Friday, August 29, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 8/29/14
“Say HELLO to a stranger…Talk less and Listen more…Look at problems as challenges.”  (From DMC’s Ways To Cope With Stress)  This quote is from a list of 101 Ways To Cope With Stress.  Here’s another one…“Say something in Pig Latin.”  (I’m waiting…)  This world is a stressful place.  I heard that one our presidents would read from the Psalms when he faced particular stress situations.  What do you do?    ;-)  Jack

FROM TARMART REV:  Face it (hopefully with God's help and not just with my deternination which is greater at times) . . . that was what got me from East Detroit to West Bloomfield . . . found life too short to stay in the midst of such to me and find a new adventure sharing a Christlike life of faith with you good folk . . . most rememberable five years of a faith walk up to this date!!  ====JACK:  It's interesting the take 5-year-snapshots of our life years.  Right now (in my mind) I'm looking back on some of them and enjoying what I see.  Today is the birthday of one of our daughters.  It was a happy time when she was born into the life of our family.

FROM LVEEC:  Lora and Lisa could both speak Pig Latin fast and fluently.====JACK:  Do you mean Oralay and Isalay?

FROM PLH IN MINNESOTA:  listening well has never been my strong suit.  i still have to work on that one!====JACK:  I know that it's an old one, but it's still a valid truism..."God gave us two ears and one mouth, so that we would listen more than we talk."  Preachers repeat the "truisms" of the Bible week after week in the hope that the old, old story will be heeded.====PLH: well, we sure try.   some seed lands on the path, the weeds, the rocks, and thankfully the good soil too! ====JACK:  As a mission developer, I learned that for every ten doors I knocked on, I'd come up with a prospect. Even the other usually provided interesting conversation and a "who knows what the future may bring?".  There's more than one way to sow the seed.

FROM HCC CHUCK:  I like to take a walk alone.====JACK:  And sometimes we sense that we are not alone.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Pig Latin! ellohay to days gone by! HA!  I try to remember "Don't sweat the small stuff.( P.S. It's all small stuff), and as my mom used to say, "In a 100 years, it's not going to matter in the grand scheme of things"....  Felix Baumgartner, record setting Austrian skydiver says, "I wish the whole world could see what I see. Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you really are.."  That, or stand beside Niagara Falls! :-) These are certainly stressful times in our world!!====JACK:  I didn't take Latin in school until I went to college, and it has really helped me to understand the derivation of words.  I never did take a course in the other Latin.  Re: stress in the world...There has always been stress, when you come to  think of it.  That's why Jesus said, "Come unto me, all you who are stressed, and I will give you rest."

FROM SBP IN FLORIDA:  Well, I try to and usually find something to laugh about. Laughter, for me, is a great loosening up agent. Prayers for help! Cryptograms...the stress is redirected. And I haven't heard of pig Latin for years! Ankthay eryvay uchmay orfay ethay ecollectionray.====JACK: Yes, we all find ways to handle stress...or just to live with it.  As I recall, it always seemed to be the smart kids communicating in a language that I wasn't able to understand.

 FROM SB IN MICHIGAN:  While Mom was in the hospital ICU, Dad and I read from Psalms to her daily and read or sang some of her favorite hymns to her. She found the Psalms especially comforting during her final illness.

FROM SB IN MICHIGAN:  While Mom was in the hospital ICU, Dad and I read from Psalms to her daily and read or sang some of her favorite hymns to her. She found the Psalms especially comforting during her final illness.====JACK:  Who can count the number of times the 23rd Psalm has been spoken in times of stress...and how it has brought  calm?

1 comment:

SBP said...

Well, I try to and usually find something to laugh about. Laughter, for me, is a great loosening up agent. Prayers for help! Cryptograms...the stress is redirected. And I haven't heard of pig Latin for years! Ankthay eryvay uchmay orfay ethay ecollectionray.