Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Winning Words 10/18/11
“If ifs were gifts, every day would be Christmas.” (Charles Barkley) Sir Charles was not my favorite when he played in the NBA, but I had to smile when I came across his quote. “If” is a favorite word for those who want to second-guess decisions and actions. I’ve used it more than once. But life is such that each decision has a consequence. Isn’t it great that God allows fresh starts? Olé! ;) Jack

FROM EEC IN MICHIGAN: I didn't like him either, but that's actually an interesting quote of his. I like how you ended it with Ole. That was good. :)////FROM JACK: If Barkley had changed his "attitude" he probably wouldn't be as popular as he is now on TV.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Where would any of us be without all of our fresh starts!!!! And especially that we don't have to carry the baggage around.////FROM JACK: I once worked as a baggage handler for the Rock Island Railroad. Carrying baggage is hard work.

FROM RJP IN FLORIDA: Remember this one from Stan Laurel, " If ifs and buts were candy and nuts what a wonderful world it would be."////FROM JACK: Laurel and Hardy are two of my favorites. Their comedy makes a lot of sense when you read between the lines...just like The Simpsons.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: "Eliminate if and when and talk to me then." LBO////FROM JACK: If I knew what LBO meant I would get the punch line. Leveraged Buy Out? Lazy Bearded One?////GOOD DEBT RESPONSE: Little Book of Observations. Still compiling. No punchline today.

FROM TL IN TEXAS: Jack, thanks again for Winning Words. With nearly 4 months in Houston now, the novelty is wearing off and I miss home. You take me there.////FROM JACK: Winning Words means that you CAN go home again, at least for the few seconds it takes to read the message.

FROM IKE AT THE MIC: Isn't it interesting that both words life & gift have 4 letters & the 2 middle letters are "if" (50%) of the word..so does that mean we have a 50-50 chance of deciding whether we live life as an OPTIMIST or a pessimist? It's been said: Optimists & Pessimists die exactly the same way,but they live life completely differently...////FROM JACK: Good observations. I wonder if the spirit of optimism is a gift, or is it learned? Perhaps optimism or pessimism rubs off, depending on the kinds of people you hang out with.

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: I would gladly mow your lawn if you had a lawn to mow." Wimpy////FROM JACK: You don't have to give me a Christmas present.

FROM FLOWER POWER: If is the center word in life L-IF-E.////FROM JACK: Some people try to re-live their life by playing the IF game.

FROM BLAZING OAKS: I see on your blog that someone already quoted the 'IF and BUTS" ditty from Stan Laurel, which was the first thing I thought of. C.B. was far from my favorite, but I don't really follow pro basketball much: Football and Baseball and Tennis, yes. However this is a good thought. We've all done the "If only...." routine, probably many times. I think that your life circumstances have a great deal to do with whether you are optimistic or pessimistic ...some people get so beaten down that hope is elusive. If you have a mostly happy life, you tend to "look up" rather than "down". But again, some seem to be cursed with a morose nature!! Anyway, OLE! for today!'////FROM JACK: The temptation is to agree that we are the product of our circumstances. But there are so many other reasons for why are what we are. Free-will, the people who come into our lives, "accidents" and our response to them, current events, being in the wrong or right place at the wrong or right time, family influences...and the Holy Spirit. Going back to Stan Lauren... life can sometimes be like playing the game of Candy Land. I liked the good moves and hated the bad ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where would any of us be without all of our fresh starts!!!! And especially that we don't have to carry the baggage around.
S.H. in MI