Friday, July 19, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 7/19/19
“The most important thing is never stop questioning.”  (Albert Einstein)  A Harvard-study shows that children ask 40,000 questions between ages 2 and 5.  The kids aren’t really trying to annoy parents.  They just want to learn.  Yes, it can be attention-getting or defiant, but they do want to (need to) learn.  In fact, that “need to know” should continue to be part of our adult life.  I find myself becoming curiouser and curiouser as I age.  What questions are yours these days?   ;-)  Jack

FROM PROUD MARY:  i am much like a toddler. i am a curious question-asker. maybe sometimes a bit too inquisitive, if that's possible. i figure it never hurts to ask and am not offended if people don't want to answer my questions. toddlers always answer my questions.===JACK:  I'm an avid user of Google.  Another answering site is called DogPile.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  how did Trump ever get elected?:):):)    (actually, i know how but maybe not why)===JACK:  That's one of those "never stop questioning" puzzles.

FROM LBP:  Was that an Alice in Wonderland reference? Curiouser and curiouser...  As a researcher, it is my job to ask, and try to answer, questions.===JACK:  What makes you think of "Alice?"  Do you remember "Mr Know-It-All" in Rocky and Bullwinkle?===LBP:  No. I remember some bits of Rocky and Bullwinkle but few details. But, thanks to google, Mr Know-it-all, just explained to me how to change a tire. : )===I wish I could have implemented this with my 7yo yesterday. We had family night at the day camp he was attending. Everything was going well until he learned that the end of the evening was looming and we didn't have time to swim. Then everything was awful. Of the 2 hours we were there he really only enjoyed 1 minute of it... just 1 minute! Everything else was terrible (and sadly I didn't have photo evidence of his grinning face just moments before). It continued to be terrible all the way home. And then he got a snack. Lesson learned: If all seems lost, he's probably just hungry===JACK:  As Michelangelo wrote when he was in his 80'sw...Ancora Imparo!

GROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i also am curiouser.===JACK:  I think that you're just a kid dressed like a grown-up.

FROM ESF:  Many long will I or can I work, when should I move, should I slow down...===JACK:  I wonder how many questions people ask as they age...maybe not 40,000, but important, just the same.  I guess that "each age" has its own puzzlers.

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