Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 1/9/08
“Among the attributes of God, although they are all equal, mercy shines with even more brilliance than justice.”
(Cervantes) In the Last Judgment, I think that we all are looking for mercy. Let justice be for the other guy. Even in this world, it’s the same thing. Grace is a great word. ;-) Jack

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: As even Obama will experience, if not actually learn, one day...death is the great equalizer. Justice is mine, saith the LORD......

FROM REV. J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Mercy without justice ceases to be merciful. That's what Bonhoeffer was talking about when he dealt with "cheap grace." No "chea[ grace" is mentioned in the New Testament.

MORE FROM REV J.S.: You are a sinner because there is justice. If there were no justice, you would not be a sinner. You need mercy as do we all because there is justice. You plead for it. So do I. I know that God's justice condemns me if I am held to my own record. People who talk only about grace and mercy have no idea what those things mean. You can't desire mercy if you are not a sinner. You are not a sinner if there is no justice. And theology is important if we are to carry out the commands of our Lord. How can we preach a gospel of grace if there is no need for grace?

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Mercy and Grace are two of His greatest gifts....they have to be made with Love. Lately, all we hear in our synod is justice. That's well and good, but we wouldn't need justice if we used mercy and grace and love. I love your idea....Let justice be for the other guy. How true! I wish you grace for your day.

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: Those WW's words make me think that I am to be more merciFUL and let judgment be for the other guy. Grace is a winning word!

FROM T.S. IN MICHIGAN: Although I don't respond to your daily "Winning Words", this one was especially meaningful. I like that thought of "God's Justice is for that other person".

FROM A JUDGE IN MICHIGAN: Many times justice calls for mercy.

FROM N AND D IN THE U.P.: GRACE is the word that my mother started every letter she wrote - plus PEACE.
I have kept some of her letters and it would be in Swedish - Nad och Frid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Injustices can somehow be lived out to be eventually transformed when a person is aware of God's mercy continuing to act on the whole situation.