Monday, March 02, 2009

Winning Words 3/2/09
“When we walk by faith…we see windows instead of walls.”
(Tom White) Sometimes there are occasions when life closes in on us. During such frightening times, we need to look and see. Ah, there it is.. a window.. with a sign above it, reading: Faith. And it opens from the inside, too. Faith can mean different things to different people, but it has a miraculous way of letting us see situations with a new perspective. ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Bill Gates saw Windows; instead of dos. FROM JACK: See, it works!

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Our family's faith is so important to us....we talk all the time about it. It's so important to always grow and learn because faith does allow us to see through the walls!

FROM CJL IN OH: Stories are described as "windows" to show us what is meant. They are not meant as "motivations". I guess that's where faith comes in. It opens what is meant.

FROM L.K. IN OH: Yet again.....AMEN!

FROM MOLINER C.F.: I prefer to see faith as a door I can walk through. windows are for looking.

FROM EMT SINGS IN MI: I really enjoyed this message. I have found it so true as I have been on this journey with my Mother.

FROM P.O. IN THE HOLY LAND: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

FROM S.S. IN MI: Thank you, with seemingly an endless amount of gloomy news these days I look forward to your WW. The open window touched a "happy" note for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inspiring quote. Windows are a break in the barrier wall and faith in Jesus working within and among us is a break in the barrier of this world's reality. I live better in a place with windows and I actually live with Jesus. Doesn't the Bible say He could walk through walls? Seem to remember that.
S.H. in MI