Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 9/4/08
“Always do your best. God will do the rest.”
(Unknown) I sort of know what it means to do your best. But after that, how does God fit into the picture? That’s a rhetorical question. It’s something for all of us to ponder today. There are various answers for home, school, work and relationships. ;-) Jack
I’ll be off line until Monday. Have a good weekend…and be positive!

FROM F.M. IN WI: I do try to do my best - which usually takes more time - more time then what someone else believes should be spent on the endeavor!

FROM J.L. IN MI: Even our best is sometimes imperfect...that's where God comes in. He smooths the bumps, clears the way, and puts on the finishing touches!

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: I grew up thinking only the Swedes said to their children"Do the job right the first time, that way you will not have to go back and do it over." Then I heard my Italian friends say the same thing

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