Monday, June 15, 2009

Winning Words 6/15/09
“Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry, God doesn’t blink.” (Regina Britt in The Cleveland Plain Dealer) To celebrate her 90th birthday, Regina put down 45 lessons life has taught her. Someone sent them to me, and I’m going to use some of them this week as Winning Words. I recently read the book, Blink. It was recommended to me, and I recommend it to you. ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Blinking isn't bad, nor is change. The former is good for the eyes and the latter can lift the spirit.

FROM INDY GENIE: the thing I've learned about change is this: things change and then they change again and then they change again an unwelcomed change occurs, just hold on (or let go) ....just around the bend here comes another change that may be more to your liking! JACK'S REPLY: I like the hymn verse: Change and decay in all around I see, O thou who changest not, abide with me. FROM GENIE:
cool...never really listened to that verse.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I am eternally grateful to God who doesn't blink, sees all, and still bestows His grace and love!

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Sometimes a blink clears your vision.

FROM MOLINER A.E.: He wink's? JACK'S REPLY: Sometimes.

FROM GUSTIE M.N.: I have read them and they are great. And everything really can change in the blink of an eye—it did for me!

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: I think if a chickie reaches 90 someone will pay a bit more attention to what she sez and does. One of my sunday school teachers down here was in her 90's and I must say I listened when she spoke. I asked her "why aren't there more negroe ( colored) members of our church."? She said,"maybe they don't trust us". Doesn't make you sit up and pay attention? When ever I see her I always greet her, and she remem bers me. JACK'S REPLY: The longer I live, the more I realize that age doesn't necessarily equate to wisdom. I've learned good lessons from my children and my grandchildren...and my younger wife.

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