Friday, April 27, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 4/27/07
“You can fool too many people too much of the time.”
(James Thurber) Keep this in mind as you hear all of the stuff coming out of Washington and on the campaign trail…and as you listen to commercials, too. Along the way, did someone take the time to teach you discernment? ;-) Jack

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: ......but, of course, you can't fool ALL the people ALL of the time.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: I am able to discern that enough can be fooled enough of the time, for many to make a robust living. Denis Miller opined that global warming fundamentalists are practicing a perverse style of Munchausen’s by Proxy—they want to make the earth sick (in the media) so they can be seen as heroes for curing a natural cycle of nature. Of course those heroes’s are seeking an $85 billion a year tax for the United Nations. I don’t know if I will write about in a serious way but I poke a bit of fun at the Munchausen’s by Proxy crowd at

FROM DEBATER JOHN IN MICHIGAN: Prof Holcomb....That is what debate is all about...seeing both sides of the question. There are precious few in the church that have any ability to do this. Our church is always off balance. It is like a seesaw that never goes up and down but always sits with all the weight on one end. Witness the resolution on Palestine. Those people see the atrocities of the Israelis but are incapable of seeing the atrocities that have occurred to Christians in Islamic lands. That's not much discernment in my mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor Rothgery tried to lead us in a Bible study on theology and does the Bible say there can be a just war. or something like that? I think if I could discern that, I could better discern between all the campaign promises. It was very good to have a Bible study like that and discussion Christian theologically about war. Think corporately, vote individually.