Monday, December 11, 2006

Life is shaped by the people you meet every day.”
(Ikkaku, Hosaka & Kawabata) This quote is from three persons I never met or heard of. Be on the lookout for persons of influence who will come into your life unexpectedly. If you get a chance, let me know who they might be, and how they have impacted you. ;-) Jack

G.S. WRITES: This is one of the things I work hard to guard against - wrong influences from wrong people.


Anonymous said...

Well, the fact is Jack, you have influenced my life. Your curiosity to know more about everything, your generosity to share what you find, and your optimistic spirit, have all lifted me up and sent me on a more positive course in my life.

Anonymous said...

Well, the fact is, Pastor Freed, you have influenced my life. You have decided to reach out to many, many people, to make good use of a very, very modern technology (we of the Hall family are trying to get Jerry's Mom on the internet and that is kind of a hard thing to do) you, on the other hand, embrace everything and everyone, including their words, adventurously that you see can be constructive and related to well. You are a very young geezer.