Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Winning Words 6/30/09
“There are no coincidences, just God acting anonymously.” (AA mantra) I came across this sentence in a book I’m reading about a FDNY chaplain who lost his life in the 9/11 disaster. Mary has a journal labeled, Coincidences or Miracles. In it she records strange events that have happened and the date of each one. Are there times when you have sensed God acting anonymously in your life? ;-) Jack


FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: "God acting anonymously in [my] life"...that's a concept I can't quite justify. With all the things around me, and the kaleidoscope of changing events occurring in different settings, I always come around to the conclusion that it is all in God's hands. JACK'S REPLY: How does "free will" fit in? FROM R.I.: Well, let's say I come upon some berries out in nature, and I decide to eat them. That's free will. If I enjoy the berries and live, or if I get poisoned and die, that's in God's hands.

FROM L.G. IN MICHIGAN: Too many to even write in an email, Jack! I love how surprising and fun the Lord is with me! JACK'S REPLY: Yes, the Lord is sometime "fun--ny!"

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: Much of the time, in fact.


FROM M.T. IN PENNSYLVANIA: Oh yes. Many, many times....

FROM D.R. IN MICHIGAN: Thanks for sending the winning words. This one I have to comment on. For many years I have felt God is always working and we just need to be aware. My sisters church refers to these as "God Sightings" and actually has a part in the service every Sunday when they allow people to report any they have. I have done the same with my Sunday School class. Then this past week it was part of the VBS curriculum we used from Group. This gives us an opportunity to be aware that God isn't out there somewhere, he is with us right where we are all the time. JACK'S REPLY: Thanks for the great idea of sharing "God sightings." Maybe some of those who receive WWs could reports sightings, too. You are an angel (someone with a message from God).

FROM MOLINER C.F.: I think you need to add serendipity to the mix. A close relative of coincidence with more surprises. FROM JACK: There's a book by Danya Ruttenberg with the interesting title: "Surprised by God: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Religion."

FROM J.N. IN MICHIGAN: The term "Holy Spirit Stuff" was suggested by a pastor many years ago. It supersedes "luck" or "coincidence", perhaps because we like to believe God would grant us even tiny blessings when we can't count on Lady Luck. FROM JACK: Holy Spirit Stuff! I like it.

FROM CJL. IN OHIO: I'll have to think about that one. FROM JACK: That'll give you something to do today.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: yes like the time when we were making hay and Charley Walker froz.. A hugh snake was in the fork full of hay and it was headed for ole terra firma, going around Charlie's body en route. We all stopped and watched it head for downtown, luckily away from the horses. talk about shaking down your pants when we thought it was over, and I was just watching it going bye, bye. Thank the Good Lord. Amen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

During my almost 62 years of life so far, because certain questions I have had so far have indeed been answered through God's working in my relationships, I am coming more and more to feel that God is the One Who is behind my questions and He/they, solving the riddle of these questions, seem almost inevitably to turn out to be the reason for my existence.
S.H. in MI