Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 7/30/19
“Do your own thinking.  Be the chess player, not the chess piece.”  (Ralph Charell)  I sense that more and more people are feeling less control over their lives.  Politicians, money-people, shysters…pushing us around like chess pieces.  If someone’s going to move me, I want it to be the hand of God.  There’s a song that I like:  “Lead me, guide me along the way, for if you lead me I cannot stray.  Lord, let me walk each day with thee.  Lead me, Oh Lord, lead me.”   ;-)  Jack

FROM RYB:  This is one of my favorite songs !!!===JACK:  I YouTubed some versions, and now I can't get it out of my head...nor do I want to.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i also like this line:   do you want to be a thermometer or a thermostat?   one measures room temperature while the other controls the room temperature.  big difference! ===JACK:  Sometimes your job calls on you to be both.

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  Love it!===JACK:  In today's political arena, the thermometer says: "Turn the thermostat down!"===PAUL:  I wish those who should know better become chess players.===JACK:  I've read that there are chess player ratings all the way from Grandmaster to Amateur Class J.  World leadership seems not to be in the Grandmaster category.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Sooooo many people are being led by what they hear or read in the news....it’s scary!   I know it’s a saying but it’s true...,there’s so much fake news.  As the old but true saying states:  “Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear!”   My heart is with the Lord...not with this fallen world. We have much to gain with Him and nothing to lose. ===JACK:  Just because some says, "Fake News", doesn't mean that it's fake news,  In fact, in today's internet world, don't believe everything you read or hear.  Use your brain.===JUDY:  It’s hard to tell because the news is all so slanted one way or the other.===JACK:  Use your brain!  Don't be afraid to think for yourself.===JUDY:  Even when it’s not politically correct? ===JACK:  Especially when it involves politics.  Right is right, and wrong is wrong.   ===JUDY:  We are living in a world of made for tv politics   Where it’s more important to get on camera by saying something extreme than it is to do something constructive.  (From Gary) ===JACK:  I dislike the rhetoric! ===JUDY:  I would say it’s 50/50...the rights and wrongs on both sides are equal.===JACK:  I haven't kept track, but I know that there are some people I don't want to associate with.

FROM LBP:  I know that song.===JACK:  Let's sing it together!

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Big money seems to be in control....think 1828-1860 and 1870-1900....history is repeating itself ===JACK:  What's it called when you believe that "Ultimately, God is in control?"  Triumphalism? ===JOHN:  I call it “Christ’s Resurrection”===JACK:  I'm looking foe a philosophical word that describes it.===JOHN:  Absolutism===JACK:  Then I believe in Divine Absolutism.===JOHN:  Both Plato and Aristotle were “Divine Absolutists” ....truth exists...had to get a Handle on it....”Augustinianism” is another.   On and on....”a Priori” in Kant===JACK: Thanks for helping me out.  Divine Absolutism says that ultimately "the wrong shall fail, the right prevail."

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  The gift of faith is a true gift! It is sad to see the gift refused by some! ===JACK:  Life (for good or bad) is a matter of the choices we make.

FROM DR J:  I love this quote.


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