Thursday, June 11, 2009

Winning Words 6/11/09
“Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” (Denis Waitley) This is the kind of message needed for these times when so much emphasis is being put on economic issues. That’s not to say that there aren’t other important issues. But sometimes we take time and health for granted, until it’s too late. ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: The earth and its resources are other assets that we take for granted, and like time and health are being carelessly wasted. Some of our nation's most fertile, arable land has been sacrificed for commercial development and parking lots. The earth's beauty and bounty have been ravaged. Do you suppose Jesus was including that when he said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."? JACK'S REPLY:
Yes, we are carelessly treating the earth (creation). If Jesus were living on eath today, he might say again, "Father, forgive them etc." But in the olden days he had other fish to fry.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: My prayers are always for walking in His way, not my own and good health. Economic issues are way down our list. As long as we have enough it is enough.

FROM GUSTIE M.N.: All of that is so true!!! My husband and I thought we still had years left! We were wrong. My heart aches for what is going on in the automotive industry and so much of Michigan. Of course it spills over into the whole economy.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: "sometimes" is the key word. The reminder is most appropriate & necessary! JACK'S REPLY:
Sometimes, yes! Some times I feel discouraged, And think my work’s in vain, But then the Holy Spirit Revives my soul again.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Too soon old, too late smart. FROM JACK: Ve get too soon old und too late schmart." ...Pennsylvania Dutch saying

FROM C.L. IN MICHIGAN: Amen and Amen



FROM PR P.H. IN MINNESOTA: Amen to that!! FROM JACK: Welcome to the Amen Corner.

FROM JACK: Each of the Amens has its own story behind it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true. Just now I said a prayer of thanksgiving for the time and health I have right now, today. Thanks for reminding us Denis Waitley and Pastor Freed.
S.H. in MI