Friday, April 06, 2012

Winning Words 4/6/12
“No gain without pain.” (Exercise Motto) I debated within myself as to whether to use this quote on Good Friday. But when it’s applied to the theology of the Cross, it seems to make sense. In the hymn, “O Sacred Head,” there’s this line: “Thy grief and bitter passion were all for sinner’s gain.” No pain. No gain. In this life, there are people who make sacrifices for those they love. I know some of them. Do you? ;-) Jack

FROM DEACON ROBERT: So appropriate! May the peace of the Lord be with you as we look to the cross on this Good Friday. Amen////FROM JACK: The bad becomes the good.

FROM MY LAWYER: Enjoy the weekend and all the symbols it represents. It's evident that you get the message! ////FROM JACK: I have learned to see meaning in the symbols of various religions. Ancora imparo!

FROM LK SOMEWHERE ON THE ATLANTIC OCEAN: I wish you a very GOOD FRIDAY (it IS that, a free gift, we may accept, yet need not make it so), and blessed EASTER. Glad you saw the TIGS win the opener. I watched on ESPN (on board the Holland America RYNDAM, somewhere 14,500 ft. above the ocean floor, between Bermuda and France. WW's remain a staple of our existence. Much appreciation!////FROM JACK: I know of some who have observed Good Friday by walking where Jesus walked, but I don't know of a friend, except you, who has observed it where Jesus walked...on the water.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I like the analogy to Easter. Sadly as far as exercise goes lately, I have subscribed to "No Pain…no pain…."////FROM JACK: Maybe you should read the book, "Good Debt. Bad Debt" and apply the premise to your exercise program.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: The words are perfect for today! It's so hard to believe Jesus died a horrible death on the cross just for us today. It is awful, wonderful and aweful! God's richest Good Great Friday. Thankfully, there is a wonderful awesome Resurrection Sunday right around the corner! God is good all the time! ////FROM JACK: The fact that Easter follows Good Friday is part of the reason why I try to practice optimistic thinking.

FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: Yes, I do, Jack! I know many... Most of those I know have never received any special recognition, no glory, no limelight for their efforts on behalf of others... To the outside world, their efforts seem effortless. But to those who know them, we know they sacrificed... May the sacrifice of our blessed Savior be all gain for you, Jack!////FROM JACK: The one who truly sacrifices does it for another, not for self. That's the beauty of it in a world that is too often...selfish.

FROM YOOPER FLICKA: I HAVE JUST BEEN IN A LENTEN STUDY......6 CLASSES......AND THIS REALLY FITS FOR ""TODAY""".////FROM JACK: Whether it's classes, Winning Words or clothing, it's great day when it "fits."

FROM BLAZING OAKS: There are many who give sacrificial service to friends and relatives, and are an inspiration for us to do more! Sitting in the Tenebrae Maundy Thursday service last night, made me think again, of those closest to Jesus who didn't realize that Easter was just around the corner. What horror, confusion and grief they must have experienced!! Even tho the Cubs lost (again!) in the ninth inning (again!) on opening day, we DO have the blessing of celebrating the Easter with its wonderful message. Everything in perspective... ////FROM JACK: Just as the Cubs' chance of winning the World Series again is a symbol of hope for their fans, more so is Easter the ultimate symbol of hope for eternal life.

FROM GUSTIE MARLYS: And I am playing clarinet with that very song--the choir is doing it--tonight at Tenabrae Services.////FROM JACK: Tenebrae has always been a meaningful service for me, and the hymn, O Sacred Head, seems to go with it.

FROM MW IN MICHIGAN: Our dear Aunt Claire Wilson died suddenly last Sunday, a month to the day her husband, Harold, died. Claire made so many sacrifices and would always say" this is the Lord's will". A more selfless and loving person we have never known. Have a blessed Easter.////FROM JACK: Our memory of certain people challenge us to live after their example. That's whay some people wear bracelets which read: W.W.J.D.?

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Thankfully, the gain was for us!////FROM JACK: His pain. Our gain.

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