Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 9/11/08
“We do a lot of churning here, but we don’t produce a lot of butter.”
(Phil Hardberger, the mayor of San Antonio) There are many places where this happens. Can you think of some of them? Sometimes there’s a lot of churning that goes on within us without much being accomplished. Let’s work today at producing more butter. ;-) Jack

FROM D.S. IN MI: I am all about butter

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: How about synodical meetings? Lots of churning and lots of time spent. What has been produced?

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Washington D.C. The biggest producer of lard in the world.

FROM J.L. IN MI: Committees in general churn and churn and churn and churn....... MORE: We made butter in Girl Scouts but it was by shaking a can with heavy cream. It was very good butter.

FROM P.O. IN MI: aka "thrashing about" --- I seem to do a lot of that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless,