Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 4/29/08
“You learn something every day if you pay attention.”
(Ray LeBlond) I hesitate to say that LeBlond’s words appear in a book: The Best Liberal Quotes Ever. But Plato, Abe Lincoln, Mark Twain and Dan Quayle are there, too. See, you what learn by reading Winning Words. Keep your eyes and ears (and mind) open to learn something new today. BTW, what does the word, liberal, mean to you? ;-) Jack

FROM JACK: It's unfortunate that in today's political debates between the Red and the Blue, the liberal and conservative, we have lost sight of where the word, liberal originated. It comes the the Latin, liber, which means free and not slave. Liberal stresses individual rights and freedom of thought. The Magna Carta was based on liberal thought. Many who first came to America did so because of their belief in liberalism. Liberty is a word that traces its meaning back to the Latin...fre and not slave.

FROM K.B. IN MICHIGAN: I am trying to pay more attention--sort of the old adage Talk less-listen more.

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: Calvin has been feeling better today. Not another episode like yesterday. Though every time I let him out I checked all around on the ground to see if there was anything odd in our yard. He should be due for a checkup at the veterinarian soon, we always get a card from Dr. Chang about this time, and we'll be describing the symptoms to her to see what she thinks. It's really hard to see an animal suffering. Hard to see a person suffering. One never seems to be able to get a callous against feeling. Your Winning Words today certainly brought out a flurry of thought-provoking responses and some chuckles as well. You have a neat idea in this Winning Words, plus also your thoughts cradling them. I think it all births community. It's interesting to watch it happen.

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: One may also learn something if NOT paying attention, often to one's detriment. I think "liberal" means generous, which can include the willingness to explore and tolerate points of view that go beyond our own personal preferences.

FROM PR B.G. IN MICHIGAN: Open-minded; willing to admit that I don’t know it all and need to be open to new discoveries.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Liberal is a way of looking at things and a life-style and is the opposite of conservative.....somewhat. They have actually switched meanings, as has the Red State and Blue State. People have to be very careful not to pigeon hole too quickly. The hatred in politics is frightening. Hopefully, we can move past that and get to the issues together. I like the quote. As my grandma used to say, "If you aren't learning you aren't living!"

FROM D.C. IN KANSAS: My preference is to be described as "open" or "closed." One can be conservative or liberal, but being "closed" is not my liking.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: I learned somewhere along the line to be very careful when listening to liberals!!!

FROM FISH PIANO IN MICHIGAN: I, too, have a very messy desk and the top of my piano is the same.Hopefully, both of us will find some surprises.When Dave was alive he used to say my filing system was by geological strata!!!!!!!!

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Yeah, and I found a dental bill that was six months old.

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: I'm Felix, my dauhter is Oscar --- unfortunately for me it's her house

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: My mother once said to me,"keep your mouth shut or you will let people know how dumbyou are", so I need to think about your question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing seems to be that liberal does not mean conservative and conservative seems to be maintaining the status quo. I guess a person could realize that she/he has not really understood what they were trying to conservatively do and the learning how to do it better and the changing might have made that person a liberal.