Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 10/27/21
“We can’t let people drive wedges between us, because there’s just one human race.”  (Dolores Huerta, Civil  Rights activist)  Recently I heard it suggested that the discovery of extra-terrestrial beings (ETs) would be a good thing, because it might cause our fractured society to come together on a subject different from the political and social ones that seem to be driving us apart.  I have a hard time believing that the strife among us is part of God’s plan…so I will continue to support people like Huerta, Thunberg, and others like them. They may not be perfect, but they’re trying to do something to remove the wedges between the human race.  Do you see ETs as the solution?  ;-)  Jack

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  what does greta thunberg have to do w/this? ===JACK:  I know that Greta isn't one of your favorites, but I put her in "pull your chain."  But, she is one who is trying bring people together for a common cause...saving the environment.  I see her as a younger you.===L:  you know how to pull my chain, kudos!  i am way smarter than she, and i am no one's puppet. was offered a "professional troll" job once, but declined. dad and i resigned a large hog confinement account 40 years ago bc we did not like the idea, the more we learned... but i thank you. 😉===JACK:  You don't scare me anymore..., ===LIZ: ah, so you admit i used to scare you? 😂  i do have all the answers: by admitting that i do not have all the answers. not many have the guts to say that. greta doesn't.  i suspect that the climate change "panic" is similar to the plandemic panic... heavy on the political, light on the science. such relatively miniscule variations in our planet are likely naturally occurring. we are entering a phase of solar "minimum."  people's ignorance is exploited every step of the way.T think that you believe that you have all of the answers. ===JACK:  At least your thinking is consistent...whether it's right, or not, is stillin the debate phase.

FROM DR JUDYL:  OK you finally got me to respond. (So many times I think I’m answering and decide … nah.)  I fear that seeing extraterrestrials as the solution by so many people will envision them as the enemy. Something to get rid of (like all the immigrants and “others“). Since I think there are positives that have to do with extra terrestrial’s, I would hate to see that this group would become the enemy. Since any ET’s who could come here would have to be highly intelligent, I am hoping and assuming that they are staying far far away. But I do like to believe that they do come around to help. 😃 ===JACK:  ETs, not as the enemy (that's a surmise), but as something totally "other" than what we are currently grousing about.  It's called, "distraction."  Sometimes distraction is useful in day to day relationships.===D:  Well if they’re not under attack and under that knife for scrutiny, I’m all for ET’s!!===JACK:  For example, look at our astronauts as ETs finding "new life" out there in space.  That would relegate politics and vaccines to the back pages.  That would certainly be exciting for "most' of the earthlings.===JL:  Good idea..

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Big smile.  Reading Ilia Delio’s Hours of the Universe and having a rough time thinking beyond the confines of my early childhood MO Synod education.  I recall the Methodist church for a while had a slogan, “Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors” and thought that philosophy was a good place to start.  If we’re not open to the thoughts and concerns of our neighbors, we‘ll not make much progress.===JACK:  The ELCA is about as open as a mainline church can be.  The Catholic Church runs the gamut, but, at least, the current pope exudes openness.  

FROM THE SCIENTIST:  I’m guessing ETs would just bring a new layer of things to debate. How do we receive them? Are they real or a devious plot? What level of fear is appropriate? … Of course we just watched MIB. There could be ETs among us now ;)===JACK:  Just because something is "unknown" does not necessarily mean that we have to be in fear if it.  ETs would mean that we change the subject from that which seems to be wedging us apart.  Bring on the ETs.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  factoid for today:  the human brain uses the same amount of power as a 10 watt light bulb.    well,  that does seem to explain a lot of what we see in the news these days! ===JACK:  We've seen today that the modern light bulb provides the same light, using less power.  I'm of the opinion that there's plenty of unused power stored in the brain.  To find it, use it and benefit from it, is the modern quest.  I have slogans pasted by my computer.  One says: "Get Tough.  Get off your duff." 





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