Monday, June 08, 2009

Winning Words 6/8/09
“My mother used to tell me to look each day for something I could do for another to make that person’s day a little easier. I’ve done it every day of my life.” (An elderly nursing home resident) She slowly and carefully pours coffee for visitors who come to the home. It’s her way of making them feel welcome. What is it that you and I can do to make this world a friendlier place? Let’s share some ideas. ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER G.S.: When I start the day on my knees, I get started right.

FROM L.G. IN MICHIGAN: I use eye contact and my smile, Jack. Some people are never really seen or smiled at. I think it's imperative to really see people--to give them the gift of your attention, even if only for a moment. It sounds kind of silly as I write it here. But I've been doing this for as long as I can remember, and people respond, some with surprise in their eyes! My daily prayer is to see with the eyes of Jesus...

FROM MARY ANN AND RAY IN MICHIGAN: Visit friends in care centers and others who have special needs. Some just need someone to talk to! Provide transportation to and from worship services for persons in need. Serve willingly when asked to help with special luncheons remembering people. Just a few of our thoughts

FROM C.L. IN MICHIGAN: How about greeting all we come in contact with a big smile and a pleasant have a good day. I am always amazed at the number of people who pass you by without a word, I won't let them do that and at least greet them with a good day.

FROM MOLINER LIZ: I take care of my best friend's mom, who has dementia, so she can stay in her home.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: A smile is catching and it's free.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: See "Hello" to someone you don't know--not only at Church Like someone has said: Go to a Church where they don't look like you...

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: What a wonderful way to begin the Winning Words week! What a wonderful way to live and what a wonderful blessing! Thank you for sharing! Go Red Wings!!!

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I am currently baking cookies for a new neighbor. I found out after I moved down here from T.C. that homemade cookies shared sometimes for "no reason" was very much appreciated. Boughten cookies won't do for this as it is the time invested that is signficant! I am not degrading "boughten" goods, it is just that I like to bake!

FROM PR P.H. IN MINNESOTA: how about one of us develop a much simpler tax code? last time i looked it was 1900 pages in length! JACK'S REPLY: I'LL BET YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THE TAX CODE. AND, SECONDLY, I'LL BET YOU HAVE SOMEONE DO YOUR TAXES FOR YOU.

FROM PR F.M. IN WISCONSIN: I have found that a telephone call to a person who is lonely, sick, mourning, tired, hurting, or facing change can be helpful to the person, but also rewarding to me. Today it was a call from a pastor who spoke of Phil Wahlberg's illness and hospitalization - I then called a widow whose husband was one of Phil's closest friends and she was so thankful for the call. Tonight I called Pete Erickson, one of
Herb Chilstrom's staff members who is fighting pancreatic cancer - it was diagnosed just six weeks ago but he is going down fast, according to his wife Enid. Today too I spoke to Harvey Peters, a very close friend of Arnie Tiemeyer, who died on Memorial Day and whose funeral was on last Friday evening . . . so Alexander Graham Bell's great idea serves me so well.

FROM D.S. IN MICHIGAN: I have noticed that simply smiling and saying hello to a stranger you pass or meet in the parking lot can start a positive habit of spreading smiles. Let’s spread smiles

FROM L.W. IN MICHIGAN: Every day we can do something for someone. Sometimes, it just might be a smile to lift someone’s spirits. What an awesome way to live our lives. Wouldn’t the world be wonderful if we all lived that way? I will be working on this every day. It’s terrific. Thanks for sharing that with everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The friendliest thing I appreciate is when another truly shares his/her story and when they listen to mine. Truthfully sharing both our joys and our vulnerabilities and our faith in God binds me together to others in the very friendliest way to fulfill human need.
S.H. in MI