Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Jack’s Winning Words 9/19/17
“The worst thing about new books is that they keep you from reading old ones.”  (John Worsley)  I just finished reading a new book.  But, Worsley reminds me not to forget the old ones on my library shelves…like, Your God Is Too Small, written in 1957 by J.B. Philipps.  It begins, “The trouble with many people today is that they have not found a God big enough for modern needs.”  Hey!  That sounds interesting and up-to-date, and it’s only 140 pages.    ;-)  Jack

FROM RI IN BOSTON:  I remember years ago you recommended Your God Is Too Small  to me.  I bought it and have it here on my shelf, handy to look into every once in a while.  I've also recommended it to others.  And about "old books", on vacation this summer I read David McCullough's book about the Wright Brothers and their commitment to finding the means for man to fly.  It's been out for a while but was a good read.====JACK:  A "new" book that is similar is Rob Bell's, WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT GOD.  It's worth a read.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I try to read at least one classic each year.    Read Jane Eyre a couple of months ago.====JACK:  I still have my 2-volume set of The Dialogues of Plato.

FROM LK IN OHIO:  GM, Jack!  Indeed!  I carried Phillips with me during my college years. Lots of re-reading.====JACK:  Phillips' Translation of the New Testament into Modern English in a favorite of mine.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I just reread my C.S. Lewis books, which are still current, in my opinion, and  one of my favorite novelists' "The Shell Seekers" and "Coming Home" as I loved the stories, and had forgotten the details....But your WW guy is so right, There are a ton of good NEW books to delve into! As I  said earlier, As Long As We Don't Know When the Lights Will Go Out, Might As Well Read!====JACK:   Have you ever read by candlelight?  The invention of the electric light was real boon to reading, but, of course, not as important as the printing press.====OAKS:  I have, when the electricity has been out for extended periods, and by flashlight at camp, etc.I hope I can keep my eyesight into old, old, age! :-)Yes, aren't we the lucky ones to live in an era when books are inexpensive or can be borrowed at the library?!!

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i recall that "classic" too.   also,  Are You Running With Me, Jesus?    and Black Like Me.  and Lord of the Flies.  there were some great books that came out of that era (when we were in our prime:):):)====JACK:  How did you do with cuneiform when it came out?   ====PAUL:  Jack,  my writing is sooo bad,  that cuneiform would be a breeze to read!  my Dad said my writing was so bad he could hardly read my typing!

FROM KANSAN DON:  That reminds me.  Screwtape Letters should come off my shelf again.


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