAUL:  Harry Wendt who wrote the Crossways Bible Study series has written a modified Apostle's Creed.  it is just excellent.   if i can find a copy,  i will send you one.===JACK:  I'd like to see his re-write of the commandments.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/12/19
“If you see someone without a smile, give ‘em yours.”  (Dolly Parton)  An article in the LA Times says that researchers have found that Americans are significantly less happy than they were in the 1990s.  While the economy has rebounded, life satisfaction has declined.  It gave reasons for the drop and suggestions for helping.  If a friend is having a rough time, do something that shows you care...just listening is good.  Dolly suggests sharing a smile.  ;-)  Jack

FROM NORM'S MILFORD BLOG:  As a society, we have become a bit more introverted and insular. I blame the rise of the smartphone for at least some of that. We have allowed ourselves to be captivated and  captured by a device that steals time away from everything else, including our interactions with other human beings. We may not even notice the frown or sadness on the face of those that we encounter because we are too busy looking at our phones. We certainly don’t take the time to ask what is wrong, and since we can’t Google that, we just move on to the next attention grabber that shows up on our screen.  So, perhaps the first step to all of us getting better and having smiles would be to put  down those smartphones and take a good look at what is going on around us. Step two might be to make sure that we put a smile on our own face. I’ve posted here a few times about loving yourself before you can share love with others (see the post Start your day with love and the rest will take care of itself). So take a moment, before you set out on your day, to find that love of self and who you are that will put a smile on your face. Many times that may involve taking time for a short prayer of thanks to God for another day. Acknowledging and accepting the love of God each day allows you to also love yourself and then to be ready to share that love with others.===JACK:  It used to be "bow your heads in prayer."  Now, it's ?Bow your heads and look at your SmartPhone."  Look around you today, Norm.  What do you see that's interesting?  As I look outside, it's a beautiful spring morning; the sun is shining; a bird is chirping; a gentle breeze is blowing.  WOW!  I give a smile to the world.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAULl:   blame our "dear leader" for some of this.   he rarely smiles and almost never laughs.  not sign of a mentally healthy person.  of course,  there are a great many other factors too.===JACK:  Just wondering...When the Sunday Prayers suggest that we pray for our leaders, including the president...Do you?  That's a rhetorical question.  I confess that I seldom do.

 FROM BB IN CHGO:  I took the time to read the article referenced and found it really interesting.  I am happy and satisfied with my life; I hope that you can say the same for you and yours.===JACK:  Life is good.  As Louis Armstrong would sing...
When you're smilin'....keep on smilin'  The whole world smiles with you
And when you're laughin'....keep on laughin'  The sun comes shinin' through
But when you're cryin'.... you bring on the rain  So stop your frownin' happy again
Cause when you're smilin'....keep on smilin'  The whole world smiles with you

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  Good un Jack.===JACK:  Dolly Parton is giving you a smile. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/11/19
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.”  (Harper Lee)  To Kill a Mockingbird, as a play, has been on Broadway for about a year, and it’s a hot ticket.  I guess it’s time for the message in Harper Lee’s book to be retold…just like it was time for the Hamilton story to have a new telling.  “Mockingbird” is a reminder that you really don’t understand racism (or other –isms) until you see it with the offended’s eyes.   ;-)  Jack

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Yes I belonged to the NAACP in the late 40s and early 50s in Davenport! Then when we moved to Florida we were surprised that they had not enforced the Brown vs education decision of 1954! So all of our children were among the first to be integrated in the schools! ===JACK:  Have the passions of your youth and young adult ages translated into the present time?

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  I’m glad that Harper Lee used the word “consider”; rather than “see”, because it is both literally and figuratively impossible for us to see things from another person’s point of view. We all “see” and interpret the things that we see through the filters of preconditioning, prejudices and prior knowledge. Unless we stop and make the conscious effort to consider what we are seeing differently, we run on autopilot and let those filters direct or thinking about what we are seeing/hearing/experiencing.===JACK:  That happens with regard to our religious views, also.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/10/19
“If you live in awareness, it is easy to see miracles everywhere.”  (Thich Naht Hanh)  Recently I received a book, Life in the Sloth Lane.  This week’s quotes are from that book.  Hanh’s words remind me of slow miracles, like the tortoise beating the hare, or the pace of an inchworm…and how about the Grand Canyon? Archeologists say that it began to be formed about 17 million years ago.     Are there other slow miracles that come to your mind?   ;-)  Jack 

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  How about the miracle of the birth of a beautifully  formed baby that begins with a tiny egg! ===JACK:  What a great first example!  Weren't you a midwife at some point in your life?     ===BS:  Yes! I  was in the 60's.  My sister was a midwife all her working life.===JACK:  Are people still be trained to be midwifes?===BS:  They are, both men and women.===JACK: ===BS:  They are, both men and women.===JACK:  Are the men called, "midhusbands?"===BS:  Yes, they are.

FROM MY ATTORNEY:  Are you implying that Paul Bunyan didn’t really exist???!!! ===JACK:  There are at least 14 Paul Bunyans living the Detroit metro area.

FROM TAMPA FHIRL:  Everyday seems like that for me! Everything just seems to fall into place===JACK:  You're one of the lucky ones.!

ROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Just waking up is a miracle.  Watching the sunrise, holding a baby, taking a ride through our country can be seen as a plethora. of miracles!===JACK:  Living on a farm, as you do, enables you to live among many miracles===JUDY:  It does.  I have a pet duck, Buddy now.  He a young Mallard and he’s by himself which is very unusual.  He watches me all day.  I’m working on getting him closer and closer.  He sleeps on the dock and I put a little food out for him.  But not a lot of food, just to let him know I care!!  Lol

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i met a radical "Creationist" last winter in AZ who believes the Grand Canyon was formed in a matter of days!  a VERY literal interpretation of Gensis, to say the least!  how do you deal with people like that?===JACK:  When Martin Luther came upon parts of the Bible that were difficult to understand, he'd si,ply tip his hat and move on.  I do the same with "creationists."  It's impossible to argue them into understanding. 

Friday, June 07, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/7/19
“I like donut holes.  Whether you see the hole as a blank space or as an entity unto itself, it doesn’t affect the taste of the donut.”  (Haruki Murakami)  Today is one of my favorite days – Donut Day!  I really, really like Krispy Kremes.  June has many special days…D-Day, Flag Day, Father’s Day, the Summer Solstice.  Some “days” that make me smile are, Go Fishing Day, Monkey Around Day, Hug Your Cat Day…and my sister’s (Nancy) birthday.   ;-)  Jack

FROM BB IN CHGO:  When you next visit Chicago, give “Firecakes” a try.  They are even better than Krispy in my opinion and lots of crazy flavors like PB&J and Margarita.  Plain vanilla works for me===JACK:   I'm always willing to try a new donut.  Are you buying?===BB:   Absolutely – for you and your lady!  Perhaps you will come downtown and enjoy the architectural tour – the river boat cruise that shows the landmarks and explains the bridges.  Always an enlightening and interesting review of the history of Chicago===JACK:  Sounds like a winner for the Bucket List.  Her name is Joan.

FROM VW MARY:  Sounds like a good day.  Happy Friday:===JACK:   My mouth is watering already.  Will it be Bosko'a, Tim Horton's or Dunkin"?  (Finally went to Tim Horton's) ===VWM:  I was disappointed when we stopped having donuts for church coffee hour.....JACK:  One way to cure your disappointment is to bring a couple of dozen next Sunday and restart the tradition.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  krispy kremes are the best, but we lost our store here... still in grocery stores, but not the same as hot!===JACK:  You're right!  Store-bought doesn't measure up...just like Whitey's ice cream.  Hand-dipped is the best.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Google says Krispy Kreme began in Winston Salem!===JACK:  The ad says, "Winston tastes good like a cigarette (or is it a Krispy Kreme?) should."===SHIRL:  Kristina kremes started in Tampa! Our girls used to sell them on weekends going door to door to raise money for their school or organization on Saturday mornings! Small world===JACK:  Do you remember the Mello-Creme Donuts in Moline?  Their glazed ones were GREAT!

Thursday, June 06, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/6/19
“The weak can never forgive.  Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”  (Gandhi)  These two words go together…apologize and forgiveness.  Somewhere along life’s road I was taught that that there can be no forgiveness until the perpetrator says, “I’m sorry, forgive me.”  Then the person who’s been harmed has to decide whether or not to forgive.  That’s how it works with God, too…always a willingness to forgive.  The “strong” person will follow that example.   ;-)  Jack

FROM TL IN SCS:  The even stronger person will forgive without those spoken words. Thanks be to God for the strength.===JACK:  Forgiveness seems to go against our natural inclinations.  The Parable of the Prodigal Son is an example of this.  It's sometimes called, the Parable of the Forgiving illustration of God's forgiveness. 

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  The Marshall plan was a wonderful idea for forgiveness!===JACK:  Can you imagine such a plan being suggested (even implemented) in today's political climate>  No wonder the people of the 30s and 40s are called, The Greatest Generation.  ===SHIRL:  I  am watching the Normandy ceremony this morning! If it were not for all of the brave men we would be speaking German or Japanese today! What a different world it would be===JACK:  Unbelievable courage!

FROM SL IN WBT:  Good morning   I believe that forgiveness begins with forgiving ones self.  I learned the meaning of forgiveness when my husband of 32 years divorced me.   I sought the advice of my Rabbi; remembered the teaching of my parents; and recalled an experience where a friend guided me to forgive someone that had hurt my dad professionally, when my husband on Yom Kippur asked me to forgive him?  I told him I had to think about it……. I called him days later and we met….. I told him I forgave him.   It was at that moment I realized that I could not just say the words, I had to practice and truly forgive.  In that process of truly forgiving I became aware that in order to understand forgiveness I needed to forgive myself.   The journey of learning forgiveness has served me to be a peaceful woman, finding joy without the burden of that comes with not forgiving.  Most recently I have had to practice forgiveness again…….. I now know the practice and will continue the hard work that comes with the words …… forgive….Have a good day and thank you for your Winning Words===JACK:  You have captured the thought.  Congratulations!

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I wonder if it isn’t God’s forgivingness that brings about our repentance rather than the reverse===JACK:  "Who has known the mind of God."  Forgiveness is simple, but it's also complicated.  In many ways we limp through life trying to mimic the perfection of God.  But he would not ask us to do something that we are incapable of doing.

FROM SF:  Agree. Forgiveness is for yourself. Enables you to move on. It does not, by the way, mean that you forget!===JACK:  Hmmmm!  After He has forgiven, do you suppose that the omnipotent God forget?.  I happen to think that he has a Delete key on his computer===SF:  Hah! I’d like some proof of that delete key! Lol!!===JACK:  God also knows how to "Save."

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  you might also note, Jack, that the very strongest person is the one who forgives even when the perpetrator does NOT ask for forgiveness.  and sometimes its not possible for the perpetrator to ask for forgiveness due to death,  distance, dementia,   or even an unwillingness to do so. ===JACK:  The "trouble" with forgiveness comes when we try to explain it.  You know it when you feel it.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  What about Jesus, Pastor Freed, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do?" and then further on St. Stephen, praying the same thing?  I actually believe I've forgiven a lot of things when I realized someone didn't actually know information and was acting out of ignorance.  They didn't even realize to be able to say they were sorry and suppose others have forgiven me too for same reason.  Suppose that's why we pray for forgiveness for sins of commission and omission.  Anyway, thanks for the Winning Words, I'll probably be reflecting, off and on, on them all day long because I seem to have a Martin Luther complex which leads me to be very sensitive and aware to the deep tendencies to all kinds of sinning in me, including doubt and so forth and constant need for mercy and forgiveness.  Your quote is from Gandhi but the commentary could easily have been in the mind of Martin Luther in his day, just my opinion.===JACK:  You're very perceptive, Sharon.  I guess that the words of Jesus and of Stephen were actually a prayer to God.  (We can ask anything of the Lord.  (What is forgiveness if the "sinner" doesn't know of the "sin"?  ...just wondering.)As for me sounding like Luther, it's how I was a Lutheran pastor.  We all are who we were.  Who shaped you into who you are...or, in reality, are we continuing to be shaped.  Having come into contact with you certainly caused me to see meaning in the words... the priesthood of all believers.  So there!  You have been ordained as a priest!

FROM SHALOM JAN:  I beg to differ, Jack.  There are many times in our lives when we need to forgive someone who will never apologize for wronging us.  That really is the way of the Lord; "...while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)  Not to mention, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."===JACK:  Words often get in the way.  That's why some e-mails and some sermons are misunderstood.  Face to face is often the best...but not always.===JAN:  The other piece is, to forgive someone does not mean you will re-enter the same relationship with them you had before, especially if that was an abusive or otherwise unhealthy relationship.  That is what too many people think "forgiveness" means.  And, forgiving, for us humans, rarely means forgetting.===JACK:  I guess you have to have done it or received it to truly understand it, and, even then, it's hard to describe.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:    I grew up with forgive even if there is no “sorry” involved by the one doing the injury. Holding onto anger and vengeance injures the one holding onto the injury and only hurts the one holding on to it.===JACK:  Who benefits most, the forgiver or the forgiven?===JUDY:   Depends on the injury!  But it helps me (the forgiver) the most.

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/5/19
“The world is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel.”  (Horace Walpole)  The Comedy and Tragedy masks associated with theater can also be used to describe today’s world.  I’ve read that “The most shoplifted book in America is the Bible.”  Funny or tragic?  I and many others are distressed by current poverty, the isms, selective healthcare, shootings, brutality.  Thank God for people who are trying to make this a better world.   ;-)  Jack

from st paul in st paul:  good words for today, Jack.  thanks! ===JACK:  Which mask are you wearing today

FROM ANNE McC:  Are they stolen from hotels where people may know the are given by Gideon?  ===JACK:  When I was a patient at St Joe's I noticed that there was no crucifix in my room.  I asked someone about it, and she said that people keep stealing them when they check out.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  It’s sad people have to shoplift the Bible.  It should be available free to anyone who wants to read it.  The church fails at that outreach.  But it fantastic they want to read it!  That’s Good News!  ===JACK:  One year at church we gave away Bibles that were divided in such a way that you could read it in a year by reading a section a day.  Another year we made available to anyone who wanted it, the Good News Bible, translated  in today's English, and it was written in book form, so that it read like a regular book.

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/4/19
“Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don’t want to press your luck.”  (Unknown)  I’ve been watching that guy on Jeopardy who’s won lots and lots of money.  Is he lucky or smart?  I’ll bet he doesn’t carry a 4-leaf clover.  When I was a teen I had a nickel with “tails” on both sides, in case I played “heads or tails” with someone.  “When I became an adult, I gave up childish ways” says the Bible…and also, my friends found out about the “lucky” coin.   ;-)  Jack 

 FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  the big winner on Jeopardy is a professional gambler by trade.  notice how he doubles nearly all his bets and he also starts at the bottom of the column, not the top. (the big money is at the bottom)   and he tries to find the daily doubles.  also,  he must have a photographic memory.  and he very seldom guesses.   i wonder if he is going to bankrupt the show!:):):):)   have a good day,  JACK===James is really smart, but last night he wasn't smart (lucky) enough.  The winning streak came to an end, but $2 qnd a half million dollars is nothing to be sneezed at.  ( be sneezed at...Have you ever heard of (or used) that expression?===PAUL:  i have indeed.   btw,  why did James change his strategy last night?  it cost him in the end.  kind of strange.===JACK:  ===PAUL:  i have indeed.   btw,  why did James change his strategy last night?  it cost him in the end.  kind of strange.===JACK:  His streak of Bad Luck began when he chose a "Double" with his first pick and had no money to double.  He also had the misfortune of being up against a smart cookie...a woman at that!  ===PAUL  watch out for those Chicago librarians!   they will get you every time!:):):)===JACK:  At Bible Camp they should have posted a sign: LOOK OUT FOR THOSE AUGUSTANA LUTHERAN WAITRESSES.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Pretty funny.  We saw the Jeopardy winner on Trevor Noah a few weeks back.  Apparently the strategy is to hit the buzzer first.  I do think he’s quite intelligent.===JACK:  Apparently he practices the buzzer at home.  BTW, did you know that he lives in Naperville?  I wonder if he's a member of Our Savior's Church?

FROM INDY GENIE:  Good one!  (The thought is a young  con-man Jack makes me chuckle:) ===JACK:  Don't tell me that you were always a perfect angel!===GENIE:  Who, me?

FROM CHAIR YOG CAROLYN:  As we embark on the 8 limbs of yoga today - next week we will discuss in depth the Yamas - one of them being non- stealing ( two tailed nickel).  : D  Summer is proving to give opportunities for gardening which I consider a privilege of divine  tender.  Wishing you the best day.===JACK:  Does getting down on your knees count as yoga?  For me, it's the getting up from that position is the hard part.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Good laugh!  The guy on Jeopardy was both informed and strategic.  He played the odds.  You however, were lucky to have a two tailed coin! ===JACK:  Sometimes you make your luck.===JUDY:  That is true.  Actually, I don’t believe in luck.====JACK:  So, you probably have never bought a lottry ticket.  How are you ever going to become a millionaire?

Monday, June 03, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 6/3/19
“We speak of educating children.  Do we know that our children also educate us?”  (Lydia  Sigourney)  Yes, children can be teachers, too.  Sometimes we seem to forget what it’s like to be a child…how to be carefree, and not to worry so much about tomorrow…how to forgive and not hold grudges…how to be creative (Let’s build a fort – Let’s invite the dog to our tea party – Here, let me share this with you).  Has some child been a teacher for you?   ;-)  Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Absolutely!  Their faith is amazing!===JACK:  Maybe it's not in this context, but I like the Bible verse: "A little child shall lead them."

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Good old “King & I” – by your students, you’ll be taught.  As ever, I agree with you; they do educate us often and have much to contribute.  On the other hand, I am not so sure childhood is carefree any more.  Children are exposed to so much now that some of the magic of our youth seems lost on them.  Helicopter parenting and supervision often rob them of the opportunity to figure things out for themselves and engage their boundless imagination.  Gosh I sound pessimistic.===JACK:  Sometimes we need to be realistic, so that sense I agree with you.  But I do think that (as the old songs puts it...) "You (first) gotta accent-u-ate the positive and elim-i-nate the negative."===BB:  When you put the old songs out there I really like it and remember the one you just cited so well.  Lately I’ve been taking pictures of hymns during service that I like so I can enjoy remembering during the week. This weeks was “You are Mine”!===JACK:  We used to sing this one in Sunday School...
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice,    And it told Thy love to me;
But I long to rise in the arms of faith,    And be closer drawn to Thee.
  Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,    To the cross where Thou hast died;
Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,      To Thy precious, bleeding side.
Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,      To Thy precious, bleeding side.
(I don't know that we thought much about precious bleeding side.)

FROM SUNSHINE:  I have always been uncomfortable with the word "teacher" because I would invariably learn more in the classroom than the so called "students."===JACK:  I guess that since you've been both a student and a teacher (and now a teacher emeritus) you certainly have the credentials for your comments.  I just know that you taught me a lot about design.

FROM ANNE McCl  I think of Anne Marie, about seven years old.  She asked me something and I replied that I did not care.  Anne Marie replied "You do care , Grandma.  You just don't mind."  I loved it and I agreed. (This from the English major Grandma.) I am not delving into commas here.
Anne Marie graduated from U of M in 2014 with highest honors in English.  Working for a start up in Chicago,  I am sure she still teaches without  any tone of condescension.  Perhaps it is because she was born on the feast of St. John the Baptist.  ===JACK:  No wonder she got honors in English.  As for grades, my grandchildren are "smarter" than I was at their age (Maybe even now).