Commentary on quotations from a variety of folks. Some famous....and some not. To receive Jack's Winning Words via email, copy the link at the end of this message, paste it into your web browser address, and complete the sign-up form.
Monday, October 31, 2011
“Where there is no imagination, there is no horror.” (Arthur Conan Doyle) To imagine is to form a mental image of something that’s not really there. Halloween masks cause that to happen. Life is such that Oct 31, isn’t the only time the mind plays tricks on us, causing unnecessary fear. It’s a continual challenge to try to know what is real and what is not. What imaginary things scare you? ;-) Jack .
Imagination is funny, it makes a cloudy day sunny
Makes a bee think of honey just as I think of you
Imagination is crazy, your whole perspective gets hazy
Starts you asking a daisy "What to do, what to do?"
Have you ever felt a gentle touch and then a kiss
And then and then, find it's only your imagination again?
Oh, well
Imagination is silly, you go around willy-nilly
For example I go around wanting you
And yet I can't imagine that you want me, too
FROM JACK: I just listened to the Ella Fitrzgerald version with a soft piano background. Great!
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Actually, it's the tendency to privacy and individualization in the church that scares me but it's really imaginary, the church is really knit together closer than any other institution. but I can still manage to be scared in the church too, particularly when I externally see us shrinking and not growing and successfully including others and question my own faith and trust in God to form us in the community He wants us to be, sometimes I imagine us to be actually against Him and that is a horrible thought.////FROM JACK: Rev Jonathan Edwards once preached a sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, " which had people literally screaming and crying out in fear. Ralph Sockman once wrote: "The job of the pastor is to comfirt the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable." That goes for churches, too.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: When I was a little girl, my grandparents lived in Detroit. Their house had an alley behind it. Whenever the "shenny man" was coming, we had to go into the house. I had a great fear of the alley at night. I had a reoccurring nightmare for years and years about that alley and I still remember it today. It was only my imagination but it was sure scary!!!////FROM JACK: The scariest movie I can remember watching was "Silence of the Lambs." I only got half-way through it, before turning off the TV. I also recall seeing, "Snake Pit" and thinking that it was really frightening.
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: "Obviously this writer has never suffered through a political debate. They are equal parts horror and lack of imagination, pandering to those seeking hope while winking to those clinging to the status quo." ////FROM JACK: Isn't it strange? That which comforts one can be frightening to another. Welcome to the elections of 2012.
FROM JACK: “None but a coward dares to boast that he has never known fear.”
(—MARSHAL FERDINAND FOCH, French soldier and World War I general)
FROM BLAZING OAKS: You mention the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Edwards. I read that sermon to my Senior S.S. class awhile back, and they could NOT imagine a pastor preaching such a message! times have changed, more than a little bit. The Presbyterian church in Chicago used to have a huge eye painted over its altar space, titled "The All Seeing Eye of God"... Believe me, that was a deterrent for not being detected doing anything "evil"...The eye of God would follow you wherever you were! Scary, tho I'm not sure it was intended to be. It was the church of a childhood friend that Jan and I would sometimes visit for a few days. It occasionally showed up in my dreams. :-) Mostly imagination is a blessing, to an avid reader!
Friday, October 28, 2011
“I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.” (Emerson) I came across this quote in the book, The Simpsons and Philosophy. “The Simpsons is a TV show that rewards you for paying attention. You have to watch it with your mind, being on the lookout for satire caricature and irony.” At least, that’s what the creator, Matt Groening, says. Is it irony that I’ve included this Emerson quote as a quote for today? ;-) Jack
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: This is a very pithy WW. I love quotations and enjoy your blog. Is this one from Ralph Waldo Emerson? I'm chuckling now over the fact that you even managed to find a quote and an opinion about quotations, a sort of unlikely subject for controversy compared to all the other quotes you share with us. Thank you for the irony.////FROM JACK: Irony? I just happen to like twisted tales!
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: I know you'd be out of "business" if it weren't for quotes!////FROM JACK: ...and you'd miss me, too!
FROM MEDD-O-LANE: When a message is said to be a quotation, that tells the receiver he, the sender is not the originator of the message. Therefore it lets the receiver decide whether it is Irony or not. I say not! ////FROM JACK: I've designed Winning Words in such a way that the day's quotation is followed by my thinking on the subject. The blog allows the reader to contribute their thoughts. Every computer that I've seen has a delete key on it. I use it once in a while.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Don't ask me.////FROM JACK: Irony? That's what you do when your clothes are wrinkly.
FROM SA IN VEGAS: Hmmm... "He who has ears to hear; let him hear." :)////FROM JACK: "He who has a sense of humor, let him use it."
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Maybe that is why I love quotes...I don't know that much! And the Simpson's are foreign territory for me: my grandson (33) loves that show, however. He's pretty sharp, so suppose he "gets it", The irony and caricatures intended. The quote that my 4 children always associate with me is, "It's a poor mother crow that does not believe her babe is the blackest." They laugh and say, "I'm a genius at anything I don't believe me? Ask my mother"!! I just NEVER want to fit the quote: "Some minds are like concrete; thoroughly mixed up, and permanently set". I'll have to pay attention to the Simpson's and then cast my verdict!////FROM JACK: Be sure to watch it with your mind and don't pre-judge. You might even want to get a hairdo like Marge's. Lady Gaga did.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
“All of us, at certain moments of our lives, need to take advice and receive help from other people.” (Alexis Carrel) I don’t know about you, but I’m not one to ask for help or advice. Maybe it’s because I’ve been in “giving” business so long. But, as A.C. says, “certain moments” come along. Upon reflection, there’ve been friends who have advised and helped me, and I’m grateful for them. How about you? ;-) Jack
FROM BF IN MICHIGAN: I'm grateful for your friendship!////FROM JACK: Back atcha! It takes one to be one.
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: "i get by with a little help from my friends". i wouldn't be here without them. that i am sure of!////FROM JACK: The Beatles' music is more than music.////MORE PEPPERMINT: Prophets come in all forms and all generations!
FROM CWR IN B'MORE: Yes......and you (and Mary) are on that list......thank you.////FROM JACK: "For good times and bad times...That's what friends are for." Don't you like that Dionne Warwick song?////MORE FROM B'MORE: I think that, like a good dog , we can "sniff out" friend from ,not foe, but indifferent and/or phoney.
FROM JS IN MICHIGAN: Many friends who have advised me and helped me. You are one of them and I am grateful. :)////FROM JACK: I just discovered that the MSU fight song was created in 1915, and used the music of the hymn, "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus." I came across this question recently. " Would Jesus play football? Would Jesus be a football fan?" Based on their fight song, he might be a fan of the Spartans. But, then again, Heaven is called, "The Big House."
FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I agree and it happened very recently!////FROM JACK: Life is a series of moments. It appears as though you've had some good ones.
FROM YOOPER FLICKA: VERY TRUE.////FROM JACK: Truth is in the eye of the beholder. Your eyes have seen the glory of that.
FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA: Absolutely! It was hard for me to learn to ask for help, but I'm glad that I did.
////FROM JACK: Why is that? St. Paul wrote, "The good that I would, I do not."////MORE FROM MT: I have always been happy to help, but for a long time I never thought to ask for help. Just shouldered the burden and carried on. I think it may a pretty common pattern... (stoicism?)////FROM JACK: Stoicism! That's the word.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: My true friends have helped me many times with advice and help. I'm not sure where I would be without them. Even some not-so-friendly people have guided me along the path. Advice is always there if we are willing to listen. Sometimes it's not so easy to receive help, I agree with you there. ////FROM JACK: Someone once said that "advice is like soap. It's no good unless you use it." Your use of the term, "not-so-friendly people," causes me to ponder...What is it that makes someone--not-so-friendly? Is it just the opposite of being friendly? And, why are we like we are?////JUDY CLARIFIES: I'm sure you have been given advice from someone who is angry with what you have done or plan to do. Committees sometimes have people who are against what you are for....and political parties are another example. Sometimes people have different opinions and are not able to listen to your opinion without anger. I'm sure you know what I mean. They aren't friendly when they talk to you about however you differ. Not quite so friendly but friends none-the-less. We are different because we have been given freewill. Created and planned by our Creator that way.////FROM JACK: What a strange world this weould be, if we all agreed with one another. Sometimes we even disagree with God.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: I could put together a pretty long list of people who helped me get to where I am today...not that I'm some super achiever...but I feel very fortunate the way my life has progressed.////FROM JACK: If thought were given, I believe that each of us could come with a list ...longer than we could have imagined. You're on my list.
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: What are friends for? I not only ask for help and advice, I happily give it.////FROM JACK: It's like a balancing act...when to ask for advice/help...when to give it. Err on the side of caring about the other person.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: what I struggle with is having the advice and help be spot on, both giving and receiving. Sometimes I'm more like one of Job's friends and sometimes I have friends who are more like Job's friends. Sometimes I'm busy trying to give the help/gift to someone that "I think they need" rather than how they see their needs and sometimes I get help/gifts like that too. Sometimes it's hard to know who is being a friend and who is being an enemy of my "inner person." Maybe that's why it's taking me so long to accept--have been hurt sometimes when I ask and the person insists on giving something other than what I asked for--like they know better or something. Enjoyed the WW and reading all of the blog. Poor people especially need to have people give to them things they need and not from someone else's perspective on their lives, which can be punitive instead of generous. Jesus was the Master at giving and receiving. Love it when we humans can follow even just a bit, keeps me hoping.////FROM JACK: You'll never go wrong by offering love and concern. "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you took me into your home. I needed clothes, and you gave me something to wear. I was sick, and you took care of me. I was in prison, and you visited me."
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: I always appreciate any help - especially with housework and with electronic stuff. Otherwise, I prefer to be independent and helpful for the most part. By the way, yesterday we went to se Festival of Lights celebration at a friend's house in St. Pete. What wonderful thing they celebration-the triumph of good over evil. It was like a United Nations party. Your weather must be beautiful up there. Susie and Jeannie were born at Mercy Hospital in Ann Arbor 49 years ago today. The arrival of twins was very exciting, to say the least. How these years have flown by.////FROM JACK: I tried to find out more about the Festival of Lights, but what I came up with was a Halloween Celebration...Field of Screams. Now, that must be scary! Our weather here is rainy, but comfortable. DST will soon end...and then, winter. A lot of the snow birds have flown south...many to Florida.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
“The most important thing in conversation is hearing what isn’t said.” (Peter Drucker) Sometimes we get so caught up in the midst of conversation, that we miss the real message…at home, work…whenever people meet. I was aware of it when people came into my office “to talk.” There could be “hidden agendas.” Be on the lookout for those messages “in between the lines.” Drucker is right! ;-) Jack
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Agree with this WW. Understanding each other is so hard but when there are those breakthroughs and authenticity becomes reality it's such a release, worth working for together.////FROM JACK: Those "now, I see" moments are very special.
FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: I consider Drucker's writings to be as close to absolute as can be.////FROM JACK: In fact, I thought of you as I was writing today's WWs. I know how special Drucker has been to you. Didn't you once read some of "Drucker" daily, as a part of your morning devotions?
FROM TS IN MICHIGAN: What is said, what is not said. Often the most misinterpreted portion of the conversation is what is not said. ////FROM JACK: As an attorney, what do you think? What percentage of jurors are able to hear what's not being said? More or less than 50%? Are they supposed to pay attention, only to what is said, and ignore the stuff that's between the lines?
FROM DS IN MICHIGAN: Our poor kids won’t ever learn this. Hard to tell while texting. ////FROM JACK: It seems to me that texting has become the modern form of conservation (communication). I suppose there are times when one tries to figure out what's not on the screen...Just like with this blog.
FROM JL IN MICHIGAN: So are you. Very good message today.////FROM JACK: Your comment on "wise" reminds me of a retort that was used when I was a kid. "What are you, wise or otherwise? If you don't watch out, you'll be lengthwise."
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I think that every time I hear a politician speak.////FROM JACK: Was it Honest Abe, the politician, who said, "You can fool some of the people etc?" No! Yesterday's WWs said that it was probably a politician named, "Anon." But, it's true, just the same.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Hearing what isn't said IS a fine art in listening. Fran Lebowitz (in R.Digest) says "The opposite of talking isn't listening. The opposite of talking is waiting." Something to think about isn't it? It takes time and patience to listen carefully...////FROM JACK: I don't that this hymn is in the Baptist Hymnal....
Now the silence, now the peace,
Now the empty hands uplifted;
Now the kneeling, now the plea,
Now the Father’s arms in welcome;
Now the hearing, now the power,
Now the vessel brimmed for pouring;
Now the body, now the blood,
Now the joyful celebration;
Now the wedding, now the songs,
Now the heart forgiven, leaping;
Now the Spirit’s visitation,
Now the Son’s epiphany;
Now the Father’s blessing,
Now, now, now.
FROM DC IN MICHIGAN: I used to pick at Dick because when he preached, he would keep at even tone and loudness, and then when he actually got to the point, he would often speak at a lower volume, and I figured the old and deaf wouldn't even be able to hear him. He did get better at that as he aged!////FROM JACK: I seem to notice that the words that people speak are more muffled these days? Whose fault is that?
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Amen!////FROM JACK: It's hard to read between the lines when there's only one word, but I take it that you agree with WWs today.
FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: This is so very true.////FROM JACK: Since it is your job to use words to interpret events, you know how important it is choose those words carefully.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: I read between your lines and found nothing. Now, that's honest communication.////FROM JACK: I read your mind and found the same thing.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Reading between the lines has never been my forte. but I do believe that actions speak louder than words. ////FROM JACK: ....just like Edgar Guest wrote: "I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day."
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
“A good End cannot sanctifie evil Means, nor must we ever do Evil, that Good may come of it.” (Wm. Penn) This is from Penn’s book, “Fruits of Solitude,” which contains simple truths on which the new Republic should be based. I counted almost 100. Among them was, “Friendship.” Wouldn’t it be an even greater country if we could be friends with one another? BTW, what do you think of his quote? ;-) Jack
FROM CWR IN B'MORE: I'm not too sure about this's a bit too definite for me. Life is too nuanced to be that certain that we can ,with certainty, distinguish between Good and Evil. Was Obama's "eliminating" Osama an Evil act? Probably, but has "Good" come from it? Probably. Cheers......////FROM JACK: If I am pressed so that I HAVE to choose, I would say that "the end does not justify the means." However....
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: How can it be that there are no "facts" but there are "simple truths"?////FROM JACK: "Simple truths" seem to be consistent with the piety of Penn, as opposed to the "hard facts." Facts are not necessarily truths.
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Curious about the spelling of sanctify as sanctifie ? French? Or a different meaning?
////FROM JACK: I was curious about the same thing, as I typed. I suppose it relates to Penn as a Quaker and how they used thees and thous and sanctifie instead of sanctify. It probably goes back to the kind of language useage in England when the King James Bible was written.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Does it mean, the ends don't justify the means? I like his quote, we lose credibility even in our own souls when we do something bad even for a noble reason. That said, know that governments sometimes assassinate, etc., in belief there will be more peace. Our own country's past as far as gathering intelligence is another example. We pay a heavy price.////FROM JACK: The word, excuse, comes to mind. It has a Latin origin, "to put outside," to exonerate, to justify, to remove blame. In the biblical story of the Pharisee and the publican, "The Pharsisee, seeking to justify himself....(he was making an excuse).
FROM RI IN BOSTON: I am sometimes tempted to do something improper, believing in the end it will produce good, but to be honest I have to side with that stalwart in the Society of Friends, Wm. Penn.////FROM JACK: "In the end" are the definitive words. "After all is said and done," what is right?////RI AGAIN: In my own situation I'm not talking about evil intent, but instead what one might call a lapse of good conduct, for example, deceiving someone. An instance that comes to mind is when President Jimmy Carter's mother, Miss Lillian, met a reporter for an interview. He asked her if she ever told a lie, and she replied yes, that sometimes it's a good strategy. When he asked how that could be, Miss Lillian said, "Remember a few minutes ago when I met you at the door, and told you 'It's so nice to see you,' well that was a little lie." It was not really proper conduct but it did simplify the moment for chatting together (that is until she let him in on the secret).
FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: It seems to me that we are in this quandry lots of times. Starting with wars for one thing. I don't think it can be this simple Now friendship is easy to understand!.////FROM JACK: Mmm. Friendship is easy to understand? What about friends that we "use," or the ones that use us? Our allies? Ethel Barrymore said, "The best time to make friends is before you need them."
FROM LB IN MICHIGAN: Unfortunately, people do not agree on what is good and what is evil.////FROM JACK: Penn laid out his 100 truths. Those who agreed followed him. Those who didn't. didn't. Free will allows us to agree or disagree....and so it goes.
FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH: Several examples in recent years that contradict the principles put forth. Putting certain terrorists to death makes a challenge of what “evil Means” means.////FROM JACK: The gap between Penn's world and the one of today is very, very wide. While good and evil still exist, the way that they are interpreter has become complex-er.
FROM PRMR IN DETROIT: William Penn’s quote is revealing. CT is of Moravian descent, and last year we visited the archives and historical sites in Bethlehem, PA. Early Moravian history in America is a remarkable contrast to how we live communally these days. Their society was shaped so they could best accomplish their mission. Like the Quakers, the Moravians emphasized living the gospel. The Moravians intentionally sought to be friends with those who lived outside of their communities. Yes, we would be a better country if we could be friends with one another. In America, significant numbers consider those with opposing political positions to be enemies to be destroyed by “any” means. What are good ends? What are evil means? These are in debate nowadays. Friends would collaborate. ////FROM JACK: "Living the Gospel!" That could be the title of an interesting sermon. That kind of living isn't as easy as it sounds. So many decisions! Black and white choices are difficult when gray comes into the picture. Jesus told the Parable of the Good Samaritan when he was asked to explain how to show love.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I agree with the quote. Ironically, it seems to me that a lot of folks spent years justifying things like communism and (probably before WW II) fascism by saying “the end justifies the means” and “you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs”. Even though you may start out with the purest motives the evil takes over and becomes and end in itself.////FROM JACK: It's interesting that your response causes me to think about the words "justified by grace," as they are used in Christian theology. That Penn was a pretty smart guy.
FROM MOLINER JT: Great quote. Let's wipe "Hate" from our vocabulary.:////FROM JACK: Don't you just hate it when people come up with a simple suggestion which is so hard to accomplish?
Monday, October 24, 2011
“The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s difficult to determine whether or not they are genuine.” (A. Lincoln) Lincoln’s nickname was “Honest Abe,” but not all of the quotes attributed to him were honestly his. He never said, “You can fool all of the people some of the time etc.” But he did say, “Some things legally right are not morally right.” Slavery in his day was one example. Are there others? ;-) Jack
FROM HS IN MICHIGAN: I believe President Lincoln once said "hell of a season, Tigers. Verlander should get the mvp!"////FROM JACK: He also said: "I'm picking the Wolverines to beat the Spartans."
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: "You are right about quotes on the internet. Cicero used that quote in an email to me last week."////FROM JACK: The tail of a dog is not the only place for "wags." It seems that they're on the internet, too.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Did some A. Lincoln really say today's quote? I think the banks in charging rates like 24% or even higher on some credit cards are doing something they legally can but it's usury, it's not morally right and it's also a practice that is bringing our economy down--in my opinion.////FROM JACK: I think that "owning" slaves was a far bigger issue, but some say that it was an economic issue, too.
FROM RJP IN FLORIDA: You have shattered my image of him..............Who did say it if Abe did not??????//// FROM JACK: The old, old question: Is something important because of the message, or because of the messenger? The quote about legality vs morality seems to have validity because of Honest Abe.
SHARIN' AGAIN: Just read another conundrum of things that might be legally right but not morally right and something that might be morally right but not legally right. One Chaplain Bill Freeman tried to occupy the Holland City Hall when their City Council voted against adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the city's non-discrimination ordinance. Chaplain Freeman got handcuffed and put out and had to pay a fine it seems. No one probably really knows just how many people in Holland are being discriminated against except maybe people like the Chaplain do. I read the newspaper article on the internet.////FROM JACK: The idea of conscientious objection seems to be as old as the first system of laws. I suppose that there were those who thought that the 10 Commandments infringed upon their rights.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Roe vs. Wade is the Dred Scott decision of our generation. in my opinion. By the way , have just begun reading Killing Lincoln, and maybe I will learn some new facts. My students used to complain about having to memorize the Gettysburg Address. At the end of the school year we would visit New Salem. the Capitol at Springfield, and the tomb of Lincoln.////FROM JACK: Thanks for your interesting feedback.
R v W has certainly affected the political landscape and energized certain religious groups. Recently, I came across these words from Earl Warren. "Everything in my life that was worthwhile, I caught hell for." It reminds me of the E.B. White book I read in freshman English...."One Man's Meat...."
FROM DS IN CALIFORNIA: Jack, if Gore discovered the internet, then old Abe could have said that about the Internet. Same goes for almost everything you see on the Internet anymore. Some people have too much time on their hands. ////FROM JACK: Are you going to "knock" poor Al on Global Warming, too? At least Abe didn't have to worry about that sort of thing in his day.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: I take it that this one concerning the internet was one that was NOT genuine. :-) Good quote on not everything that is legal is morally right. Gambling comes to mind. Too often those who can't afford to lose money are the ones tempted to gamble in desperate hopes of winning something. Life can be a gamble, but the odds are a lot better if we meet it sober, drug-free, (clothed and in your right mind, as the Good Book says)... We all make choices, including discerning what is really genuine, I'd guess.////FROM JACK: I remember the story of the reformed alcoholic who stood up in church to testify. "I know the story of how Jesus performed a miracle and turned water into wine. When Jesus came into my life, he changed wine into furniture.
FROM HAPPY TRAILS IN NOVA SCOTIA: I thought "you can fool" was from P. T. Barnum."////FROM JACK:
I read on the internet that P.T. Barnum supposedly said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time." He was probably quoting Lincoln.
FROM CS IN WISCONSIN: A house divided against itself cannot stand….taken from Mark 3:25 Lincoln did say this, but it came from someone much higher up.////FROM JACK: Lincoln knew is Bible pretty well. I have a book on my shelf called, Lincoln's Religion. In it, Lincoln says: "When I first went to school in Indiana, we had no reading or grammar books. All our reading was done from one Bible. We took turns reading from it."
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: looks as if he fooled some of the people some of the time...////FROM JACK: Yogi Berra once wrote a book....Some of the Things They Said I Said, I Never Said." Lincoln could have written a book with the same title.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Love this one. It's amazing how many "facts" in history were not facts at all but figments of someones imagination. Words passed around are sometimes changed. Just try that game where words are whispered into one person's ear and passed around a whole room of people. They are usually very distorted by the time they get to the last person. I think that's what happened with a lot of history. We have a book on our Nook which tells the "true" history of some of those sayings or historic happenings. Very interesting book. But, it is fact or fiction??? Hmmmmm////FROM JACK: As with the Bible, we choose to be believe what we want to believe.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Some people spoil some people's fun some of the time and some people spoil some people's fun all of the time. Abe C////FROM JACK: You're the one who's always misquoting Abe. I like this real quote of his: "It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
Friday, October 21, 2011
“A nod, a bow, and a tip of the lid to the person who coulda and shoulda and did.” (Robert Brault) Brault is a free-lance writer who has a way with words. A nod to him for the ones I used today. And a bow to him for also writing, “I try to forgive and forget, but I keep forgetting I forgave.” And, finally, a tip of the lid for, “Have you ever seen a high school diploma on a doctor’s wall?” And, why not? ;-) Jack
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: A tip of the old chapeau for those in the know.////FROM JACK: Chapeau...There's a word you don't hear much anymore...used from an Ohioan who also has a way with words.
FROM RJP IN FLORIDA: Love today's WW.////FROM JACK: This is one that "sales" people can relate to.
FROM CWR IN B'MORE: I liked "I try to forgive and forget, but I keep forgetting that I forgave."......////FROM JACK: Even people with memory problems can't seem to forget some of the stuff they should forget.
FROM PASTY PAT: The phrasing has a kind of Jimmy Durante 'lilt' to it.////FROM JACK: "Tipping the lid" was part of his act, wasn't it?
FROM LISA IN ARIZONA: Thanks for the thoughts that keep us thinking!! I wonder if doctors don't put their HS diplomas on their walls because it's not as impressive and sort of mute once they have the others. Personally, I like to see that they do actually have more education than the typical joe.////FROM JACK: A diploma isn't always an indicator a good education (except for U of W). I'd be impressed if I saw that a doctor had his high school diploma on his wall.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: Pretty clever stuff.////FROM JACK: I'll bet that you'd hire him to write copy for you...if you could afford it.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: LOVE IT!!! What a jaunty, delicious way to express his good thought, or accolade. I concur and love the way he puts things. Hope we hear from him again!////FROM JACK: How about something from The Simpsons instead? Watch for it next week.
FROM YOOPER FLICKA: SUPER !////FROM JACK: You're a Super Duper Yuper.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
“There are no facts, only interpretations.” (Nietzsche) My study of philosophy has led me to accept N’s statement. From his early life on, Friedrich was always questioning concepts that were generally accepted as true. But, having a faith means that, sometimes, one will accept ideas that are beyond proof. It must be difficult to always be in doubt. In my mind, God is beyond proof, and I’m satisfied with that. ;-) Jack
FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: Occam's Razor in the modern world becomes Freed's Remington////FROM JACK: I'm just a simple preacher who believes in the principle of K-I-S-S. BTW, I still use a Gillette razor.
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: poor nietzsche. he lived his life in such negativity. i prefer pollianna's philosophical outlook!////FROM JACK: Isn't there a place for Mister In-between? Sometimes, by sitting on the fence, you can see both sides.////MORE PEPPERMINT: mr./ms. in-between is good to have around too. i just feel for the ultra-negatives in life.
FROM RI IN BOSTON: Nietzsche also confounded many by his statement "God is dead". I think it's often misinterpreted. Here's his interpretation of it: God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?
—Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Section 125 (translated by Walter Kaufmann)////FROM JACK: Ooooh! That's scary. And from a book called, "The Gay Science," too! As with many thoughts and writings (including the Bible), you have to understand the context.
FROM SF IN MICHIGAN: I love this. Have sent it on the my 'doubting' and scientific son, with whom I banter regularly on this subject. You got inside of my mind today! Have a great day and stay dry!////FROM JACK: Speaking of getting into one's mind, I learned these words long ago: "Though man a thinking being is defined, Few use the grand prerogative of mind. How few think justly of the thinking few! How many never think, who think they do!" (Jane Taylor) Ole...The basement remains dry!
FROM CWR IN B'MORE: Amen!////FROM JACK: The curmudgeon is agreeable today.
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: How do you interpret gravity if you step off the edge of a tall building? I suppose there is time to ponder before landing.////FROM JACK: Maybe life in an illusion, which would mean that gravity is an illusion, to0. I've had some pretty weird dreams. In fact, I've recorded some of them in a journal. None, so far, having to do with anti-gravity.
FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: Many years ago I wrote: "I asked for proof that I might have faith, I was given faith that needed no proof."////FROM JACK: It certainly relates to the point I was trying to make.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: That's probably the way God meant it to be.////FROM JACK: "Who has understood the mind of the Lord?" (Isaiah 40:13)
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Faith is a gift, don't you think, and some people do not accept it.////FROM JACK: Faith is an act on our part in response to God revealing himself to us. What puzzles me is how God reveals himself to the the majority of the world so that they can choose to believe. I believe that he does reveal himself in a way, foreign to me. As Iris DeMent sings, "I choose to let the mystery be."
FROM FLOWER POWER: I'm with you Thank you////FROM JACK: You paid attention in class.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Do you consider facts the same as truths?////FROM JACK: Nope! Facts are simply facts, and that's the truth (in my opinion).
FROM BLAZING OAKS: I would suggest that there are some facts that deny multiple interpretations, (i.e. the math. tables...) but I'm sure I do not ponder as deeply as F.N. or feel as agonizingly deeply as he seemed to feel in his writings. The guilty sinner!! Most of us don't tear ourselves apart with guilt.. We do our best and go on. As one pastor's wife said, when one of her four children ended up in prison (he is now a lawyer) "Screw Guilt! He was raised as right as the other 3, but HE decided to make poor choices!" (And she was a Lutheran!) I had to admire that!! Anyway, appreciate the WW thought for today.////FROM JACK: The mind says one thing, and the heart says another. It's always a heart break when our hopes are dashed.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
“I must speak the truth, and nothing but the truth.” (Cervantes) I have a whole list of common sayings, like this one, which originated with “Don Quixote’s” author. “Those who play with cats must expect to be scratched,” is one of them. I almost found that out when I pulled Laser’s (my grand-cat) tail last week. BTW, I wonder if Cervantes was a Lutheran? He and Martin Luther were contemporaries. ;-) Jack
"Forewarned is forearmed."
"Honesty is the best policy."
"Tomorrow will be a new day."
"I shall be as secret as the grave."
"Time ripens all things."
"The pot calls the kettle black."
"Many count their chickens before they are hatched."
"Can we ever have too much of a good thing?"
"To give the devil his due."
FROM EEC IN MICHIGAN: You should have explained why you pulled Laser's tail!////FROM JACK: I wanted to leave that to the reader's imagination. Why would an adult pull a cat's tail?
FROM JS IN MICHIGAN: "Relatively speaking, of course"////FROM JACK: I just read in the Free Press that people tell the most fibs to close relatives. I wonder if that is true?
FROM CWR IN B'MORE: Luther was a Catholic.........cheers....////FROM JACK: Since the pope ousted him, I guess Martin was just a Christian. But, how about Miguel?
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: "Don Quixote" is one of my favorites. I haven't studied Cervantes but perhaps I will find out more about him. Never heard that quote from him either. Cats do need extra care. We had only one..."Sunshine": a completely white cat given to Kimberly on her 5th birthday by her aunt. We won't have another one. Both grandsons are allergic.////FROM JACK: It's interesting to me that I know more about D.Q. than I do about the author. I checked Cervantes out, because I saw that his birthday was Oct 9, 1547.
FROM ANON: I think this WW is truthful as long as we realize that our idea of truth may be trumped by someone else's idea of truth. The wonderful relief of it all is that our consciences are at least unburdened when we speak up but we are not solely responsible for what happens after that, God is. Thanks be to God!!!!!
FROM PRMR IN DETROIT: Thanks for the Winning Words. Keep them coming! I got a laugh out of the attached.////FROM JACK: I got a real laugh, too, and I intend to use it as Winning Words next week.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: I'm sure Cervantes was a Lutheran. After all Don Quixote slayed the wine bags.////FROM JACK: If he were Lutheran, Cervantes would prefer beer. I read that Spain has only 2 really bad beers. Unfortunately, 90% of the bars seem to serve them.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: You do live dangerously, daring to pull a cat's tail.////FROM JACK: It was for his own good, but you should have seen the way he showed his teeth and snarled at me. I quickly let go and moved to Plan B.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?!" Where's the fun in that??!! Cervantes certainly did originate a lot of common truths, or sayings. I wasn't aware of that! As one of Bill's favorite hymns by James Russell Lowell states, "Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne..." BUT Once To Every Man and Nation, Comes the Moment To Decide!" One benefit of always telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said. Reminds me of the teacher who asked his student, "Geo. Washington not only cut down the cherry tree, but when asked, he told his father the truth, that he did it. Do you know why he wasn't punished? The student replied, "Because he still had the axe in his hand?" oh well...Here's to TRYING to always be truthful. OLE!////FROM JACK: Mrs Walter Tillberg once told me that you should always tell the truth, with no exceptions. I argued that some fibs and "white lies" were OK. Maybe that's how I got started with having an interest in Situational Ethics.////MORE BO: Situational ethics is fascinating, I agree....
FROM CWR IN B'MORE: Luther was a Catholic.........cheers....////FROM JACK: Since the pope ousted him, I guess Martin was just a Christian. But, how about Miguel?////CWR AGAIN: Luther rejected his own Excommunication. Even after he Married a Nun ,Katherine von Bora. Being a former Lawyer and Legal Scholar, he also rejected the Authority of the Pope and on his Deathbed proclaimed " I was born a Catholic and I now die a Catholic."I don't remember anything about Miguel de Cervantes.////FROM JACK: Since Excommunication is by act of the Church, Luther's rejection is simply in his own mind. Since Cervantes was born on St. Michael's Day, he was given the name of Miguel. He studied under the Jesuits and had a friend who was an admirer of Erasmus. He must have known about Luther, and, as a rebel, might have been sympathetic to what Luther was doing and saying. This is MORE that you probably wanted to know.
FROM IKE AT THE MIC: I thought you might find it interesting that the word "scratch" has more than one meaning, because I've heard that "It takes "scratch" to see a Dermatologist"..////FROM JACK: I will have to look it scratch came to be a word for ,omey.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
“If ifs were gifts, every day would be Christmas.” (Charles Barkley) Sir Charles was not my favorite when he played in the NBA, but I had to smile when I came across his quote. “If” is a favorite word for those who want to second-guess decisions and actions. I’ve used it more than once. But life is such that each decision has a consequence. Isn’t it great that God allows fresh starts? Olé! ;) Jack
FROM EEC IN MICHIGAN: I didn't like him either, but that's actually an interesting quote of his. I like how you ended it with Ole. That was good. :)////FROM JACK: If Barkley had changed his "attitude" he probably wouldn't be as popular as he is now on TV.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Where would any of us be without all of our fresh starts!!!! And especially that we don't have to carry the baggage around.////FROM JACK: I once worked as a baggage handler for the Rock Island Railroad. Carrying baggage is hard work.
FROM RJP IN FLORIDA: Remember this one from Stan Laurel, " If ifs and buts were candy and nuts what a wonderful world it would be."////FROM JACK: Laurel and Hardy are two of my favorites. Their comedy makes a lot of sense when you read between the lines...just like The Simpsons.
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: "Eliminate if and when and talk to me then." LBO////FROM JACK: If I knew what LBO meant I would get the punch line. Leveraged Buy Out? Lazy Bearded One?////GOOD DEBT RESPONSE: Little Book of Observations. Still compiling. No punchline today.
FROM TL IN TEXAS: Jack, thanks again for Winning Words. With nearly 4 months in Houston now, the novelty is wearing off and I miss home. You take me there.////FROM JACK: Winning Words means that you CAN go home again, at least for the few seconds it takes to read the message.
FROM IKE AT THE MIC: Isn't it interesting that both words life & gift have 4 letters & the 2 middle letters are "if" (50%) of the does that mean we have a 50-50 chance of deciding whether we live life as an OPTIMIST or a pessimist? It's been said: Optimists & Pessimists die exactly the same way,but they live life completely differently...////FROM JACK: Good observations. I wonder if the spirit of optimism is a gift, or is it learned? Perhaps optimism or pessimism rubs off, depending on the kinds of people you hang out with.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: I would gladly mow your lawn if you had a lawn to mow." Wimpy////FROM JACK: You don't have to give me a Christmas present.
FROM FLOWER POWER: If is the center word in life L-IF-E.////FROM JACK: Some people try to re-live their life by playing the IF game.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: I see on your blog that someone already quoted the 'IF and BUTS" ditty from Stan Laurel, which was the first thing I thought of. C.B. was far from my favorite, but I don't really follow pro basketball much: Football and Baseball and Tennis, yes. However this is a good thought. We've all done the "If only...." routine, probably many times. I think that your life circumstances have a great deal to do with whether you are optimistic or pessimistic ...some people get so beaten down that hope is elusive. If you have a mostly happy life, you tend to "look up" rather than "down". But again, some seem to be cursed with a morose nature!! Anyway, OLE! for today!'////FROM JACK: The temptation is to agree that we are the product of our circumstances. But there are so many other reasons for why are what we are. Free-will, the people who come into our lives, "accidents" and our response to them, current events, being in the wrong or right place at the wrong or right time, family influences...and the Holy Spirit. Going back to Stan Lauren... life can sometimes be like playing the game of Candy Land. I liked the good moves and hated the bad ones.
Monday, October 17, 2011
“Olé!” (That’s a Fact, Jack!) I came across this quote while reading the book, “That’s a Fact, Jack!” The Spanish exclamation, Olé! , often heard at bullfights and flamenco dances, comes from, Allah, meaning, “Praise the Lord.” There are many occasions in my life when I could have shouted, Olé! How about you? It would be interesting today to keep track of some “Olé! situations” happening around us. ;-) Jack
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: i had an "ole!" moment yesterday. i met my new great-neice eloise emily, born 10/15/11. new life is so close to The Spirit. ahhhhhhhhh...////FROM JACK: I read that the world population has hit 7 billion. Correction....7 billion and one. Ole!
FROM HAPPY TRAILS IN NOVA SCOTIA: Are you aware that, although Chihuahuas prefer their coffee "Café Olé!”, Australian Sheepdogs prefer theirs with "arf and 'arf? Even though I have studied a lot of Arabic, I was not aware of the connection...thanks!////FROM JACK: German shepherds probably prefer bräu, bräu.//// SCOTIA RESPONSE: Sehr gut!
FROM HS IN MICHIGAN: Wow. Very interesting and surprising. I was hoping, however, for some pastoral counseling. Tough weekend for all of us. Tigers. O Tigers. Plus Wolverines and Lions. ////FROM JACK: I had pre-chosen my "Olé!" quote, anticipating wins. As with life, sometimes revisions are needed.
FROM RJP IN FLORIDA: Every day we awaken to another glorious gift is an " OLE' day. Thanks Jack.........and that's a fact.........////FROM JACK: Yes siree, Bob!
FROM JS IN MICHIGAN(STATE): Ole'! We beat u-m again. Four straight. Ho-hum, we beat 'em like a drum. Will you be wearing GREEN tomorrow?////FROM JACK: You and Jim Harbaugh! Two of a kind.
FROM YOOPER FLICKA: OLE.......OLE....////FROM JACK: It seems as though you've joined the PTL Club.
FROM PRJM: Isn't Praise the Lord also the meaning of Alleluia?////FROM JACK: You betcha! Hallelu-jah in the Hebrew tradition means, Praise-God. If Handel were Spanish, he might have written the "Olé Chorus."
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? "OLE!"////FROM JACK: After the "Ole" wedding.....Ole was staggering home after a night in the tavern. A Lutheran minister saw him and offered to help him get home safely. As they approached the house, Ole asked the minister to step inside for a moment. He explained, "I vant Lena to see who I have been out vith."
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Ole doesn't enter into my vocabulary often, in fact, I can't remember that last time I said it. Perhaps in my Spanish class years ago? I have a lot of moments though which would probably be called Ole moments.////FROM JACK: Since you have an interest in privies, you might be interested in this "Ole" story....Ole goes out one day to use the outhouse, and he finds Sven there. Sven has his wallet out, and he's throwing money down into the hole of the outhouse. Ole asks, "Sven, watcha doin' there, fella? You're throwing the five dollar bill and the ten dollar bill down into the hole of the outhouse! Whatcha doin' that for?" Sven answers, "Well, when I pulled up my trousers I dropped a nickel down there—and I'm not going down into that mess for just a nickel!"
FROM JH IN OHIO: like it! Ole!////FROM JACK: Perhaps you and Kiki can practice saying it when good things happen.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Ole! Also a favorite crossword item! I did not know its meaning of Praise the Lord, however. I'll bet most of the enthusiastic cheerers at the Bullfights were also unaware.... We do have so many OLE! situations, and need to be aware and thankful. I am thankful that I survived the strenuous ten day tour of New England, recently where I experienced many OLE! moments in ME, NH, VT, and MA. Weather was perfect, foliage vibrant, mile on mile, and the 2 and 3 tours a day of interesting and historic places brought new knowledge and interesting insights. OLE!////FROM JACK: Evidently Hurricane Irene didn't rain on your fall color tour. If some bullfight fans don't know the meaning of, Ole, some church people might not know the meaning of, Alleluia, or pericope.
FROM CJL IN OHIO: How about a sermon? a prayer? a volunteer? a grandchild?////FROM JACK: A good list, but in what order? I like this poem by Edgar A. Guest:
I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day;
I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.
And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds,
For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.
FROM MARY ANN IN MICHIGAN: Hey- "Praise the Lord" for persons who write winning words at 5:02 A.M.!! ////FROM JACK: And PTL for those who bother to read them so Ole in the morning.
FROM LP IN PLYMOUTH: my little one is asleep by 11 pm, rather than 1 am. Ole!, and good night :)////FROM JACK: "Good night, sweet prince." You can quote this line from Hamlet to your son.
FROM INDY GENIE: Ole ole ole ole....our family welcomed a new and beautiful life on Saturday....Eloise Emily Garrett! What a miracle, we're all grateful and excited to get to know her!////FROM JACK: Are you doing a flamenco dance? Congratulations!
FROM DC IN NEBRASKA: Several times I have heard (and you also?) this quote from Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement speech: you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. How often have we said of some person or event: they should have seen or known that?//// FROM JACK: You're anticipating the Winning Words for Friday. Stay tuned!
Friday, October 14, 2011
“Only by tasting from the smörgåsbord of knowledge, past and present, can we begin to satisfy our appetite for learning.” (Howard Hopkins) This is one quote that is printed on the menus of “Food for Thought,” a restaurant in Williamsburg, VA. I’m glad that I had the opportunity to attend a liberal arts college. One of my “best” classes was American Ideals, where I learned to appreciate what has made out country great. Have you had a favorite learning experience? ;-) Jack
FROM JS IN MICHIGAN: I'll have some potatiskorv from that smorgasbord....////FROM JACK: Yes, I like baloney, especially the potato kind. I also like köttbullar (not the sound), but I'll pass on the sill and the lutefisk.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: One of my best learning experiences, with the exception of raising five wonderful children, was the Ford Foundation for the Enrichment of Teachers. We were allowed the freedom to choose how we wanted to enrich ourselves. I chose graduate study at Columbia U, taking courses in US History, Constitutional History, Russian History, and Chinese History, two months as an intern for Senator Paul Douglas in Washington, D.C. , and then traveling for five months in Europe.////FROM JACK: It appears that you made several trips to the smörgåsbord table, and your children (and your students) benefitted because of it. Today's Congress could also benefit from senators of the stature of Paul Douglas.
FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: Studying Peter Drucker's books. I would outline and one of his books every morning at breakfast before going to work. It probably sounds stuffy, but I enjoyed reading the Bible every morning, to start my day out right.////FROM JACK: Not stuffy at all...what a great way to start a new day!
FROM CWR IN B'MORE: ......yes,from what I'm doing right now as a Volunteer Chaplain in a healthcare Clinic for the "working" uninsured poor in the second highest crime area in the City of Baltimore. I have some "neat" friends in low places. Cheers.............////FROM JACK: Whoever said, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks," was WRONG! And, whoever "passes by on the other side," thinking that there is no value in the poor is WRONG! The poor and needy are Jesus in disguise.
FROM DS IN CALIFORNIA: One of MY favorite learning experiences was from this tall, lanky guy from my church ions ago. He showed me how a really nice guy treated others and a reverence for our creator that I didn't quite understand at the time.////FROM JACK: That time was one of my favorite learning experiences, as well.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: My best class was in 7th grade (I believe that was the grade) when Mr. York was teaching us about the science program and rockets and how they separated in space and especially because I had a crush on him. Wonderful personality, great teacher, so kind and so handsome. Very memorable. He made very interesting drawings on the blackboard. Learned how to be more of a woman but not a scientist except that went on to study psychology in college.////FROM JACK: My favorite teacher was Miss Erickson (6th Grade). She and her boy friend took the whole class for a bike ride. When they got married, she had to quit teaching, because no married women were allowed to teach. Years later the policy was changed, and she came back to teach. After she retired, I had a chance to visit her and say, "Thank you."
FROM WATERFORD ANNE: I, too, appreciate the value of my liberal arts education; more than ever. ////FROM JACK: Since you were educated in Noo Yawk, it was bound to be a "liberal" education.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
“The future ain’t what it used to be.” (Yogi Berra) I’m in the midst of reading a Yogi book. He once wrote, “I never said most of the things they said I said.” He has a way of telling it like it is and making it understandable. Take today’s WWs, for example. The world isn’t going to be like it was, so we might as well move from nostalgia to making plans for today and tomorrow. A new future is ahead. ;-) Jack
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: If God wanted you to see behind, he would have put eyes in the back of your head.////FROM JACK: God wanted us to see behind, so he gave us memories.
FROM SHARIN' SHARON: The thing is the future I was preparing for was not the future I got but actually took care of all needs and so, gradually, bit-by-bit, I've gotten used to the future being different than what I was imagining I wanted it to be and I make plans accordingly, having good manners and making good friends and not being too impressed by money. Thanks a million for the WW again today!!!!!////FROM JACK: The unknown future is what makes life exciting. If the outcome of last night's Tigers game had been known ahead of time, how many fans would have bothered to sit for 6 hours and be rained on? Most people I know are satisfied to wait in the dark for tomorrow.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: So great as we think the good old days were, I would never go back. Even though the future has some pain and sorrow, it will be filled with even MORE great memories and great times. Forward we go!////FROM JACK: Just as recall of the past relies on selective memory, so the future relies on selective anticipation. That's why I try to be optimistic as I look ahead.
FROM GUSTIE MARLYS: And it is very scary!!!////FROM JACK: There was much apprehension about the future during the days and years of the Civil War. During those scary time, John Whittier wrote:
I know not what the future hath Of marvel or surprise,
Assured alone that life and death God’s mercy underlies.
////GM AGAIN: I know--my fears are unfounded--but it still scares me!////FROM JACK: Do you remember in scary times as a child, or even as an adult, when we were comforted by holding the hand of a loved one? Do you remember the song by Lynn Anderson:
Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea
Take a look at yourself and you can look at others differently
By puttin your hand in the hand of the man from Gallalee.
FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: Hey Jack: I forwarded today's WW to my husband. Thought u get a kick out of my husband's reply! : ) Have a great day, my friend!////AG's RESPONSE TO LG: LOL good stuff! When his wife asked him where he would like to be laid to rest , Stl or NY since he spent much time in both areas during his career he replied "surprise me!" ////FROM JACK: I think that there will be lots of surprises in the future ...especially after D-Day.
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: Let's hope it's a better future, 'cause the way things are going...////FROM JACK: As I read the Bible and history books, there were some pretty grim futures staring people in the face. What amazes me is a hope was able to see them through...not a hope for a better future, but a hope in God as their friend, who would not abandon them. "Yea, though I walk through the valley(s) and the shadow(s) I will fear no evil, for thou art with me."
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
“Friends and good manners will carry you where money won’t go.” (Margaret Walker) MW’s minister father taught her to appreciate philosophy and poetry when she was a child. She learned well and became an acclaimed writer. A line in one of her poems seems to foretell the change that has taken place since MLK, Jr. “When will I see my brother’s face wearing a different color?” ;-) Jack
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: When I think about my good friends and good manners I am deeply grateful for both. Our parents were very strict about manners and friends. They scrutinized both which resulted in children who were able to attend some extremely important parties for my dad's work. One time our whole family (5 little kids) were invited to Mr. King's home. He owned King Coffee in Detroit. My dad was a coffee salesman for King Coffee. Mr. King had a white living room, white carpeting and white furniture. Mrs. King sat us kids down on a white sofa and gave us cherry Kool-Aid. With the strict manners and God's grace, we sat there...all of us and didn't spill a drop. Mr. and Mrs. King were very good kind friends to my dad and mom and family.////FROM JACK: Here's a poem that was on the wall in our home when I was a child. "A child should always say what's true, and speak when he is spoken to, and behave mannerly at the table, at least as far as he is able." My sister didn't like it when I crossed out the he(s) and substituted she(s).
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Amen.////FROM JACK: It's nice to see that you're in an agreeable mood today.
FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: In quickly skimming I misread the quote as “Food and good manners”….think food is apropos too. Remember the days of, “bring a dish”?////FROM JACK: Looking at the last part of the quote, I'm choosing friends over food, but your thought is a good one. The Lions win on Monday was a "sweet" one. Thanksgiving with the Packers coming into Ford Field should be exciting.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Been pondering today's WW all day here and believe they are WW. Both blacks and women must have come as far as they have come due to friends and politeness "Yes, master" and you know the attributes of the fair and gentle sex. Money hasn't contributed to the liberating of either. But maybe I'm wrong here and money did go there too. One thing I do suppose, people with good manners and also consideration of others tend to get good friends.////FROM JACK: I've read that the emancipation of the slaves had an economic reason and not just one of freeing people who were in bondage. I can imagine that giving women the right to vote (and blacks, too) was driven by some politicians adding up the numbers. Oops.....these are supposed to be Winning Words, accentuating the positive.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Winning Words 10/11/11
“I stand in awe of my body.” (Henry David Thoreau) I don’t think that Thoreau was a body-builder, but I do think that he had an appreciation for the intricacies of his body. In conversation with my internist recently he said, “If I ever win the lottery, I’d like to go and study molecular biology. There’s so much to learn about life.” If you won the lottery, what would you do? Buy stuff? Do stuff? Study stuff? ;-) Jack
FROM JL IN MICHIGAN: I'd "invest" in a little of each.////FROM JACK: I wonder what Thoreau would have done if he'd won the lottery? First of all, he probably wouldn't have played the lottery. Secondly, I don't think that money was that important to him. But, what do I know about how his body (mind) would work? I have trouble enough with the controls of my own.
FROM YOOPER FLICKA: IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE....I DON'T PLAY THOSE THINGS.....I AM TOO TIGHT NANCY....TUSEN TACK FOR (HELPING) US TO USE OUR MINDS.....////FROM JACK: I wonder how many who say, "If I ever win the lottery....," ever play the lottery? We used to say, "When my ship comes in...." I wonder what that means? Do you know? I'll have to look it up.
FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA: That's easy: Do stuff! (namely, put The Gabriel Institute on solid financial ground (to free up more of my time) and re-establish a glass studio! :-)////FROM JACK: Now, I'll to Google The Gabriel Institute to refresh my memory and to wonder why the name, Gabriel, was chosen.
FROM DM IN MICHIGAN: Honestly, Jack, I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t do all three. Who wouldn’t buy a car or something for their mother, college for a grandkid? Who wouldn’t take their family on a vacation, do something to help another? Who wouldn’t want to learn how to invest the rest, how to take up another career? Maybe a complete moron!!!////FROM JACK: Thanks for a very thoughtful answer. I'm concentrating on it. You also got me to think again about the word, moron. Moron: "A person who lacks good judgment." It fits with your response. also got me to think again about "moron jokes" which used to be popular. "Why did the moron stare at frozen orange juice? Because it said 'concentrate.'"
FROM GUSTIE MARLYS: I would put money away to put my 5 grandchildren through college!////FROM JACK: I checked it out. It costs $43,800 for a year at Gustavus, times 5 grandchildren = $219,000, times 4 years = $876,000. Yes, your checking account might not cover it. Go buy a ticket!
FROM RS IN MICHIGAN: RETIRE!!!!////FROM JACK: Been there. Done that. And, I didn't win the lottery, either...but I was fortunate to have had a pension plan and social security.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I'm not really interested in winning the lottery. We have enough...enough to live on, enough to eat, enough to drink, enough to clothe ourselves and enough to share. That's enough for me. My kids always tease me about the lottery. I have told them over and over and they know answer is always the same....we have enough. As for learning about life, that's a different story. Studying the intricate fasinating body is another story. Truly, only God could have made something so amazing! Even though it body has some issues once in awhile, it is truly truly amazing!////FROM JACK: OK. Forget about winning the lottery. What if you received an unexpected inheritance? What would you do with it?////MORE FROM THE OUTHOUSE: Hmmm....We would separate it three ways, like always: one for God, one for saving and one for spending. Then we would give it to my kids and grandkids to pay off their homes so they can move into the family commute they are always talking about. We would buy 80 acres and each have a house on a corner. Then we would farm...yep, the boys want to farm...and live happily ever after. You should hear some of the fascinating family talks we have.
FROM CL IN MICHIGAN: I don't play the lottery. If someone gave me a ticket and I won would I have fun giving it away making people and institutions happy.////FROM JACK: You must subscribe to the truism: "It's better to give than to get," especially when you've got something to give. Do remember the song, "Make Someone Happy," sung by Jimmy Durante?
Make someone happy,
Make just one someone happy;
Make just one heart the heart you sing to.
One smile that cheers you,
One face that lights when it nears you,
One girl you're ev'rything to.
Fame if you win it,
Comes and goes in a minute.
Where's the real stuff in life to cling to?
Love is the answer,
Someone to love is the answer.
Once you've found her, build your world around her.
Make someone happy,
Make just one someone happy,
And you will be happy, too.
FROM MW IN ILLINOIS: Go on vacation in West Bloomfield, MI ha, ha, ha!////FROM JACK: Don't laugh. The jackpot wouldn't have to be very big. You might even win enough by playing BINGO.
FROM JS IN MICHIGAN: I would donate to my MSU endowment and give college scholarships to needy and deserving Spartans! (And put all of my great nieces and nephews through college (only at MSU, of course).
////FROM JACK: That is a great "wish." I've heard that there's more to MSU than a sports program. Sometimes the real value of a university overshadowed by hoopla.
FROM FM IN WISCONSIN: I’d give stuff!////FROM JACK: The problem might be how to choose from among the needy. NPR often acknowledges the W. T. Grant Foundation. It's been years since I've seen a Grant's store. Sometimes the gifts are able to keep on giving.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: If I won the lottery, I'd fall over dead. But your suggestion that I might win has driven me to go buy one this afternoon. If I win, I'll take you to Ireland.////FROM JACK: Do you want me to take you in your casket when I go?
“I stand in awe of my body.” (Henry David Thoreau) I don’t think that Thoreau was a body-builder, but I do think that he had an appreciation for the intricacies of his body. In conversation with my internist recently he said, “If I ever win the lottery, I’d like to go and study molecular biology. There’s so much to learn about life.” If you won the lottery, what would you do? Buy stuff? Do stuff? Study stuff? ;-) Jack
FROM BS NEAR ORLANDO: Elvis bought his Ma a new house and auto, I would start a scholarship in my Ma's name, my Pa's name , my brothers' name, then my wife, and her sister.then Marge. Now if we would have something left, I would send some $ to the First Presbyterian Church of Kenosha, Wis, Sunday School, Then the Salvation Army.////FROM JACK: Evidently, Sunday School holds a special place in your memory. I enjoyed my Sunday School Sundays, too.
FROM BS NEAR ORLANDO: I firmly think most churches will develop and last if they do their Sunday School correctly., I mean really excite the children to go, and learn about Jesus, and his family and explain his life in terms of modern day life. My Sunday School teachers were the nicest people U would want to know and live with. Sundays Jack meant part of the day off. We still had to care 4 the animals, 2 or 3x's a day, and if threshing, or making hay, or filling silo didn't interfer, we went to church, later in life ,when ever some one said to me. "Will U go to my Synagog with me, I said let's go", or with Monti and his family on New Years eve, and especially Xmas to a Catholic Church. I said let's go", I think church is the most under used function of our society.////FROM JACK: No wonder you think as you do today. They "growed" you right!
Thursday, October 06, 2011
“When Jews appear for Divine Judgment, the angels say to them, ‘Don’t be afraid. The Judge is your Father.’” (Midrash Tehillum) This Saturday is Yom Kippur when my Jewish friends “wipe the slate clean” and vow to do better in the coming year. Maybe that’s putting it too simply, but the idea is a good one. If we’re serious about changing a life pattern, set a time, and start the change. ;-) Jack
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
“I’ve learned that you don’t have to be glib; you just have to care.” (Rabbi Jack Reimer) Sometimes people are apprehensive when it comes to visiting the sick or the bereaved. “I don’t know what to say.” The rabbi has good advice. People know that you care, just because you bother to show up. I’ve seen it; I’ve experienced it. There are no magic words. What is it that has worked for you? ;-) Jack
FROM PEPPERMINT MARY: i've also seen and experienced this gift of people just being there. they don't have to say a thing. in return i try to be there as often as possible. it's the kind and loving thing to do.////FROM JACK: I think it was Woody Allen who said, "90% of life is just showing up." Maybe I have selective memory, but I can't remember regretting "showing up."////MORE PEPPERMINT: It's always worked for me.
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Great WW. When visiting very ill people, I've found it helps to have someone give you this advice. At least I know I didn't get it on my own but looked for help and the helper told me presence is also very comforting to an ill person, you can be quietly prayerfully present or maybe even just quietly present. Great WW. Probably helps a lot of people today.////FROM JACK: I could have had you in mind when I picked out this quote. The care you have shown for the needy is an inspiration for me.
FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA: Great, great truth in this, Jack. People sometimes avoid reaching out just because it involves leaving their 'comfort zone'. As a result, they raise the level of discomfort IN their comfort zone.////FROM JACK: One of my favorite parts of Handel's "Messiah" is based on Isaiah 40:1, "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people," and "make the rough places plain."
FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I've had the privilege to sit with several dying friends in their last months, weeks, days, and hours. Some days sitting with my lifelong friend Dave all we did was watch a silly show on Discovery Channel others would bring a little of the old Dave back as we laughed and joked. The Rabbi is correct about caring, the second part is just being there. Myself, I wrote three songs for Dave and was able to let him hear them while he was still alive. But you don’t have to write or do anything special, just be there.////FROM JACK: You're right in using the word, "privilege." Could it be true that the visitor benefits equally with the visited? I suppose that it was true with you and Dave.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: A prayer, a warm hug and a warm bowl of soup. Works!////FROM JACK: "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books are very popular, especially the one: "Stories for Tough Times."
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Exactly the same, you show you care by just showing up. It helps so much.////FROM JACK: "Glib" is an interesting word. Mark Twain said, "I never trust a man who makes money with his mouth." It reminds us preachers to do more than be glib.
FROM RS IN MICHIGAN: Hugs and actually acknowledging the problem out loud. I think its silly when people don’t talk about the person that died or is sick because “I don’t want to bring it up and make them sad”. Pretending like it didn’t happen makes them even more sad and feeling isolated like they are the only one that is suffering. I love it when my husband says that he was thinking of my mom or any mention of her makes my heart soar. I miss her every day.////FROM JACK: I think that you speak for a lot of people who appreciate it when people care.
FROM RJP IN FLORIDA: This reminds me of my sales seminars. I would tell salesmen that the true art of sales is integrity, empathy and listening, not a glib presentation. Thanks for another good reminder.////FROM JACK: What you told your salesmen is exactly what pastors need to hear. Like it or not, God calls them to be his salesmen/women.
FROM BF IN MICHIGAN: A warm embrace, kind word, thoughtful gesture and quick exit! Don't stay to long and become a burden.////FROM JACK: Like the song goes..."You gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em."
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: When I went to Lefty's visitation, I was just about to open my mouth and Jan hugged me and said, "I know." I'll never forget her sensitivity.////FROM JACK: "Action is eloquence." (Shakespeare)
FROM GUSTIE MARLYS: Those words ring true! My friend Sandy who is so very very ill and has had a stem cell transfer is back in the U of M hospital. I think about her so much and pray and pray some more. Sandy just called me. I was very happy to hear from her because I don't want to bother her. She has no idea how long she will be there. I think she is scared that she may never get home. I just talk positive thoughts to her. Cancer is SO terrible!////FROM JACK: Something else that's positive...Sandy knows your number and knows that she can talk with you. A friend told me of something written on the wall of an oncology floor..."Cancer Sucks." Sandy needs you. As the song goes, "That's what friends are for."
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: We have a very special neighborhood where most people have been here forty years or more and then a few young families. Everyone helps everyone else and we all know what is going on with everyone and we all try to help or just show up to let our friends know that we care and willing to help with whatever they need. It is very special. The men have their happy hour once a week to keep up with what is going on, and the women don't get together that often and ours is not the usual connotation of happy hour. But we try to help one another and keep track of what is going on. By the way, I did not know until tonight that the Tigers had lost to the Yankees 10-1 last night.////FROM JACK: "I've got your back" is a common expression used in the military and by police officers and fire fighters. It sounds as though it applies to your neighborhood as well. BTW, I went to be after the 3rd inning last night. The handwriting was on the wall, as it says in the Bible.
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
“You don’t want to be so open-minded that your brains fall out.” (G-son of Marilyn Oaks) Here’s an example of the truism that the acorn doesn’t fall far from the Oak.. As we teach our children not to pre-judge, we need also to teach them to judge right from wrong. My “politics” weren’t learned from my parents, but, more importantly, my moral direction did come from them. Who taught you to use your brain? ;-) Jack
FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: My moral direction did come from my parents, especially they handed down to me the deep desire to love and do the right thing. They taught me a sex ethic that to love and do the right thing is so much bigger than sex itself although the society all around has trouble expressing this sex ethic. This weekend our daughter and her boyfriend are moving into the house they have just purchased together. I believe there is a right way to love and do the right thing through all of this and the moral direction our parents taught us is really still prevailing even in our daughter but Grandma says flat-out this living together is not the best thing. I wonder if I am trying to be so open-minded that my brains are falling out. My gut instinct is to trust my daughter's gut instinct--there are things going on in people that are far deeper than the outside appearances. Who's teaching me to use my brain? Maybe it's really God.////FROM JACK: Everyone has to live life in the time that is theirs. You can't transport "today's kids" back into the same time frame as their parents and grandparents. Brains of today are pretty much the same as those of yesteryear.
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: My parents first taught me and then I had some extraordinary teachers who directed my path. We didn't say "stupid" in our house or "can't" in our house. We were always taught to try and try again. It was a great lesson. We were also taught when to ask for help. We were also taught right from wrong. A lesson many many people could be taught or re-taught today.////FROM JACK: A parental phrase that you don't hear much anymore..."Don't sass me."////MORE FROM THE OUTHOUSE: That and, "It's daylight in the swamp." That's what my mom yelled up the stairs every Saturday. It makes me laugh to think about it now. You don't hear, "Go play in the traffic" either...that one my dad said to us. It always made us laugh too.
FROM MEDD-O-LANE: Like we only put our finger on a hot stove once, experience teaches how to use our reasoning brain. What we use it for is taught by our parents and others. ////FROM JACK: Life has many teachers. We are all students. I didn't pay attention as much as I should have. Upon reflection, I did have some pretty good teachers, and they all weren't in school.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: You've been helping.////FROM JACK: Sometimes we teach and we learn without even knowing that it's taking place. I like this quote: "Don't worry that children never listen to you. Worry that they're always watching you." (Robert Fulghum)
FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: Love this one, Jack! Made me laugh out loud! Have a great day!////FROM JACK: I hope you didn't laugh so hard that your sides split. With brains falling out and sides splitting...what a mess!
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Besides my parents, of course, all of the wonderful teachers that I have had along the way, and many friends who have so many interests, and now my grandchildren are great with the technological stuff.////FROM JACK: Back when I was in high school, my bookkeeping teacher said that it would be wise to keep an eye on a cutting-edge company...IBM. They were feeding cards into a machine at the time.
FROM RJP IN FLORIDA: Good one Jack. As a youngster I never knew my dad's politics, only that he always voted. Yet he set the moral compass and that is what is important.////FROM JACK: I wonder if it's TV that has made the difference and the emphasis on "gotcha" situations.////RJP AGAIN: Certainly a major contribution comes from TV. Is it not amazing how educationally productive and sadly how destructive TV can be at the same time. The beauty of our system is we have to take some bad if we want to enjoy the good in society. Love how thought provoking you are.
FROM FLOWER POWER: Very good - I like it. Although this might not fit your mission l have always enjoyed and often repeated "I don't care how much it costs - only how much it makes" I'm not sure who said it first - but I'd like to think it was Howard Hughes. ////FROM JACK: Your quote sounds like it came from the Yankee front office.
Monday, October 03, 2011
“Put on a happy face.” (Dick Van Dyke) It’s Monday, and as Dick sings: “Take off the gloomy mask…Pick out a pleasant outlook…Spread sunshine all over the place.” When I pulled up the uTube version, it actually caused me to smile. I read someplace that smiling makes us feel better. Experiment with it today. I wouldn’t suggest doing Dick Van Dyke expressions. That might be too much. ;-) Jack
FROM BAPTIST JON: Reminds me of a friend that says, "If you are happy; notify your face..."////FROM JACK: Facial expressions are often a sign of what's going on within a person. Wouldn't it be interesting to see how the face of Jesus looked when he spoke his words?
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: You must be smiling today because of the Detroit wins yesterday.////FROM JACK: That smile came after looks of apprehension, because both Tigers and Lions kept me on edge. Wait until the Tigers and Rays mix it up?
FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: The Dick Van Dyke Show starts tonite on Nick @ Night, @ 5 Central, I think. It's the 50th anniversary of the flawless classic. Glad to see Carl Reiner on Hot in Cleveland.////FROM JACK: Thanks for being my "TV Guide." Has it been 50 years? He and Mary don't age in my mind. I'll be smiling.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: They say that even if you smile in answering the phone, it is apparent in your voice! I certainly feel better when I smile, even as the old song goes, "Smile, when you're feelin' blue, Smile, that's the thing to do...I love it that you often use a song as reference in your WW, or answers, and on your blog. Music has been a big part of my life! I think that is true in yours, as well. Good luck with the Lions and Tigers. I'll cheer for the Bears..."Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, Oh MY!" We could travel the Yellow Brick Road! Ha!//// FROM JACK: Since your beloved had "Bear" connections, I would not expect anything but loyalty from you. Do you know the song.....?
Bear down, Chicago Bears, make every play clear the way to victory;
Bear down, Chicago Bears, put up a fight with a might so fearlessly.
We'll never forget the way you thrilled the nation with your T-formation.
Bear down, Chicago Bears, and let them know why you're wearing the crown.
You're the pride and joy of Illinois, Chicago Bears, bear down.
It was written by Al Hoffman in 1941. He also wrote: "If I Knew You Were Coming I'd Have Baked A Cake."
Next week, when you're out east, don't forget to watch Monday Night Football...Bears and Lions in Detroit.
FROM CM OUT EAST: I often comment on your winning words and print them out for people and I realized that my sister isn't on your Email list! She would like to be if possible. It's amazing how often your words are just the ones I need to hear! Thanks!////FROM JACK: The list (of over 400) is now one name longer. I often wonder how the "Words" affect people. I write them, first of all, because they're meaningful to me.
FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: And smiling is less work. It takes fewer muscles to smile that to frown.//// FROM JACK: Do you know this song?
It isn't any trouble
Just to S-M-I-L-E
It isn't any trouble
Just to S-M-I-L-E
So smile when you're in trouble,
It will vanish like a bubble
If you'll only take the trouble
Just to S-M-I-L-E
FROM DFL IN OREGON: "This is the day the Lord has made, let's rejoice and be glad in it!" Your latest "Winning Words" about smiling reminded me of the words with which we began our contemporary service at 1st Luth in
Torrance, CA. It was one of three services and Wanda became very attached to it. When we came here
to Eugene we found the Luth Churches to be pretty tied to the ancient words of the regular liturgy which
makes it hard to smile at worship. However, the services are well done so we are trying hard to adjust!
Keep smiling!////FROM JACK: I remember Robert Schuller using these words when he began worship services at the Crystal Cathedral. He might find it hard to smile these days, but he might, if he believes the words of his book: "Tough Times Never Last. Tough People Do." Do you remember how the old Augustana Service began? "We poor, miserable sinners, conceived and born in sin etc."
FROM RJP IN FLORIDA: Funny, as I read this I am watching Dick Van Dyke. Funny, clean and just great family and work situation comedy. We need more of this today.////FROM JACK: So you think that Family Guy and The Simpsons don't measure up? The Dick Van Dyke Show is going to be replayed on Nick at Night, starting tonight (I think).
FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I love Dick Van Dyke! Just his name makes me smile with wonderful memories. I loved the Dick Van Dyke show, especially his prat falls!////FROM JACK: I liked his brother, Jerry, too. They had similar mannerisms.
FROM DP IN WISCONSIN: DVD is my all-time fav TV show. Go Brewers & Tigers!////FROM JACK: You watched Dick; I watched Mary. The Mary Tyler Moore Show was my favorite.