Thursday, February 13, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  2/13 /20
“Blessed are the flexible, for they will not be bent out of shape.”  (Unknown)  When I was going to college there were rules of behavior.  Chapel was required, and attendance was taken.  Square dancing was allowed on campus, but no “close dancing.”  It’s said that I might feel out of place at my college today.  I still don’t know how to dance, square or close, but I have managed to be flexible and change with the times..  Are there things that test your flexibility?  ;-)  Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Aging at this moment of time! A reality check for sure!! 0;-) ===JACK:  When aging stops, no more bending. Have you felt for your pulse today? ===REV:  A-Fib...I hear it pulsating even at times! 0;-/===JACK:  At least the heart is beating.  What a wonderful; invention of God.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Every day!===JACK:  Exercise test your bendableness.  Do you have a daily set of exercises?  I do!===SHIRL:  I just walk every day ! Every day is beautiful!===JACK:  I'd like to walk, too.  Too much snow and below zero weather.  How long since you have experienced that?
FROM PEEWEE:  Yes. There are things that test my flexibility, daily.  Thank you for the reminder, it put a smile on my face that I needed!===JACK:  I recall that you retired from "your job" to take care of a grandchild.  How's that going?  Is that what's testing your flexibility?

FROM DR J:  I recently heard this quote from Maya Angelo: Every storm runs out of rain!===JACK:  Since you don't have to worry about running out of gas anymore, what is it that worries you?  Losing your charge?  I know what worries you most...Trumpty Dumpty!===J:  Yes... waiting for him to have a good fall after he sits on as wall :-)   
Racism worries me most... it seems like people feel emboldened under this admin  ===JACK:  Amoralism worries me most, because it is more contagious and destructive than the coronavirus.  DJT seems to be the main carrier.
FROM PASTIE PAT:  What an interesting thought as I sit and watch the soft. fluffy snowflakes today!===JACK:  Softly falling snow is beautiful...It's the blizzards (not DQ) that I abhor.

FROM YOGA GURU:  New Yoga Poses test my flexibility !  We are reporting in at -18 this morning, area schools are closed and no yoga today.  I am ready for weather break up.===JACK:  Bitterly cold weather also test flexibility.  Even the car groans when you try to start it. 

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Hysterical.  This one is going in my journal.  My folks were big square dancers, weekly – and, we took vacations to square dancing camps.
I’m not sure my father could dance any other way; apparently he told my mom that since he was a pianist in a band, dancing was a challenge as “the band always had to be a half a beat ahead of dancers on the floor” Ha!===JACK:   Another dorms...I suppose that there are co-ed rooms, too.

FROM PF IN MM:  Hello Jack,  Yes, please add me to your Winning Words recipient list. Heavens knows we are in dark days and any words of encouragement are appreciated.===JACK:  These truly are discouraging times.  Your father would always say, "Thank God Judgment Day is coming!"  When all the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plain.

FROM GUSTIE:    We had the same rules.  But I am so glad—Clem sat behind me in chapel.  Without assigned seats, I probably would not have met him.  Things are very different at GAC now. ===JACK:  I thought that you met Clem through Jerry (I think that was his name) and his girlfriend.  But it was the chapel that brought you together...Holy Smokes!

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