Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 7/15/08
“I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is that they must change if they are to get better.”
(Georg Lichtenberg) Change is an operative word in politics these days, because it seems to resonate with the voters. Change is also a word that applies to individuals who are seeking to improve their life. Are there some positive changes that you would like to see happen in your life? ;-) Jack

FROM J.L. IN MI: I would like to have a candidate I believe would actually do some good for the country, I would like to lose some weight, exercise more, use my time wisely, do the things I say I am going to do, travel more and have more time to help others. That's just a partial list! :-) Today I am going to be content with what I have and who I am and enjoy the little things in life.

FROM MOLINER T.L.: Good quotation: I also like, "In order that there be progress there must be change, but not all change is progress."

FROM MOLINER G.S.: Yeah. McCain in the White House. Change in and of itself is counterproductive, especially now that we are still the strongest nation on the planet. Obama had what, 143 days in the Senate before he announced his running for the Presidency - what a fraud.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Change [in politics] is a marketing word these days empty of specifics, void of soul, and courting hope. My departed mom’s spirit just tapped me on the shoulder and said that’s enough honey. She always said don’t say anything if you can’t say anything good. I suppose it’s OK to lay out the definitions.

FROM EMTSINGS: Just thought that I would share something that I just heard and like a lot. Maybe I heard it from you, if so, please excuse me! "Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Yeah, and I wish we could change the "operative" word. Change is dangerous if you don't have a plan. And don't tell you have a plan but aren't going to tell me about it until you are elected. If you really care about this country, TELL ME NOW. MORE FROM C.F.: It's not surprising that "change" is the buzz word for politics this year. but then IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN. These clowns that preach change and don't give me any reasons to do it are what's turned a lot of people off on politics. Your responses are evidence that politicians have userped the word. When people chag\nge thier lives, they do it for a reason. And in hope to make it better.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Yes, yes, you nailed it, I must get busy and change, yes change,look out 4 my dust.


Anonymous said...

I would like to be able to hear more what people tell me, not be defensive against truth. And I hope the presidential candidate gets elected who also most genuinely hears what the people are telling him. That hearing will go a long way to helping change to come about in our country and the world.

Anonymous said...

Change is an inevitability. It is a consequence of temporality ... a state of existence in which all that was created lives within! To think that one can aviod it is paramount to believing one is actually God, overturning the original creation principles! Like so many here have said,"Change to what?" How is it so many remain asleep? When will there be accountability in the political realm ... or critical thinking in our own country?