Monday, June 22, 2009

Winning Words 6/22/09
“We will either find a way or make one.” (Hannibal, about 200 BC) Sometimes we’re faced with problems which seem to have no solution. Maybe we should reread the story of Hannibal and how he marched an army, including war elephants, across the Pyrenees and the Alps into northern Italy. He found a way to achieve the impossible. Don’t give up. ;-) Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Hannibal's story is quite incredible! Our problems seem insurmountable at times, but in the end, they are climbable, depending on our attitude! My grandson drew me a picture of Twittybird with her (his?) arms on her hips and it reads....Attitude is Everything!

FROM HILLTOPPER JOHN: He also overextended himself and got his butt kicked by Scipio who in turn was double crossed by Cato....Great world!!! JACK'S REPLY: Nobody's perfect!

FROM J.N. OF MICHIGAN: Sometimes I have difficulty finding a way because I keep bumping into an elephant! Just kidding, but I couldn't resist making this smart-aleck reply!

FROM I.D. IN MICHIGAN: I was thinking a lot about that. I think there is no such a definition as problem. People had created this word due to inability to face some changes. There is always going to be a way that can solve any "problem" It's just up to whether how we going to approach this. Beside a common opinion about some issue there is another, personal way (look) on it. Why? Cause God gives us challenges in order to teach us something,to make us stronger and always to be open for something new, whether It's nice surprises or tricky unpredictable exercises that we called problems. :)) P.S. Grammar as always. Ill see you soon.

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: Such good advice especially in these difficult times. BTW--I am sending you a CD that I have found so helpful in these trying times. I would love to get your opinion on it. The story behind it is that the song was written by a 17 year old boy, (who also is the pianist on the CD) from Toronto. It is sung by a 16 year old girl. These kids are part of the Philipino Baptist group from downriver.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: One of your best ones yet! MORE FROM C.F.: One of my other favorites is "Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way." Iococca adapted it for Chrysler.

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: .......good one.

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN: I am always amazed when I read about Hannibal and all the explorers and travelers in the past. Such endurance, persistence, vision, hope! Have you listened to some of the whiners and complainers at the airport lately?

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