Monday, May 05, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 5/5/14
“Singing ‘Halleluia’ everywhere does not prove piety.”  (Eithiopian Proverb)  If you were asked, “What must I do to get to heaven?” how would you answer?  “Piety” usually is a description of things that you do or don’t to please God and earn a “PASS.”  With time, I’ve learned to appreciate the word “grace.”  It’s a freeing experience to know that you only have to give yourself to God’s mercy.  He knows you and loves you!    ;-)  Jack

FROM NOREAST ANITA:  Amen,  Thank God for his grace.  I have a sign by my computer  "Thank God for Damn Fools, otherwise God's work would never get done."====JACK:  I've never heard that expression before.  I think there's room for it by my computer.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  It is freeing to know that God knows us and loves us perfectly and we people in our imperfect ways can be signposts pointing out that love to each other. I think sort of a hard thing is realizing we are signposts to each other and when some of us are judgers of each other to try to sort out the reality of the situation and actually see what's going on. Maybe my religious experience, so far, isn't solid but do believe, at least for me, that being a Christian is challenging and not super simple.  Challenging WW this morning, chance to reflect, now on to the day's chance to responding again to God's and people's love.====JACK:  You've sung the song, "Jesus loves me, this I know."  Someone has rephrased it to, "Jesus knows me, this I love."

FROM TARMART REV:  "Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me; There my burdened soul found liberty, at Calvary!"====JACK:  That sounds like an "Old-time religion" song to me."  I'll bet the AG people sing it with gusto!====REV:  Correction...older A/G folk used to sing it with gusto until it was moved aside for newer songs and choruses...old folks just dream about those days now.

FROM PH IN MINNESOTA:  amen to that!====JACK:  Halleluia!

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Philip Yancy's book "What's So Amazing About Grace?" and his Study on that book, is one of my favorites!!  Grace indeed is a wonderful word and promise:When you get what you don't deserve (or earn) in the positive sense, not the negative!! As this WW says, we need to "practice what we preach"!  Bill had signs placed over all of our church exit doors, saying, "YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE MISSION FIELD", Reminding us every time we left the bldg. what our Christian focus was to be. They remain there to this day.====JACK:  What a great reminder for the people as they go home from church.  Pastors come, and pastors go, but the memory of some linger on.  "Then I heard a voice from heaven say, 'Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.'  Yes, says the Spirit, they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." (Rev 14:13)

FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  I suppose I would answer the question by saying that first, I need to accept that Jesus' sacrifice of Himself was the great blessing of Grace that allows for my salvation, and that because of my own imperfections (sin) any of my own sacrifices are likewise imperfect. Hence, Jesus is the only one qualified. I might add that my understanding of this knowledge makes its expression insufficient by itself. For the Spirit of Understanding inspires my very soul, directing my soul to be guided by the Holy Spirit and not by the will of my own brain. As Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments"; suggesting that simply telling people of them is of no merit if one does not "keep" them.====JACK:  The verse you quoted, "If you love me..." was in response to the question, "How do I gain eternal life?  Jesus illustrates it with the Parable of the Good Samaritan. ====RAY:  The "truth" seems to apply to multiple applications doesn't it

FROM HCC CHUCK:  AMEN to that . there is Grace enough for all if we but accept the gift. ====JACK:  Few people will turn down a FREE gift, but it's amazing that some do.

FROM DS IN SAN DIEGO:  "Grace" took me 70 years to understand it.   We discuss this at length in our Bible Study group quite often.  What an unbelievable thing He went through for us.    
Hardest part for me is forgiving myself.====JACK:  "Works righteousness" is so ingrained in us that we do, indeed, have a hard time accepting the concept of "Grace."  There's got to be a catch!  Nope!  It's free.  "Nothing in my hand I bring.  Simply to the cross I cling." 


Anonymous said...

It is freeing to know that God knows us and loves us perfectly and we people in our imperfect ways can be signposts pointing out that love to each other. I think sort of a hard thing is realizing we are signposts to each other and when some of us are judgers of each other to try to sort out the reality of the situation and actually see what's going on. Maybe my religious experience, so far, isn't solid but do believe, at least for me, that being a Christian is challenging and not super simple.
Challenging WW this morning, chance to reflect, now on to the day's chance to responding again to God's and people's love.
S.H. in MI

Ray Gage said...

I suppose I would answer the question by saying that first, I need to accept that Jesus' sacrafice of Himself was the great blessing of Grace that allows for my salvation, and that because of my own imperfections (sin) any of my own sacrifices are likewise imperfect. Hence, Jesus is the only one qualified. I might add that my understanding of this knowledge makes its expression insufficient by itself. For the Spirit of Understanding inspires my very soul, directing my soul to be guided by the Holy Spirit and not by the will of my own brain. As Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments"; suggesting that simply telling people of them is of no merit if one does not "keep" them.

Ray Gage said...

The "truth" seems to apply to multiple applications doesn't it?