Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/1/08
“You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
(A. Lincoln) Many statements (some true and some not true) are attributed to President Lincoln. I know that this one is true, because I was there in Springfield when he said, it. ;-) Jack

FROM M.N. IN MINNESOTA: April Fool to you too!!! Ha!

Wow, we should call the Guiness folks. I think you've got that old lady from India beat! ;-)

FROM S.G. IN MICHIGAN: Clever you are.

FROM YOOPER, B.L.: Yah sure yu betcha. And I vas dere ven your ma ma was born!

FROM JLF IN MICHIGAN: Funny April Fool's joke!!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Boy, you look SO good for your age! Lincoln is my favorite. He's belief in God was unbelievably strong, and he overcame so many of life's obstacles. Plus, he stood by his convictions against much opposition. He saw the greater picture and he had a wonderful way with words. I would have loved to see him like you did! :-)

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Well, I see it's April 1st.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Are you certain that you didn't hear it in Galesburg???

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: I remember seeing you there.

FROM A.J. IN MICHIGAN: Hi Jack, I always thought it came form the Ringling Brothers. Glad you were there to set me straight

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: I'm glad you were there to confirm this. I've always wondered whether I was a fool some of the time or all of the time. Thanks for the insight.

FROM LUCKY DUCK: Thanks for putting a smile on my face once again this morning. My mom used to say this to me as a small child - very fast! Always made me laugh myself silly. But Jack, honestly, don't think I am fooled ! You're not that old!! :-)

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: You've finally confessed your age...to the whole world. So that's why you're voting for McCain. He's but a child. Cheers.

FROM J.T. IN MINNESOTA: Gosh, that you were there is even more impressive than the statement.
I did enjoy the sayings of your mother in law. She must have been a great lady.
Thanks for the WWs. I look forward to them.


FROM D.P. IN MINNESOTA: The bloggers will get you today!

FROM G.G. IN INDY: you can't fool me...I know you were much too young to be out that late.


Anonymous said...

Good one, Pastor Freed

luckyduck said...

Thanks for putting a smile on my face once again this morning. My mom used to say this to me as a small child - very fast! Always made me laugh myself silly. But Jack, honestly, don't think I am fooled ! You're not that old!! :-)