Thursday, March 06, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 3/6/08
“Damn everything but the circus.”
(Corita Kent) I like this quote, but I don’t know why. Can you help me out? I’ve had it in my file for awhile, and today I’m bold enough to send it out. Corita was a peace-loving activist nun who was born in Iowa. Much of her message was made through her art. “I’m not brave enough to not pay my income tax and risk going to jail. But I can say rather freely what I want to say with my art. ;-) Jack

FROM R.P. IN FLORIDA: What she is saying is keep life in perspective and learn how to enjoy what is important. You sir need to get more rest........ You are up too early.......

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Whaat kind of Christian wants everything to be damned? I would think that the whole idea of Easter is that God wants everything to be Jo 3:16....

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: When we are totally frustrated we may want to damn everything, but this quote gives us a little "wiggle room". Save the circus! If we consider that life is a "circus", we are already on the way to accepting a world of things. Then when one begins to recognize there are so many wonderful things in life to appreciate, we are on the way to redeeming "everything" and getting ourselves back in balance.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: I can help, maybe it’s not that you like it but it’s familiar:
Because it’s the motto of the network and cable news right now, regarding the election. Spending and debasement of the money supply is not important. But if you will direct your attention to the center ring we will be comparing pictures of Barack Obama that Hillary’s campaign is accused of darkening in an attack ad (after all Time Magazine did it to O.J., right?). In ring number two we will discuss Hillary’s pants suits, ring three will be a 72 year old self professed Liberal Republican performing contortions to please those clamoring for the ring to the right of the tent.
Yes sir, step right up, welcome to the show, the parade starts at noon. Serious news? That discusses real issues? We’re not a think tank! We gotta go, Michelle Obama is wearing one of those cute little artist’s hats like they have in France…

FROM N.E. IN S.H.: As soon as you read the word "circus", you smile!

FROM MOLINER, L.P.: Damn everything but the circus! A great reminder not to take life too seriously and to remember to play.

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: To answer your question: I think she was in love with P.T. Barnum

FROM F.M. IN WISCONSIN: For some preachers, they have the courage to say what need be said in their preaching. Thank God for preachers who have courage as Corita Kent and her art.

FROM D.S. IN SAN DIEGO: I suspect she was a rather depressed person,not happy with what goes on in life in general, but got her relief at a circus which is filled with fun and joy.

FROM S.A. IN VEGAS: The circus is where reality and imagination mix and surprise is anticipated, causing us to scratch our heads and wrinkle our noses. Consider being shot out of a cannon. Everything else is predictable and, as such, not of much value. Speaking of predictable...Spring is getting closer.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I thought about these Winning Words quite a bit today while out and about. Personally, I have never ever liked the circus. It was scary, I disliked the treatment of animals, never liked clowns and I didn't like the big tents either. So, I don't like her statement. However, life is a big circus, filled with things we don't like, don't want to do, don't care about, and don't have control over. So, in a way, she is right...on with the show!

MORE FROM J.L.: Actually, my daughter didn't either. I read all the comments, as I usually do. I realize everyone has a different perspective and that's why it's fun to read them. The comments about the election and the circus tickled sure is a three ring circus! And I like the election as much as I like the circus. What we need is a good, no a great, Ring Master! Thank goodness this circus will end for us one day and we will be with the Eternal Ring Master!

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Nuns amaze me. they dedicate their lives to God so others can have a more meaningful existance with probably the only compensation a thank you. At least I hope they were thanked. Not like the Nuns in the Belgain Congo who were murdered after spending 25 years teaching people how to read and write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, in some bizarre way the circus makes sense. When a person has tried to use his/her reason so hard it hurts, then you finally end up feeling like a clown or a person standing on a horse while it goes around in circles or like a person throwing himself/herself through the air to catch onto a little swing up there. It would be too awful if the circus were to be damned.