Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 3/4/08
“A politician should have three hats…One for throwing into the ring…One to talk through…And one for pulling rabbits out of, if elected.”
(Carl Sandburg) I have a picture of Carl hanging on the wall by my computer. He wasn’t perfect, but he had a way with words. Can you believe it…The real election isn’t for eight months? ;-) Jack

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: My seventh grade teacher, Mrs. Ross, was from Galesburg and grew up in a house that was kitty korner from Carl Sandburg's house. She said that he would take time to talk with her and was a very nice person. Because he was sometimes gruff, we probably miss that side of him. JACK"S RESPONSE: Sandburg is one of my favorite writers. Nominally, he was a member of 1st Lutheran, where my father was a member. My aunt, who lived in Galesburg, said of Carl, "He was a bum."

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Never been one to wish my life away, but I will be SO glad when this election stuff is finally over! I love Carl too. He had dry sense of humor!

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: We believe we should have the British system that calls for a 6 week deadline.This equates to less waste.

FROM D.S. IN SAN DIEGO: Sometimes they even talk through their "behinds". I guess I probably have as well, from time to time.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO (WHO IS FRUSTRATED): Ohio primary is today. We must decide whether to vote for a liberal or a socialist today.

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: But today will surely be interesting.

FROM DAZ IN MICHIGAN: The best one so far---We really didn't mean that we just told that to the people in OHIO to get their votes. NAFTA quote Carl is right

FROM J.O. IN MICHIGAN: I'm not sure if I'm ready for 8 months of mudslinging...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe with this long campaigning season still going on that it is still interesting. Each day the first thing I look for in the newspaper is the editorials looking for all the riveting analysis and then mostly I read the parts of the rest of the newspaper where something pops up like this bit with the Canadian person. All the people surrounding the candidates are people I feel like I have to pay attention to too in this huge drama going on. Wonder how many books will come out of this part of our current history.