Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Winning Words 6/24/09
“Like baseball players, we’d rather hear about our hits than our errors.” (Unknown) Try to compliment someone today. In 1986, Bill Buckner of the Red Sox made an error that all baseball fans remember. What they may have forgotten is that he finished his career with 2,715 hits, more than several members of the Hall of Fame. People often ask him to sign a picture of him making “the” error…and he does so, cheerfully. What a great attitude! ;-) Jack

FROM HILLTOPPER JOHN: Bill Buckner played for the Cubs at one time and was one of my favorite players. I remember him for his great hitting and fielding and hustle. JACK'S REPLY: See! You're focussing on the positive.


FROM CWR IN B'MORE: My first "read" of each day is "Winning Words" ....not the Bible. Thanks. JACK'S REPLY: Bring out your catechism and look at the 1st Commandment.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Some of the biggest scientific hits are the result on errors. JACK'S REPLY: Charles Goodyear had been waiting years for a happy accident when it finally occurred. Goodyear spent a decade finding ways to make rubber easier to work with while being resistant to heat and cold. Nothing was having the effect he wanted. One day he spilled a mixture of rubber, sulfur and lead onto a hot stove. The heat charred the mixture, but didn't ruin it. When Goodyear picked up the accident, he noticed that the
mixture had hardened but was still quite usable. At last! The breakthrough he had been waiting for! His vulcanized rubber is used in everything from tires, to shoes, to hockey pucks.

FROM F.M. IN WISCONSIN: Every morning mercies new . . . ! THANK GOD! FROM JACK: Aren't you the one who begins every morning by singing, "Father, I thank thee for thre night etc?"

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: It's our errors we remember to our benefit.I answered a question in a physiology exam incorrectly. the question was: which is the most sensitive organ in the body. I answered, the sino auricular node. Wrong, the correct answer is the eyes. So every am when I check my blood glucose, I think about: my eyes, Dr. Bob Brown, Jim Tinstead, Dr. Herrin,( the teacher ), and many others in that class. It was a Sat. am, 7:45 with a lab and quiz. Don Churchill used to save Greta Garbo photos. I tried to save,
half dollars. soup was about 15 cents in those days. A glass of beer was 10 cents at the 3 bells, a pitcher of beer was 35 cents. my ragged pants usually held the 35 cents, but my fingers found a dime. Thanks for the memories. we made if we could get some help daily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I compliment you, Pastor Freed. What a great attitude!!! How neat to find all these quotes from people high and low and to see merit and home-grown philosophy and greatness in all of them!!!! I love to read your inspirational messages each morning--they truly help my attitude and one of the elements of life that makes for a great gettin up in the morning!!! Plus I also like to see people of faith use contemporary technology in a way that is faithful and helpful to people.
God bless.
S.H. in MI