Thursday, April 16, 2015

Jack’s Winning Words 4/16/15
“Onto every person there is a name.”  (Hebrew poet, Zelda)  April 16 is Yom HaShoah, a day for remembering the 6 million Jews (including 1 ½ million children) who were killed during the terrible Holocaust.  Zelda reminds us that each one of those persons had a name, meaning that each one of them was important to someone…and especially to G-d.  “The Lord says (Isaiah 43:1), ‘Do not fear.  I have called you by name.’”  Remember…G-d cares about you.!   ;-)  Jack

FROM HY YO SILVER:  Very nice. I was recently in Poland. Thanks for acknowledging. ====JACK:  As Rudyard Kipling wrote..."Lest we forget.  Lest we forget."

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  never again.====JACK:  That's why we have to have reminders.  The passage of time sometimes blurs the memory.====LIZ:  the purpose of the reading of the haggadah at passover seders...

FROM TARMART REV:  I will always remember learning of their experience from the Holocaust Center there in West Bloomfield . . . visited the new location during our last trip over your way. ====JACK:  I'm a member of the museum, but I have yet to visit the new facility.  When I do, I want to see "the railroad car" and "Anne Frank's tree."  I remember going to the museum when it was in West Bloomfield and meeting it's director who was a survivor.

FROM LBP IN PLYMOUTH:  6 million is an overwhelming number, to the point that it's hard to process. However, to individualize each one... Here through a name... At the DC museum it was the room of shoes that did it for me... That drives home the reality.  Yes, in the planet of billions we each have a name. We each are loved.====JACK:  A dose of reality...Imagine if it were your child and the inhumanity of giving her/him a number.====LBP:  As I say, I cannot even process that. My mind simply forbids such horrors.

FROM ST. PAUL IN ST. PAUL:  good words for today.  thanks!====JACK: least, thought provoking.

FROM HUNGRY HOWIE:  This is also Sue and my 38th wedding anniversary.  And also the 117th birthday of my grandmother had she lived.  She passed many years ago. But she did get to hold her great grand daughter who is now a mother herself.  That's how things move along.====JACK:  Some have pondered...How would the world be different, if those 6 million had been allowed to live?  It could be a remake of It's a Wonderful Life, over and over and over again...6 million times.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Interesting to know this; Appropriate today for many reasons, as you think of the terrible tragedy of the German pilot taking so many innocent live, and the school massacre in Africa, etc. They were all precious to family, friends, ad God, and HAD A NAME!  It is a comfort to know that God knows us completely, and yet loves us unconditionally!====JACK:  The Good Shepherd is concerned for each of sheep...6 million and many more.

FROM DC IN KANSAS:  And then there is Jack.  Right,  John?  Don (baptized "Donald," the name my Mother used when .........\====JACK:  At baptism, I was named, John, after a sponsor, my Uncle John.  Since he lived near to us, I was nicknamed in order to avoid confusion.  BTW, I was introduced to a new name today...The wife of a friend is called, Arlove. 

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Let us hope and pray that history does not repeat itself.====JACK:  What might you say to God in your prayer?

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Yes - everyone has a name - including Lennox Kaiser, our new grand-daughter born this morning.  Another of God's many children.====JACK:  A favorite hymn:
Children of the heavnly Father
 Safely in His bosom gather
 Nestling bird nor star in Heaven
 Such a refuge eer was given

God, His own doth tend and nourish
 In His holy courts they flourish
 From all evil things He spares them
 In His mighty arms He bears them

Neither life nor death shall ever
 From the Lord, His children sever
 Unto them His grace He showeth
 And their sorrows all He knoweth

Though He giveth or He taketh
 God His children neer forsaketh
 His, the loving purpose solely
 To preserve them, pure and holy

Lo, their very hairs He numbers
 And no daily care encumbers
 Them that share His evry blessing
 And His help in woes distressing

Praise the Lord in joyful numbers
 Your Protector never slumbers
 At the will of your Defender
 Evry foeman must surrender

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  It's so comforting to know God knows our name. We must always remember the people who died during the Holocaust!  It should be part of every school child's lessons.====JACK:  Can you believe it?  Some naysayers believe that it didn't happen, and that it was contrived on a Hollywood movie set.

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