Jack’s Winning Words 10/29/21
“Where there is no imagination, there is no horror.” (Arthur Conan Doyle) I remember being scared while reading Doyle’s “Hound of the Baskervilles.” …and I’ve never been able to complete watching the movie, “Silence of the Lambs.” …too scary for me. The Halloween, the popular “frightening costumes are Frankenstein Monster, the Devil and the Evil Clown. When I went trick or treating in the “old days”, we wore masks called, “funny faces.” We’d never heard of Zombies (today’s scariest mask). Most people don’t know the “religious” meaning of Halloween…but there is one, but I’ll leave that to your imagination. BOO! ;-) JackCommentary on quotations from a variety of folks. Some famous....and some not. To receive Jack's Winning Words via email, copy the link at the end of this message, paste it into your web browser address, and complete the sign-up form. http://eepurl.com/gicpvf
Friday, October 29, 2021
Thursday, October 28, 2021
ack’s Winning Words 10/28/21
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” (Emma Lazarus) My grandparents immigrated to America, passing by the Statue of Liberty. Part of the beauty of that landmark are the words of Emma Lazarus. Times change; situations are different…but I’m haunted by those words that greeted so many immigrants seeking a new way of life. To me, “Lady Liberty” (dedicated on this date in 1886) is a statement of American values. My favorite college course was titled, ” American Ideals.” I’m proud to call myself an “idealist” in a land that seems to be leaning toward realism. ;-) JackWednesday, October 27, 2021
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
ack’s Winning Words 10/26/21
“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) This Psalm has brought comfort to many people living stressful lives. Something different is being tried in a town near where I live. It’s called, the Rage Room where, for $20 you can spend 45 minutes (using crowbars, hammers, golf clubs, ball bats) to destroy anything: dishes, mirrors, pictures of past lovers, computer monitors, whatever causes anxiety or stress. The Rage Room is used for fun, too: birthdays, date night, etc. I don’t personally need the Rage Room because, a simple talk with God, does just fine…and it’s free. ;-) JackAnd then a little light from heaven fill my soul
He bathed my heart in love and He wrote my name above
And just a little talk with Jesus makes me whole
Let us tell Him all about our troubles
He will hear our faintest cry
And He will answer by and by
And you will know a little fire is burnin'
Find a little talk with Jesus makes it right
My eyes be filled with tears
But Jesus is a friend who watches day and night
I go to him in prayer
He knows my every care
And just a little talk with Jesus makes it right
Let us tell Him all about our troubles
He will hear our faintest cry
And He will answer by and by
And you will know a little fire is burnin'
You will find a little talk with Jesus makes it right
Let us tell Him all about our troubles
He will hear our faintest cry
And He will answer by and by
And you will know a little fire is burnin'
You will find a little talk with Jesus makes it right
Monday, October 25, 2021
Friday, October 22, 2021
Jack’s Winning Words 10/22/21
“You don’t have to park your brain with your car when you come to church.” (Rev O V Anderson) A nuclear physicist used to wait in his car while his children went to Sunday School. One Sunday the pastor went out and introduced himself, saying to the scientist that he was welcome to come to church and to bring his brain with him. It’s often been discussed as to whether “church” is an emotional experience or a thought-provoking one? For me, it’s a bit of both. I like to have the sermon stretch my mind. I also want to feel that my spirit and the Spirit of God have had a meeting. What do you think? ;-) Jack.😂
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Jack’s Winning Words 10/21/21
“Be selective in your battles, for sometimes peace is better than being right.” (sent by Kathy Marsceau) One of my friends went to a military academy where he learned (among other things) that winning a war depends on picking your battles. Successful relationships, including marriage, don’t occur if one person always has to be right. It’s a wise person who knows when to “speak up” and when to “shut up.” “Let there be peace on Earth” comes about from listening, as well as speaking…followed by the appropriate action. Have you seen that to be true? ;-) JackFROM DR J: In our yoga class, we do a “Mudra” or finger movement. We bring our thumb and first finger together and say “peace”, thumb to second finger “begins”, thumb to third finger, “with”, thumb to pinky “me”…I like it… I repeat it throughout the day when I come across something I want to “battle” Sometimes I debate others… but sometimes it’s just better to be at peace. I’m learning that it’s okay to have both in your life. And peace can mean to "be still” and engaged… Peace begins with me. Enjoy the day!===JACK: I like the song, Let There Be In The world...especially the line...And let it begin with me.
FROMSR IN SJ: Oh, yes, I have , Jack! And the first word of the Rule of Benedict is "LISTEN"!===JACK: If Benedict said it, it's been an age-old problem, even among "the religious."
FROM FACEBOOK LIZ: you and i both know when it's time to "shut up" when we discuss... we don't always do it, tho. 😂===JACK: We've been writing back and forth for enough time that we know one another's views and respect them without trying to change them. I think that each of us are what we were.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Jack’s Winning Words 10/20/21
“Stop the world! I want to get off.” (Graffito) A frustrated person wrote to me recently, saying: “I want the world to stop, so I can get off.” A 1961 musical had those words as its title. In that show, every time something bad happens to Littlechap (the star), he yells out, “Stop the world. I want to get off.” Isn’t it true? When bad things happen around us, or to us, we’d like a way of escape. My friend sees things going on around her that make her uncontrollable. Perhaps it’s that way for you, too. I know of a church that painted on the wall behind its altar, for all to see…”Cast all your cares on the Lord, for He cares about you.” That’s good advice for those days when things seem to be spinning out of control. ;-) JackTuesday, October 19, 2021
Jack’s Winning Words 10/19/21
“We have met the enemy, and he is us.” (Pogo) After winning a battle with the British
Royal Navy in the War of 1812, Commodore Oliver Perry reported: “We have met
the enemy, and they are ours.” Cartoonist Walt Kelly changed the last
three words, making commentary on the strife going on in America in the
1960’s…Americans fighting Americans. Could it be that something similar
is happening in America today? There’s an old saying: “We are our own
worst enemy.” I’m not going to win a prize for coming up with an idea for
peace…but trying to walk in someone else’s shoes for a while might help.
I wear 13’s; what size are yours? ;-) Jack
FROM HOMELESS: my dad loved that pogo saying.===JACK: There's a book, "The Gospel According to Peanuts" which compares some of the Charlie Brown sayings to messages from the Bible.
FROM WILLMAR REV: You and I are measuring about the same; however, my right foot is somewhat smaller than my left. 0;-))===JACK: Does that mean that your right foot has a smaller size shoe than your left foot?=== REV: 13” both, with somewhat of a smaller feel on the right…tighter shoestring pull only. I was trying to use a little humor in my answer, looking at your and my “political persuasions”… “left” and “right” 0;-))===JACK: The right seems more stinky than the left...at least to my nose.
FROM HONEST JOHN: I think it more resembles the 70s…..lots of bitterness….remember even the strife in the church. The extreme left took over and rubbed the noses of their foes in it….behind later splits and bitterness. Bad mistake and they still don’t comprehend that. I have been a Centrist most of my life….hard to do in times of bitter strife….cf. the center during the American Revolution…..Patriots were pretty nasty folks. Loyalists fled. Centrists were the enemy of an empowered and mean spirited left.===JACK: I understand that many of the loyalists (after the Revolution) went to live in Nova Scotia. Just this week I heard someone say that they were considering residency in Canada. I see the Church's task as being a unifying force...even as simplistic as WWJD?
FROM MD IN BSFL: What's your take on the Camel filming campaign ads to be shown in over 300 mostly black churches? As a pastor would you have allowed.. supported political activity in your church?===JACK: I'm not aware of the Camel filming. In my experience, people "vote" on the message of the Church with their feet. I always tried to get the message across to people living in today's world. It's an old saying: "The job of the pastor is to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable." Preaching the Gospel isn't just retelling Bible stories from the pulpit.===MD: US Vice President Kamala is speaking on film encouraging parishioners in mostly black Virginia churches to vote for the democratic candidate for governor. The film is purported to be shown in over 300 churches. Are you OK with that? ===jack: It's a free country. I control what I control
FROM BLAZING OAKS: I think we surprised a lot of our friends, both marrying ministers! I read a humorous twist to that saying of walking in someone's shoes: "Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile is his shoes: By that time you've got his shoes, and you're a mile away, so you can say anything you want about him!" My shoes are 10 or 11's. Big for women!===JACK: BIG just mean - harder to fill. ...and it certainly rings true for you. You have accomplished so much in the lifespan that has been yours.
FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL: i wear a 13 1/2 and sometimes a 14. but it is all related to a person's height. if we had small feet, we would be tipping over or falling over quite often. seriously! ===JACK: As intern pastor that I knew was a real stickler for shined shoes. One of the first thing a seminarian learned to do as he started his intern year was to actually learn how to shine shoes. The pastor and the intern never called members by their first names. It was always: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr. It was a very successful church. Whenever I attended meetings with that pastor I noticed that he would always be doing a crossword puzzle...very neatly.
FROM SR IN SJ: I'm afraid both quotes are eminently true, Jack! We need to admit that Truth and do something about loving ourselves in one another! Maybe bigger hearts and minds, plus shoes, could help. . . . I wear size 10===JACK: Most of us don't have any concept of what it is to walk in the shoes (sandals or bare feet) of the truly needy.
Monday, October 18, 2021
Jack’s Winning Words 10/18/21
“Jesus loves me; this I know.” (Karl Barth) Perhaps some of you remember “Jesus loves me” as a song that you learned as a child. Famous theologian Karl Barth was asked to summarize his faith in a single sentence and, surprisingly, he quoted the “Jesus loves me” song. There’s a second verse: “Little ones to Him belong.” I thought of that as I baptized my great-grandchild yesterday. The faith that was given to me as a child has been passed on to little Kya.. FAITH…what a wonderful gift! Who (or what) has caused you to have the spiritual belief that you have today? ;-) Jack
Friday, October 15, 2021
Jack’s Winning Words 10/15/21
“Inconsistencies of opinion, rising from changes of
circumstances, are often justifiable.” (Daniel Webster) I’ve heard it said that people who
never change their opinions are either not using their brain or in a
cemetery. Even my “religious” opinions have evolved. With new
information comes a new way of looking at things. Critics today might accuse
my seminary profs of teaching “biblical CRT.” My brain seems to grow when
it’s challenged by new ideas. Does your brain work in the same way?
I think that we were made to use discernment. ;-) Jack
FROM FACEBOOK LIZ: what's biblical CRT?===JACK: You're the expert on CRT.===LIZ: i think it perpetuates/creates stereotypes.===JACK: That's what the argument is about. I happen to think that it enhances education. The more we learn about a particular subject, the better off we will be. That's why discernment is part of being educated. And, study of the Bible (or any religious book), the more we know about how things were and how religious writings came to be, the better educated we are.
FROM SR IN SJ:: What is "biblical CRT?" Make my brain work and discern, dear Jack!!!🤣🤣===JACK: To my way of thinking, it's similar to Critical Race Theory - teaching more of the story than we usually hear. What we learn from "reading the Bible" needs to be explained theologically. Many people don't like it when their childlike fantasies and explained in a different way. Even today's thoughts are subject to change in the future...or, at least, in need of more thought.
FROM THE SHARK: Thank you for the reminder my friend.===JACK: What kinds of helps do you use to keep myou from forgetting? A string around the finger? A beep on your I-Phone?===S: I write small notes and insert them in my pocket or w my money ===JACK: Whatever works!
FROM CR: Yes! I tire of hearing some people disparage Dr Fauchi because he “lied” i.e. revised advice given new understandings. ===JACK: We live in a time when people believe "anything" social media says.
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Jack’s Winning Word 10/14/21
“Whenever something happens that causes you distress,
remember to rely on this principle – This is not bad luck, but bearing it
valiantly is good luck.” (Marcus
Aurelius) Like Marcus Aurelius, I’m sometimes referred to as a “stoic,”
one who sees lessons in difficult situations. The optimist looks for the
bright side in everything. I like George Carlin’s humor (some of
it). He was expelled from high school and never graduated. After
George became famous, he was invited back to the school to host a fundraiser
for the priest who kicked him out of school. Now, I see that as stoic
humor. Have you been able to “see” some good in bad luck? ;-)
FROM WILLMAR REV: When one looks hard enough, there's most generally "a pony" found in a pile of "horse manure!?!?" 0;-) ===JACK: I know of a pastor who found a huge pile of manure on his kitchen table. What do you suppose the church council was trying to tell him?===REV: Not sure, but I’ll bet he did find a sermon or two in that pile for an inspired rebuttal. 0;-))===JACK: It was a way for the farm folk to give a pastoral evaluation...and subsequently, it proved to be true (IMO) ===REV: I will never forget calling a pastoral friend of mine over in Ohio asking for a Sunday evening service for raising support for our ministry there in West Bloomfield. His response was he would love to, but his church board was running him out of town, and he was running as fast as he good making it look like he was leading the parade!!===JACK: I hope the people in the parade weren't carrying pitchfork, tar and feathers.
FROM FACEBOOK LIZ: george did ok for a dropout!===JACK: Was he a success as a comedian because he was clever, or because of his "edgy" material? Perhaps it was both. Dropping out is not always bad...but sometimes it is the wrong thing to do..===LIZ: his edgy material was clever.===JACK: Enough people thought so to make him a "star."
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Often in retrospect! Bill's broken knee cap in the Bear's first game he played in, eventually freed him to be called into seminary and the ministry, through Willis Reed's urging, his pastor in Canton, when he returned home. When we finally entered seminary, we were married with two little boys, but everything opened up beautifully, and I think he ended up in a profession he excelled in! :-)===JACK: ...but it would have been fun to say that "I played a season for the Bears, but gave it up to play for God for a lifetime.
FROM SR IN SJ: YOU are incredible, Jack! Yes, I have been able to find good in the not-so-good happening. Sometimes, it takes an hour or so to write out the situation in my journal!🙃🙂===JACK: I question the "incredible" part, but there is good to be found in the bad when we look hard enough. "God is good!" is more than a slogan.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Jack’s Winning Words 10/13/21
“There’s always been a rainbow hangin’ over your
head.” (Kaycee
Musgroves) I once saw someone with rainbow=colored hair. Not for
me! But, singer Kaycee asks me to imagine a rainbow hangin’ over my head,
especially when the days are dark and dreary. She says, in
her song, that “rainy times” are often followed by bright skies.
“Everything’s gonna be alright!” That was first promised by God
to Noah in the biblical story of the great flood. So…if life’s storms are
getting you down, remember…the rainbow wasn’t only a sign for Noah and
Kaycee. It was meant for you and me, too. ;-) Jack
FROM DR J: https://youtu.be/HNBCVM4KbUM This reminds me of your message today. I love this song because it reminds me to trust God and know that it’s going to be all right!===JACK: I 'm reminded of the time when Jesus and some disciples were on the Sea of Galilee during a storm. The disciples wer frightened, but Jes us said, "It's going to be all right!" or, something like that. He says that to you and me during life's storms, too.
FROM IKE AT THE MIC: I just thought I'd share with you that I was born in such a poor neighborhood that the rainbows were just in black & white.===JACK: You were poor? We were so poor we painted our feet black to look like shoes.
FROM RS IN TEXAS: ...and as the lyrics start out in Over the Rainbow........ When all the world is a hopeless jumble And the raindrops tumble all around Heaven opens a magic lane When all the clouds darken up the skyway There's a rainbow highway to be found ===JACK: Did you know that "Over the Rainbow" was written by two Jewish composers who foresaw the forming of the nation of Israel as what was waiting "over the rainbow"...or, so it's said. ===RS: Sure did not know that. I guess we all have our vision of what's over the rainbow....and it's probably not a pot of gold.===JACK: More valuable than a pot-o-gold is the beautiful rainbow, itself.
FROM GUSTIE: Once did a musical called “RAINBOW EXPRESS”. One of my most ambitious undertakings but it was a huge success.===JACK: The rainbow is a sign of success. There's a rainbow over your head recognizing the success you have accomplished by using your musical talent. You're entitled to smile as you think back and remember.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: As the saying goes, "There is always SOMETHING to be thankful for!" My friend (92) sometimes says, "I'm not doing very well today, but Tomorrow's going to be better!" And it usually is... Thank goodness for rainbows hangin' over our heads! I don't know that song! But have sung Over The Rainbow many, many, times, and taught it to my granddaughter to sing for contest one year. Good words!===JACK: The Wizard of Oz is one of my favorite movies...especially because of the song...and the meaning behind the words. Re aging: "I'm in .pretty good shape for the shape I'm in."===OAKS: I really don't mind getting older, but my body is taking it badly! :-) (Not as badly as some; I AM blessed!)===JACK: You seem to have more lives than a cat.
FROM PROUD MARY: Rainbow is my favorite color. I love that song. It reminds me of our son Thom. He’s always had a rainbow hanging over his head. And maybe an angel or sprite. Sometimes it can be seen. He’s a special gift to this world. Others agree.✌🏼❤️😇===JACK: Rainbows sometimes are just taken for granted. But someone had to come up with the idea of a rainbow. I happen to believe in a Creator.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Jack’s Winning Words 10/12/21
“Every day is a renewal, every morning the daily miracle.
This joy you feel is life.”
(Gertrude Stein) I like Michigan’s state motto: “If you seek a
pleasant peninsula, look around you.” 10,001 lakes, sand dunes, the
U.P., wildlife, forests. Mackinac Island, Detroit, diversity, etc. Look
around you…You’re probably living in a pleasant place, too. Do you
remember the first pictures of Earth taken from outer-space?..absolutely
beautiful. We have so much to be thankful for. Every day is a
miracle. How about pausing NOW to thank God for this gift of life?
;-) Jack
FROM SHALOM JAN: My Gratitude Journal has ten things for which I'm grateful scribbled in it each evening before bedtime. There are lots of "little things" in there that would be miraculous for a lot of the world's population! ===JACK: Hot water from a faucet...a miracle. Flipping a switch and there is light...a miracle. Coffee from a Keurig...a miracle. So much taken for granted.
FROM NORM'S BLOG: Waking up in the morning should not be taken for granted. Not being indifferent about each day will do things – force you to make the most of today and allow you to be thankful for seeing the morning. ".
It is a shame that so many people come to that realization so late in life. Perhaps it is the fact that the daily lives of older people tend to slow down, and they have time to think about life. Time and life itself take on increased value as one finally perceives that both are limited. The young think that there will always be a tomorrow and more time to get things done. As one gets older the certainty of that fades and the importance of enjoying what time one has left increases. The youthful sense of entitlement to another day also fades with age and be replaced with a sense of thankfulness to see another morning. The physical consequences of aging often limit mobility which serves to force one to focus upon what is right around them. Sometimes when one is not so busy “doing”, they have the time to appreciate what they are seeing all around them. It is then that they make begin to see the beauty that they have been overlooking or notice the wonder of some of God’s creation that is right at hand.===JACK: The Day of Thanksgiving should be more than a once a year happening.
FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL: Amen to that, Jack! we were in the UP last week and the colors, tho muted somewhat, were still rather gorgeous. not so much red but lots of yellow, orange, pinkish, and of course still some green too. Michigan is a beautiful state. for the record, MN has about 11,000 lakes tho some are quite small too:):):) ===JACK: It's too bad that you'll be missing the beautiful snowfalls as you "winter" in RED hot -zona. ===SP: Jack, on many days i forward your WWs to about a half dozen family and/or friends.===JACK: I see my daily WWs to be something like the Parable of the Sower and the Seed.
FROM SR IN SJ: YES! YES! Thank you, Creator God! and for the reminder, thoughtful Jack!===JACK: i learned this little song when I was a teen-ager... "Whisper a prayer in the morning; whisper a prayer at noon; whisper a prayer in the evening...'twill keep your heart in tune. God answers prayer in the morning; God answers prayer at noon; God answers prayer in the evening...He'll keep your heart in tune." I'll sing it for you sometime.