Thursday, December 01, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  12/1/22

“Children need to be taught how to think, not what to think.” (Margaret Mead)  There is often concern about what children are being taught in school….whether it’s CRT (Critical Race Theory), sex, or literature. But if school teachers are not to do it, where is the teaching done?  On the playground?  In a segregated society?  There’s always a risk when you send your child off to school.  The way some parents try to override what their child is taught denies Margaret Mead’s point….that school should be a place where students learn to think and to discriminate.  I respected my parents, but in school I learned to think for myself.  Thank God for my Chemistry teacher, Mr Ekblad.  Did you have such a teacher?  ;-)  Jack.

FROM SMILIN' TEEI:  As an educator and parent, I AGREE. Have a workshop coming up and going to use this quote. Thanks,===JACK:  I always like it when you use my stuff.  I respect you!  

FROM DANDI SANDI:  Thanks to those teachers who taught me how to think. Their lessons have stayed with me. They have unknowingly mentored me. I am forever grateful to them. ===JACK:  I don't know if I ever had any mentors (teacher's pet), but I did 'unknown mentors" and I'm the better because of them.

FROM RVB:  Yes, my science and drafting teacher’s  Ms. Toromino and Mr. Splitgerber. The first was in elementary and second in HS.===JACK:  Some of my best mentors were not school teachers, but people I me at work and at church. Basically they shaped my entire life values and how I think even today. RVB:  My greatest work and church mentors were:===RVB:  Mr. Ninke (great evangelist), Joe Anderson (successful entrepreneur), Rod O’Neal (great leader), and Ted Daniels (best minister). How, in recent years NONE OF THESE COMPARE TO…====JACFK:  The keyboard is blushing. and keeps reminding me to DELETE.


FROM WILLMAR REV:I do . . . I follow His Word daily and have for a lifetime . . . He has added many mentors to my life along the way?1?! 0;-) ===JACK:  IIf God is "real', then He can be a mentor, yoo. ===REV:  Very true point . . . the very existence of Christ proves the truth, way, and life! 0;-)

 FROM JU IN NC:  My mother was my favorite teacher.  She helped guide me how to think by first teaching me what to think.  She taught through words and actions, biblical principles, that provided a safe and healthy boundary of (what), for my (how).===JACK:  Your sister said basically the same thing.  There were some  advantages connected with growing up on a ranch 

FROM GORAN IN SWEDEN:  Your chemistry teacher's name sounds distinctly Swedish. Do you have any idea from where in Sweden he or his family might have come? No big deal but I got curious.  You previously asked me if we had Thanksgiving in Sweden. Now I will ask you if you have Advent in the States? The four Sundays leading up to Christmas we celebrate Advent with gingerbread cookies and mulled wine. Advent means arrival. December 13 we celebrate the saint Lucia, an Italian saint and martyr who died for her faith.===JACK:  Yes, Karl Ekblad had a Sedish backgroup.  His nephew is one of my friends, and I will try to send you more information. 

FROM GF IN FL:  Yes, you!  ===JACK:  I'm humbled.

FROM CPA MIKE:    All of my teachers were great. None of them made me feel guilty for my "whiteness" or tried to convince me to be a girl.   My parents taught me respect for others and pride in myself. Who could ask for anything more?===JACK:  Most of my successwful teachers didn't know much they WERE teaching me.  I would havd "Thank You" more often if I had known.


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