Winning Words 10/17/11
“Olé!” (That’s a Fact, Jack!) I came across this quote while reading the book, “That’s a Fact, Jack!” The Spanish exclamation, Olé! , often heard at bullfights and flamenco dances, comes from, Allah, meaning, “Praise the Lord.” There are many occasions in my life when I could have shouted, Olé! How about you? It would be interesting today to keep track of some “Olé! situations” happening around us. ;-) Jack
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: i had an "ole!" moment yesterday. i met my new great-neice eloise emily, born 10/15/11. new life is so close to The Spirit. ahhhhhhhhh...////FROM JACK: I read that the world population has hit 7 billion. Correction....7 billion and one. Ole!
FROM HAPPY TRAILS IN NOVA SCOTIA: Are you aware that, although Chihuahuas prefer their coffee "Café Olé!”, Australian Sheepdogs prefer theirs with "arf and 'arf? Even though I have studied a lot of Arabic, I was not aware of the connection...thanks!////FROM JACK: German shepherds probably prefer bräu, bräu.//// SCOTIA RESPONSE: Sehr gut!
FROM HS IN MICHIGAN: Wow. Very interesting and surprising. I was hoping, however, for some pastoral counseling. Tough weekend for all of us. Tigers. O Tigers. Plus Wolverines and Lions. ////FROM JACK: I had pre-chosen my "Olé!" quote, anticipating wins. As with life, sometimes revisions are needed.
FROM RJP IN FLORIDA: Every day we awaken to another glorious gift is an " OLE' day. Thanks Jack.........and that's a fact.........////FROM JACK: Yes siree, Bob!
FROM JS IN MICHIGAN(STATE): Ole'! We beat u-m again. Four straight. Ho-hum, we beat 'em like a drum. Will you be wearing GREEN tomorrow?////FROM JACK: You and Jim Harbaugh! Two of a kind.
FROM YOOPER FLICKA: OLE.......OLE....////FROM JACK: It seems as though you've joined the PTL Club.
FROM PRJM: Isn't Praise the Lord also the meaning of Alleluia?////FROM JACK: You betcha! Hallelu-jah in the Hebrew tradition means, Praise-God. If Handel were Spanish, he might have written the "Olé Chorus."
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? "OLE!"////FROM JACK: After the "Ole" wedding.....Ole was staggering home after a night in the tavern. A Lutheran minister saw him and offered to help him get home safely. As they approached the house, Ole asked the minister to step inside for a moment. He explained, "I vant Lena to see who I have been out vith."
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Ole doesn't enter into my vocabulary often, in fact, I can't remember that last time I said it. Perhaps in my Spanish class years ago? I have a lot of moments though which would probably be called Ole moments.////FROM JACK: Since you have an interest in privies, you might be interested in this "Ole" story....Ole goes out one day to use the outhouse, and he finds Sven there. Sven has his wallet out, and he's throwing money down into the hole of the outhouse. Ole asks, "Sven, watcha doin' there, fella? You're throwing the five dollar bill and the ten dollar bill down into the hole of the outhouse! Whatcha doin' that for?" Sven answers, "Well, when I pulled up my trousers I dropped a nickel down there—and I'm not going down into that mess for just a nickel!"
FROM JH IN OHIO: like it! Ole!////FROM JACK: Perhaps you and Kiki can practice saying it when good things happen.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Ole! Also a favorite crossword item! I did not know its meaning of Praise the Lord, however. I'll bet most of the enthusiastic cheerers at the Bullfights were also unaware.... We do have so many OLE! situations, and need to be aware and thankful. I am thankful that I survived the strenuous ten day tour of New England, recently where I experienced many OLE! moments in ME, NH, VT, and MA. Weather was perfect, foliage vibrant, mile on mile, and the 2 and 3 tours a day of interesting and historic places brought new knowledge and interesting insights. OLE!////FROM JACK: Evidently Hurricane Irene didn't rain on your fall color tour. If some bullfight fans don't know the meaning of, Ole, some church people might not know the meaning of, Alleluia, or pericope.
FROM CJL IN OHIO: How about a sermon? a prayer? a volunteer? a grandchild?////FROM JACK: A good list, but in what order? I like this poem by Edgar A. Guest:
I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day;
I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.
And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds,
For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.
FROM MARY ANN IN MICHIGAN: Hey- "Praise the Lord" for persons who write winning words at 5:02 A.M.!! ////FROM JACK: And PTL for those who bother to read them so Ole in the morning.
FROM LP IN PLYMOUTH: my little one is asleep by 11 pm, rather than 1 am. Ole!, and good night :)////FROM JACK: "Good night, sweet prince." You can quote this line from Hamlet to your son.
FROM INDY GENIE: Ole ole ole ole....our family welcomed a new and beautiful life on Saturday....Eloise Emily Garrett! What a miracle, we're all grateful and excited to get to know her!////FROM JACK: Are you doing a flamenco dance? Congratulations!
FROM DC IN NEBRASKA: Several times I have heard (and you also?) this quote from Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement speech: you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. How often have we said of some person or event: they should have seen or known that?//// FROM JACK: You're anticipating the Winning Words for Friday. Stay tuned!
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